Page 16. Whitby Free Pros, Weckiosday, Apri 19, 199 RALLY The Reform Party, Durbar and Oshawa ridin associationi Winl present a 1public 4Crimini Justice and Guin Control Rall with Jack Ramsay, MP, Reforni justice and gun control critfi epeaking on issues of concern 1 gun owners, on SundayAprl31 1:30 p.m., at JubileesHlli Lakeview Park, Oshawa. MULINZ SCLEROmSI The support group fc spouses/parents and close frieni of people with multiple scleros wiil meet on Monday, April 2d 7:30 p.m., at the Durham Boaz 0f Education héâdquarter Taunton Roed East at Andersc Street,WhIMtby Speaker will b Dr. Mark Silverman, who wi answer medioel questions. 1i attend, cail 686-1801. FUN FAM West Lynde Public School wi hold the. lOth annuel PFunair o Frday, May 5, 5:15 te 9 pm., a the. school, 270 ichar Blvdl Whitby. There will b. more tha 30 games and events includinj fantasy room, haunted houai face painting, inflated m aze, cah, walki fish pond, wheel of fortune hot doge ýand hamburgers. Fo momn and dad, there is a weekený trip available for bidding at th ilent auction, which ale includes 50 other items. CANIE TESf The St. John Ambulanci Therapy Dogs service wiil holdi '<Canine Good Citizen Testý,'oo, Saturday, April 22, 10 a.m. te q p.m., et St. John Ambulenc, hadquarters, 65 Coîborne St, E., Oshawa. Doge will be tested b3i trained and certified evaluators, Cost is $10. An Ainerican Kennel Club certificat. will-b. presentec te ail doge who pa. For furthez details cail 905-271-0308 a 905-434-7800. AEROBATHON Th. staff 0f Simce sHall Sttement Houe. will hold their second annuel eerobathon, 'Dressed te Swèaty' i support of the women's wellness centre, on Saturday, April 22. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. For more information, cail (905) 728-7525. INNUSHARE InnushareCaitbeTrust, the. Whitbhy-based volunteer grouj supporing -familles living ai Davis Inlet, Labrador, will meel 'On Thursday, April 20, 7:30 p.m., at St. John the . Evengelisl Church, Parish Centre, Giffard Street, Whitb.- For more information, ceil Joyce rihl] at 668-5504. FASIONSHOW <A Test of Spring' fashio -Reixiil sponsor a workshop, <Baiting the Hook.- Query Letters & Synopsis, on Saturday, April 299 9 to il a.m., et the Toronto &chool of Businese, 1450 Kingeton Rd., Plckering. Coot is $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Té regfister, ceIl 668-2085. MAGINTOSU USERS MacInteeh Usera East Club will meet at Anderson CVI, room 135, on Wednesday, April 26, 7:30 to 10 P.m. fliere wiltb. an 'Ask the. Experts' panel for new Mac usera and presentations ion «'How to acces. and use the MaUse éectronic bulletin board system, and thea Durham Region Internet. POCUS ON WOMEN Focus on Women wilI meet on br Tuesday, April 25, 7:30 p.m., for de coffée and dessert, at the. is Salvation Army, 570 Thornten 4, Rd. N., Oshawa. Ail women rd welcome. Admission is $3. s, Feature will b.NewLià fe Girls )n Home Ministries. De il ro SPORTS EQUIPMENT SAL A spring sports equipment sale wiil b. held Wednesday April 26, 6:30 te, 8 Pmn., at Vest Lynde il Public Sehool, 270p Michael Blvd. on There willb. basebail and soccer xt items, bicycles,' protective geer, Lroller 'blades, skates, costumes, n uniforme. For more information, g cail 668-3354. e, Ta. Women i ghts Ation r Coalition of Durham will present id a workshop, 'Mental 'Health ke Issues Affecting Women of Col- io ou%, Immigrant and Refuge. Wom en,' on Wednesday, April 26P 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Taure- day, April 27 9 a. t 12:30 p.m.,* at Pîiering Recreation a CompIex, 1867 Valley Farm Rd., * meeting roims 1, 2 and 3. To * attend, or for more information, 3cail 427-7849. CRAFf SHOW Th Ta 5lth annuel Whitby iFestival 0f Crafts Show will b. J held at Iroquois Park, Whitby, on 1 May 5 te 7 - More then 100 r vendors will offer a wide selection r of crefte. DURHAM WRM~RS Th. Wniters' Circle 0f Durham Region will sponsor thIII scond workehop in its is for beginners, 'Novice Writer 101: A Tad More,' Thursday, April 20, 7 t9 p.m., at the Toronto School of Business, 1450 Kingston Rd., Pickering. Coast is $10 members, $15 for non-members. Cail 686- 2085 te, register. POETS 'Poes in the. Pub' sponsored pby the Writers' Circle 0f Durham t Region, will b. held on Monday, b April 24, 7 te 9 p.m., at Ta. IVCourtyard PubV Plckering Village. t Poes wishing te read should Icontact Terry Day at (905) 619-8872. SUPER CITIS WALK