Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Apr 1995, p. 6

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The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby-residents for Whitby residents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIAN ONTARIO COMMUNITY "* COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is dlstributedfree ta 99% af the homes in. ,Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtie as weII as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GST a Outside Canada $80 + GST Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brook St. N, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20%/ E recycled oontent using vegetabîe based inks. cAil written material, illustrations and advertisinig contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission ai the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation o f Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distnibution should bear a credit mie ta the Whitby Fr ee Press. Support consistent To the edir:- Thanks ta Joé Butson (loUter, 'Just Rhetaric,' Free Pross, April 5) for questianing the timing ai my public support for Whitby Gênerai Hasptl and the Mike Harris Common Sens. Revolution plan. I must agree with Joe that early and public support is an, important facor for vators ta cansider in assossing' the credibility ai the candidates on this crucial issue for Whitby. But where have you been, Jas? The public record ai my support for Whitby General Hospital begins in 1990 (se., for exemple, Whitby Free Prose issues ai July 18 and September -5. 1990). My support hes boon consistent. I guess Joe Butson was nat among the 500 Whit by residents who heard me publicly (and on cable televisian) demnand change in the draft acuto care study report et the public meet ing at St. Matthew the Evangolist School an June 13, 1994. The Cammon Sense Revolution specifies heafth care as the numbor one priarity. We will nat cut heath care spending. W. will be aggressive about rooting out waste, abuse, heath card fraud, mismanagemont and duplication. Those savings will b. reinvested in the health care system. Our plan wiIl cut nan-priarity spending. Heath care spending s nat aftected. This written plan and commitment have been available since May 1994. Tho Whitby Free Proe si avaleblo on microfiche et the Whftby Public Library. Everyone, including Jae, cen order a copy ai the Comman Sens. Revoution by calling 1-800-903-MIKE. Jlm Flaherty PC candIdate Durham Centre Wake up, Whitby Tro the editor: On March 7, I ettended a budget meeting during which I braught ta, the attention ai thé budget committee that thé Town ai Whitby does not have an inventary systom. 1 have recoived irom tho Town Clerk a natorized statutary déclaration thct the Tawn did not maintain a compréhensive invontary listing ai oquipment owned or rentod by the Town or any location inventary listings ai equipment awned or rented by thé Town. Only the fire department has an. invontary' listing ai equipmént, etc. Councillor Fox had tho audacity ta state that staff had more ta do than caunt équipment. Perheps Cauncillor Fox should be mare interested in our oqupmnt as ho was supposedly electto alook çfter thé Intersts of taxpayers. This Is also thé responsIbiIity ai the Town administrator who should b. sevorely chestised for the shoddy and sîipshad non-existent mannor by which aur praperty is recorded. Are we not in tho age ai the computer? If councillars and staff do not like criticism, thon they should dlean up their act and do thoir job. Should a building b. burglerized, how wauld ane know what is missing? Would we have ta roly on thé word ai supervisors as ta what was missing? Rt would seem that council and senior staff omployees would b. welI advised ta diligently keep records and create e datebaeo guarantos texpayers thet thoir investménts are b.ing pratected. Furthor, ail councillors should know thet any corporation must retein an inventary that can b. readily accessod. W.A. Loveslock WhltIby so the etr. Town commemorats V-E Day To the editor: A letter has appeared in one ai the local newspapers (Free Pross, April 5) complaining that the Town ai Whitby has iailed ta provide adequate commemaration ai the efforts ai those who servod during World War Il in the armed farces. and an the home i ront in thé cause ai iroedam. The writer ai tho letter is yaung enaugh not, ta have been involved in those perilaus timfes, and I commend that individual for his conce(n that the efforts ai those individuals wha did take part are suitably commemorated. Apparontly, the writer ai the latter tried ta roach my off ice and was unsuccessiul. I wish ho had contacted mne directly and I would have conveyod the fallawîng. On April 14, 1994, I met with the preside nts ai the twa Legian banches in Whitby ta tell them aif the ioderaI gavernment's desire ta commomorate the 5Oth anniversery ai V-E Day, May 8, 1995. At theat meeting, it was egreed thet the main celobretion ai that event shauld bo hendiod by thie two Legian branches in concert., h was tot that nothing eîse should avWrshadaw the efforts of thase most suitabl equipped to exorcise this commemarative activity. As aresuit, it was agreed thea church service and a praeta the cenotaph shauld tako