Pego 34, Whhby Froe Pros, Wecrday, April 19,1995 I .. ....I....T IO S CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAVI APRIL 21 at 5:30pm 3 miles east of Little Britaînï on County Road 4 The prope of BOB BUCHANAN &ELSI HERRINGTON of Lindsay plus others 6 pc. -Walnut dining raam suite, 5 c.. modem bodroom suite, blanket oax, table top grammophone, 9 PC. waînut dining room suite, antique chests of drawors, press back rockers, walnut parlour tables, j Quazar console colour TV, caffee & e0nd tables, round oak pedestal table, Konmare dryer, GE automnatic washer walnut magazine rack, tin toys, efectric train, cuckoo dlock, entertainment 'conter, aval top trunks, ca-ail lampe, parlour chairs, loveseat, floor & table lamps, 2 door refrigerator, occasional chairs, metal garden trailer, air campressor, 10 in. Trademaster table saw wvith 2hp motor, plus a qty. of china, glass, household& collectablo items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR#1 Littie Bnitain 705-786-2183 rMONDAY, APRIL 24 et 6:OOpm BANKRUPTCY AUCTION of hairdressing9 sohool & salon, modem furnture, appliances, some antiques. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY Caîl (705) 324-2783 Lindsay or 1-800-461-6499 KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS- every Wednedya 6:30pm loed n26 dajrotkRd. '. Pickering, 3 miles north of hwy. #401 (take exit #399). Featuring every Wed.. an excellent selection ofantiques, fine fumishings, glass china, collectablos, Primitives, and othor unusuals. So join us every Wed. and participate in ans 0f Ontario's "true" auctions with no buy-backs or reservos. Terms: cash, choque (with propor .D.) or Visa. Prevmows from I :OOpm Consignment & Estate sellin aur specialty." Caîl us toda - fthn Auction Services 905-68Ã-001. Please Recycle" This Newspaper AMMiON SALE SAT. APRIL 22 AT lOam 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby We are selllng new & used fumità re p lus approx. ans thausand new toysi beor coolers, lawn -mowers, including: 9pc. diner, sofas, lvesat, chairs, wvinq back chairs, Robert Btemnan Id. prînt, 4 pc. pins bedroom suite, queen size box & mattress p ine table, carpets coffee & end tables, etc., approx. M0 Iawn mowers,, .roto tillers, weed eaters, tools niding lawn mower, 15 beer coolders, tle garage door oeewoodý briquets, toys: Power Ranger battis bikes race set, Power Gunsword, Megazord, Dragon Dagger, Thunderzord assault keyb oards, telescopes, micuscopes, plus other toys. Note time: lOam. Excellent sale plan to attend. Good for flea market goers, chance ta, buy toys at auction prices. Ternis: cash, VISA, M/C, debit card. McLEAN AUCTION& UQUIDATIONS 905-US-3291 OR 905-432-2836 AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, 2APRIL 23rd 1 1:Oam Take 401 to115135 y& north 20km or 2km south of 35 cut off on east side of 115/35 Hwy. this Sunday's auction features a varied offening wvith a large portion of articles from a local home (owner has given up housekeeping, namne withheld by request). Partial list includes: 9pc. dining roomn set, aval dining room table & six chairs, Lazy Boy recliner, mise. dressers& chests of drawers, 2 pianos Haines & Hallet Dabis, large wardrobe, blanket box, oId qui ts, rag rugs, mise. linon, ms c. tables, parlour, enamel, named miîk bottles & cans lamps, piano stools, beds, 4Xë Hustier pool table, water cooler couch, chairs, tools, g01f cubs, aId pictures & framos, minV 1oats, large offoning of household articles from pastia present, fridge, stove, dishwasher, etc. This is a large sale with articles being sold I st oulside at 11:00 & moving inside at 12:OOpm. Corne early & brawse& enjoy a Sunday at the auction. (This wifl Ko ur las t sale ut this location, we will be maving ta the Orono Fairgrounds in May>. Caîl for aIl your auction neods MacGREGOR & WEST AUCTIONS Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 Selni ors get a break Dy Donm aM te Whitby Rydro rocently announced that custoeners aged 65 and aider wlil no longer b. charged a late fes if they pay their eletricity lile after the due date. Whfie I arnsur. seniors wil welcoene tùs change, thore is aiea a story ta b. told on haw this came to