Page 82, WhltbY fro.Pros, Wocfriday, April 1%9, I CI&%~%UE ACCOMMODATION FOR EXPERIENCED DAYCARE availabte in mny home. Includes daily ouf ings f0 Peanut Club, Pam's Backyard, Y-Pace, library crafis, songés etc. Also included are breakIÃast lunch & snacks. Very reasonable rates. Coli 666-5452. CAREGIVER - BIUNGUAL, Al a es welcome. Thickson & Manning area. Certiied first aid & CPR. Fenced yard, lunches & snacks, non-smoking. Cal Joanne at 430-1444. WANTED: STUDENT for babysitting three girls 1, 3 & 5 - occasional evenings and weekends. Cal 668-3052 WEST LYNDE MOM HAS spaces available for daycare in my home. References. Receipts. Tel: 668-5217. RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED daycare in my home. Lunch & snacks provided. Reasonable rates. AIl ages. Fui/part-time or backup. Please caîl 666-9312. Specializing in Early Childhood 11 Education. For Peace of Mind. Perry House Child Care Services 129 Perry St., Whtby 668-9476 SUMMER CAMP Playgroup, ages 2-8, ECE training, cranfs, games, computer & snacks. Join us for loads of fun. Garden & Manning. Spaces limnited. ($5 hou). EXPERIENCED UIVE-OUT mature nanny required for 1'h & 1/2 year old. Must be creative & outgoing. Non-smoker & own transportation. ight housecteaning. & mea preparation required. Maystart,12 -3 days peor week & June full time. Flexible 8 hour days ie. 10-6 or 11-7. References a must. Please cal ater lpm Vivienne 668-3622. EXPERIENCED MOTHER of 2, avaitabte f0 car. for y aur chitd. Lunches provided. Reasonable rates. Excellent references. West Lynde ares. 668-4006. ROOMMATE WANTED to share 4 bedroom home. Parking & laundry facilities available. $350/mo. + utilities. Cal 666-3550, beave message. MASONIC HALL, 203 Cochrane St., available for banquets, weddings and other occasions. Catering available. For more informa tion beave message at 668-0776, ý4 hrs. i. F .........I..3 Uh. BROOKLIN - 2 largqe bedsitting rooms, 1 with private ktchen, share bath, can be fumished. -Available now. In quiet ares, close f0 shopping. Cati 655-5539. QUIET PLACE for mature, non-smoking aduit. NO DRUGSNC3 PETS. Kitchen & laundry facilities private entrance, cable, near al amenities. Firstllast week. 430-0404. FURNISHED ROOM for rent,- $80/week. Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker preferred. WaIk f0 ail amenities. Flae cati 666-3776 AFTER 6PM. The Lifesaver course is designed to teach essential lifesaving first aid skills to people of ail ages. Three and a haîf hours of your time could save a life. Cal! Si. John Ambulance for details. 668-9006 SSt. Jehn Ambulanc WHtTBY 2 BEDROOM APT., watking distance f0 GO station, tots of parking, utitities included .Call 430-8608 or 433-7637. WHITBY RURAL - $400 monthly, separate ent rance, 4xivate bat h fumishedlunfumishecs, use ot swimming pool, parking, GO bus service, suit single person. Prefer non-smoker. 430Y-9803. ONE BEDROOM APT. 806 Brock St. N. Suitable for a single person. Available immediately. $450/mo. + hydro. Firstilast. Ail negotiable. For further info 623-4782. WHITBY BACHELOR a pt., new, available immediately, $500 per month. Phone days 725-8911, evenings & weekends 668-4016. NEW, LARGE 2 BEDROOM, bnight, parking laundry, cable, ail utilities, 4 pc. bath, across from transit, separate entrance, d%,r Non-smoker. $700Imo. 430-1ÃŽ72 WHITBY BASEMENT apartment, separate entranoe, bat hroom, kitchen, al utilities, cabte included. Single, working person preferred $450/mo. First and Iast. Cati 668-2015. 2 BEDROOM a part ment, $525 monthîy, firsf and tast. No pets. Available immediately. Phone 668-2445. I BEDROOM BASEMENT APT., att inclusive $600fmo. oecently decorated, parking patio, BBQ, backyard. Caîl 66&- 4519. Avaitabte Juno 1sf. **OOD OF ANLA *New home on 1/2 acre wooded lots Central water system 25 miles north of Qshawa Can't afford to buy at this Urne when houses are at their lowest? WHY NOT LEASE TO PURCHASE To be approved, call for appointment after 9pm 1-905-655-3893 717!s is genuine - No gimmicks! BRADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset BIvd. (Brock St./Manning Rd.) *3 Bedrooms *11/2 Baths *5 Appiances *Central. Air e Garage - Paved Driveway