place an Sunday, May 7j in order ta allaw the greatest involvement of the greatest number ai aour citizens who would b. free irom work ta attend such a celebration if they wished. It was aîsa, decmded on that occasion that there should b. some additional activity such. as an open. house in the Legion branches. The involvement ai the- Town af Whitby in arganizing the police supervision' for safety purpases was agreed upon. In addition, th e Logions undertook ta organize some additional sociai activities an the evening of May 7. In addition ta this, as mayor ai Whitby, I approachod my council and received their support for the provision of a commemorative plaque, which would be situated in a prominent place in aur community. Rt was finally agreed by the More protection needed To the oditor: I , am aptimistic aftor thé iniormed and genuine considérations wero braught forth et thé maiathon Central Lake Ontario Conservation Autharity meeting Maich 28 rogarding the. Lyndo Shores praporty. Thére aie somé additional points toathis issue, which I méntionéd in my latter ta Rose Co ar.lst feUl regarding turtle habiat. Thé land was prepaed for lendscaping by ratotiller, and wood chips wére being dumped by trucks during nesting soasan. Will this scénario b. repéated this year? .Is a permit requirod by CLOCA ta do this work? At the meeting a board member asked ropreséntatives ai Rose Carp. haw they were gaing ta pratect thé marsh. They enswered with: monitoring cammittéé, oduca- tionel program and additional plantings. Without specific guidelinos, the monitoring cammitteé is uséléss. Ther has arady been aloss of wétland iunction. Thé quality aio thé wetland must be recognized befaré if is degraded eny mare by devélapment. Educational prag rarns pro- moting protection of aui naturel and cultural heritage coniliot with Rose Carporatian's true intent. t is iranic ta namo a develapment aitor the class 1 wetland Rt wiIl displace. At 01-ome with Naturer indeed. .What kind ai exemple is this for thé children who would occupy homes in this area? Wouldn't tho whalà aiea b. an educationai systomn in itself if the psychiatric hospital buildings wero ta b. used spocifically for studonts ai archasalogical. ecalagicai -and native studies programs thraugh Trent University and Durhamn Calloge? Rose Corp. hes made an effort ta, pmotect the marsh with their uni riendly plants, nat realizing just how uni riendly ta turtles they have beon. Due ta weather conditions, mast ai thé plentings seemn not ta have survived. WilI additional plants really pratoct the marsh from pets and childron? Glen Ras showed Ontario Municipal Board members slides ai the Pump Haouse Marsh in Oshawa whore the long-term off ects ai encroachment on sensitive areas is evident as trees are cut down and other flora trampled. Will Lynde Shores look any différent from the Pump Flouse Marsh in 10 yoers? Margaret Combaot Whftby Whtby library board that the- plaque wauld be placed ln a praminent. location, at the downtown branch af Whitby Public Library because 40 per cent ai aur citizens utitize that iacility. The purpose of lacating the plaque there is ta ensure that the groatest numfber of aur citizens on a continuing basis are reminded of the sacrif ices ai those who served their country bath in the armed forces and at home in the cause ai peace. The Town ai Whitby has aisa undertaken ,>cammemoratiYe action. We have invited the Legion branches ta be present at ,a ceremony in Whitby caunicil chambers on Monday, Ma yS, which is the actual date, ai the 5Oth anniversazy ai V- E Day, -toaa cammemorative service. ln' addition ta this, I have contacted the Whftby, Public Library and as a resuit, the library board has undertaken ta have a display commemorating the event with articles and other memorabilia ta commemorate those who served their country in these perilous times. Each year during the caunicil meeting immediatoly precoding Nov. 11, the caunicil ai the Town i Whitby hasts a commemorative service - attended by bath Legion branches to observe, a minute's silence in hanour ai those who paid the supreme sacrifice. As far as I have been able ta ascertain, we are the anly 00nirunity ln Canada wha undertakes such a continuing cammemarâtion of the men and women who.serve their country in time ai war.' Alsa, a number ai years ago, at my Instigation, the caunicil ai the Town ai Whitby undertook ta ensure that the names ai every individual whose name is an the cenataph in Whitby has a street narned alter that persaon, except where some duplication already exists. As a resuit, ail ai the names available ta us adorn streets in the Town ai Whitby, and they can easily be recognized because they have a poppy a n the sign. 1 trust thaât the information that I pravided and that was available ta any 'f the media- who chose ta take. up the question with me, is satisied that the Town ai Whitby Is playinp its part ta cammemorae 'the actions ai those men and women and children who served their country in this fashion. I- invite aIl individuals ta atÎtend any ai the events 1 have outlined, including -the caunicil meeting an V-E Day anniversary, May 8, in Whitby counicil chambers, cammencing ai 8 p.n' Tom Edwards% Mayor oai Whftby

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