happen. In the. past, Whitby %diro used to send out ite bimont y hydro bille towards the end of the. month. This meant that haif of Whitl3y was billed in cm. month while the other half of the town was billed the. followng month. While tuis may have been convenient for muet people, iit Hydro stafffo.hib As could ho expected, this system meant that the. biling and coilectng activity would ho quite hocic towards the. end of one month'and at the. boginning cf the neit. The system did not mako the. mont effective use of staffs efforts. El% tta even out the. worlod, the. procodure was changd sucli tiiat bimontiily hydrole were sent ont, taone quarter of or custamers in each two-week p.riod. In the normal sequence of evonts, a meter is taken tint ixndicates timount of elocfrcity usesd in the. past two months and a bill is sent ont within a week. If thiebilisnontpaidwithin 18 days0<hiiUng datea late chage uetaiea o paid. While Must or Our cs~ers adusted, Whitbly HydrostTsoobocame aware of problen9st8schange created for same 0< the tawnIs senior citizens. The. change in bifing date meant that many o< our senior customers were now recoiving a hydro bill tiiat had ta ho paid before they received theïr pension choques, or pay the lato charge. Tii. firt time I h eard of tbis Problem wsduring the. past municipal élection. Mark Micaikifcandidate for a seat en the hydro commisson, spoke' about tuis' issue at an aIl-candidates meeting. Bl LawIer, hydro comniiaeon.r for mnn ears and a senxior, ae pusiied for a solution. To tal . advantage of tis rgamseniors should visit aur office, or cail 668-5878.1 Got a building proi ect planned, or perliap you mtend ta plant same busosm now that spring lhas arrived? If your hydro meter could speak, at this time of year it would ho singing, "Don't Fonce Me Iii!" Remember, if yau can't get at your iiydro meter, *neitiier can we. Leaving tiie meter accessibl, ta accommodate meter reading and service work means we can serve you hotter, bill you correctively and avoid estirnated bills. Don MacMaster is chair of thae Whitby Hydro Electric Commisaio&. PUBLIC.-NOTICE THE REGIONAL MUNICUPALITY 0F DURHAM- IN THE MATTER 0F, THE MUNICIPAL ACT TAEN0TICE THAT the Council of the Reglonal Municipalty of Durham may pass by-laws authorizing' construction of tho, following projects: ROAD No. 3 16 ROAD NAME 8th Conc. Ritson Rd.I Conlin Rd. Intersection 33 Widening of CPR Overpass on Harmony Raad Harmp ny Roadl tram Bloar St. ta Olive Ave. Finch Avenue at Altona Road MUNICIPALITY Claringtan Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Pickeing D ESC RI PTIONILOCATIO N Upgrading ta acceptable standards. Intersec tion im provem ente lncîuding realignment of Ritson Road. Widening af exieting structure tram 2 ta 4 lanes. Widenlng tram 3 lanes ta a 4 Ian. urban standard. Intersection Improvements. Durham Regional Police Serie POLICE AUCTION- BICYCLES and Unclaimed Goods 10:00 a.m. Saturday, April 29, 1995 Terms: Cash/Cheque Ta be held at Property Bureau 845 Farewell Avenue Oshawa (Entrance off Colonel Sam Drive at Farewell Ave.) AUCTIONEERS Tii. eopie of=W tyand surraundlng areas onjoy attendng auction sLeLt e"kowabout yurnext sale by adverlus intefi iost wily road pages i Whiby -The Whtby Fre Prese, Clasaefis. CatI 668me111 Plans showing the details of the prajects and the lands affected may be seen at the offices of the Durham Works Department. 105 Consumrers Dr., Whitby. Ontario, Telophone (905) 668 -772 1. Dated at Whitby this 23rd day of March 1995. T. PREVEDEL, P. ENG.I DIRECTOR 0F TRANSPORTATION Works Committe., bolng delogated by Rogional Council as the hoarlng body shaîlhoar in persan or by hie or.her counsol, solicitor or agent, any persan projudicially. affected by the by- laws ' end who applies on or before April 21 et 1995, ta the. undersigned ta b. heard at a meeting of the Works Commite. on May 2nd, 1995. V.A. Silgallis, P. Eng. Commualionor of Worke MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVIEMENTS 59 Olive Avenue at Oshawa - Intersection Improvemonts. Grandview St., 1 Brock Road Uxbrldgo Culvert replacement. 1 Brock Road at Pickering Intersection Impravemonts. Concession V -11 6