a 3 Models e On Site Management ,@ Easy Access to "Go"ý e Rents Start at $1 ,041 per month 668-1389 K.C. McCalI Property Management 666-5794 a 924-1100 HOUSE, APARTMENT FOR RENT? If you had adverised bore, would be reading this niow. 66008-6111yo WHITBY DETACHED, family room, pas fireplace,, central air & vac, jacuzzi tub, 2 bay windows, 2 sets atsio doors f0 deck & pretty yard 153,500. Whitby Geranium built 2150 sq. f.; central air, greenhouse kitchen, w/o fo deck, w/o basement, $179,800. Oshawa NE ravine lot, Ca pe Cod style 3 bedroom 11/ bat hs, rec room garag e $139.500. Ask for Litian MJorth Wr6'-3800 Tor. 905-686-3800 Re/Max Summit Realty. WVHITBY - OVER 3,200 sq. ft. home, Scartet O'Harè, staircase, se arate maic's quarters. Must be so d this week - offers requested. Exclusive Listings. Realty Inc. 66&-0635. EVERYBODY READS THE ~WHITY FREE PRESS JUNE WEDDING? .Why spend $800 for a dress? Beautiftul, white satin bridai gowi brocade trim& hem $350. Szi1l4 bouffant sîseves. Full length. Trail. 686-7758. CAMCORDER, used once, al extras including tnipod, travel bag etc, value $ 1, 160, ilil seIl for $800. Also kitchen suite, almost new, white table wîth blue leather chairs $485 value, wviII seli for $200. (905J 697-0408 anytime. BLACK & DECKER ELECTRIC mower, 9 amp Senies 2000, $100. Also 2 man tent $18, neyer used; sleeping bag, air mattress & pump $50. Tel.: 655-8264. FOR SALE' 45,000 CLASSIC books, pets, hand made bird cages, art sculpture, stuffed animais toys, coflectables. A famnily store, books wanted 668-7803. YORK 3001 HOME GYM 210 lbs. ai weights comes with P~ec Dec, verticle press, laterat bar, short«bar, Ieg -curi, single handle & ankîe strap. Brand new at $600, onl used once, asking $400. CarI 666-3402. CURTAINS - IVORY SHEER on sheer, 2 sets f0 fit living room & dining roomn windows watt to watt. $50 each set. CatI 57ÃJ-1953. Dont throw it ouf. Someone may want if. Try the Whith Free Prss îassifieds. DOWNTOWN WVHITBY - Brock St. frontage. approx. 2,000 sq.ft. Long terni tease. 668-1468, 9am f0 Spm. MAIN LEVEL OFFICE, SPACE in modem building, Dundas St., Whitby (900 sq. f.) incJudes heat, h ydro & realty taxes, $1500. 665-2000. ONE MONTH RENT FREE OFFICE SPACE IN WELL- MAINTAINED BUILDING - Very high professionai traffic - Central location - Excellent exposure for smaii business/professions 435 sq. ft. - $5041mo. inctuding GST 95 sq. ft. - $1 10/mo. ineîuding GST 668m5411 lea ve message for Ruth I .. M O..GE I...... MORTGAG ES & LOANS [$ lst & 2nd " Lines of credit " BEST RATES Frank Caîlahan 571-2880 Ater hours 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding Inc. . B......... JUDYS BRIDAI RENTAL- affordlable wedding gowns f0 buy or rent. Large seledtion af sizès and sye.Frappointment catI Judy at RED OAK WOOD Ill'& 2" thick up f0 14"Wide, Up to 16' long, white ash; Monterey modet 30 satellite dish; 14' fibreglass boat & traien motar. 683-5905. ,n TUPPERWARE - exciting new springlsummer catalogue. F or free catalogue delivered to.your door or information calt J.T. at (905) 666-9286. ANTIQUES. Set of oak chairs $250 bow front washstand $275 oak drap' leaf table $275 walnut hall table $175. Ail in excellent condition. Cali 683-6638. FREEZER WOODS, 3 yrs. old, like new $250; microwave1 Quazar above stove model, palîd $1200, asking $400; Kirby vacuum cleam. r older . model, $250 includes . ali attachments. AIl in excellent .workîng order-905-985-1403. BARBIE COLLECTOR on buying spree wants older doîls& accessonies. Top $$ paid. One doIt or whole collections. Cali collect 1-416-751-1182. USED SAFES, bought and sold fully oeconditioned. Combînation changes. Complet. sales, service and -installation. Lockshop, 104 Mary St. E. 666-1421.< WANTED - old & antique fumiture, anything old, scientific instruments, china, silver, advertisinq 5 orting, f y s, decoys, dolîs, mi(k ottles, collections or estates. Robert Bowen Antiques 905-655-8049 Brooklin. TOP DOLLARS PAID for heavy trucks for wrecking & export, any condition, an y quantity. Prompt payment. Caîl Provincial Truck S5alvage (905) 836-3506. Youafn t an ah an yolr hueCSl omrunan items in te dasstlds and eam. ,Irntistant 668Ga