Th. Super Cities Welk wiIl b. i heîd on Sunday, April 23, te rais. rfunde for research inte multiple f eclerouie. The. walk starta and ,finishes et Durham College from D 8:30 a.m. ta 3 p.m. Walkers have .a choice of five-, 10- and r20-kilometre distances, with a rnon-competitive atmosphere. Refreehments and weshroom fecilities wMllb. offered at each ciecpit. For more information, Ta. Ludng rAscation,(D Cali Regon)is osing it&%%^secnd Admission is $4. Guests are welcomé. For more information, cail 666a-1449 or 728-563. RUMMKAGE SALE A rummage sale and bake sale wiil b. h.Id on Saturday, Aril 29, Army, 122Kent St., Whitby. OSTOPOIROSIS The Whitby Osteporosis Support Group will meet on Friday, Aril 28, 1:30 p.m., at the WhtySniors Activity Centre 801 rock St. S. (meetings ;fl! continue as usuel on the second Friday in May). Th. speaker wiil b. a dietician from Oshawa General Hospital. CHOIR Choral Evensong and Easter CanttaJ.S.Bacs 'Christ I4y in DeatWé Strong Bonde,' will b. presented by the Ail Sainte? Choir, dhreted by Elaine Broughton, on Sunday, April 23, 4 p.m.; at the church. BREAST CANCER Ta. Oshawa Breast Cancer Support Group wiil eet on ThureayApri 27, at Minsvew United hurch, corner 0f Wison Road and Adélaide Street, 7:30 te 9:30 p.m. For mor information, call Sharon at 576-5220 or Sylvia at 579-2680. 1NJUPED WORKERS Durham Region Ixrjured Workers wiîl hold a speci meeting 'WCB - Bull 165, Royal Commission' on Wednesday, April 26, 7 p.m., at the. CAW Hall. 1425 Philip -Murray Ave., Oshawa. Everyone weîcome. SOth year THE OSHAWA YWCA recently celebrated its 50th year. Past president Gail Riokard (left) Uooks on as president Judy Spnrng (middle) and Hilda Hilz president from 1967 to 1969,9cW the cake. Photo by Jewemy Drosar, Whilby Fr.. Prou VOLUNTEER PARTY Seniors who volunteer in any, ?~Zrcan attend the rolulerRecognition Coffee Party' on Thursday, April 27, 2 p.m., at the Whitby Seniorsd Activity Centre. Mayor Tom Edwards will present the 1995 Mayorsé Senior Volunteer Award. APRIL DANCE Brian Smith willbe the DJ for a dance on Saturday, April 22 et the Wbitby Seniors' Activity Centre at 801 Brock St. S. D oor op>en et 7:30 p.m., Dancing sta4es at 8 Pm. There will be acash bar and light refr-eshmente as well as dorpris adstannq» ce przes. Cat ie$4at the door. The. Arthritis Society wiil hold the. second annuel 'Strike- Out-Arthritie' b6wling fundraiser SaturdayApril 22, starting et 6 p.m. Those collecting $25 in pledges will have their name entered for the many primesteb.b won, incîuding a portable'stereo, sprsand travel bega, t-shirts md sweatshfrts,ý gift certificates and fitness memb.rshipe.. The. s'vent is heîd throughout Durham incîuding Osiiawals North End Bowî. Bowling for Arthritis wiilb. b.tween 6 and 10 pan. mhe fundaing goal is $10,000. Pledge forme are available et bowling aileys, or oeil the Society at '(905) 434-7221 for more information. KUCHRE S '"ne Whitby Legion Brancii 112 Ladies Auxiliazy wMU iold a euchreun Thursday, April 208 pan., at 117 Byron St. S.,Wit Admi ssion ($2) mn* usprises and lunch. Ail welcoene. ORGANJO GROWE1WS The Durham Canadien Organic Growers wiil meet on Wedneeday, April 26, 7:30 p.m., at theVWhtby courthouse building on Rowsland Road. There will be a video, 'Seeds of Change,' followed by a discussion on genetie diveruity. For more information, oeil 436-2418. WALKATHON The Pregnancy Help Centre of Durham js having a walkathon ion April 22,, 10 a.m., as a fumdraising event. The Pregnency HeP Centre is located at 127 Perry St. (behind the post office) ln Whitby. For more information regarding walldng or pledging, oeil 430-8784 or 668-2984. Cail before April 14 to receive a ' Walk for Life' T-shirt. YARD SALE A «Spring Cleanup' yard sale, te benefit the Brooldin Redmen lacrossle club, wil -b. held Saturday. April 29 and Sunday, April 30 ithe CIBC paring lot, 50 Baldwin St. (Hwy. 12)p Brooklin. Saleeble items cen be donated te, the Redmen. To arrange a pick-up by team repreen atiesor te rent table sp, cai Cris Douglas at 655>-8905 or Paul Cotton at 656-4222. CANADIAN CLUB The Canadian Club of Durham Region wiil meet at. the Holiday Inn, Oýshawa, on Tuesday, April 25, 6:30 ;.m. Guest speaker is Gregry Jmesassistant deputy chair, convention refugre. deemntion division of the. Immigration and Refugee Boord. Dinner reservations necessary. Ceil Ruth- Brooldng at 655-4530 or Marguerite O'onnor at 686-2535. HAIRP CONCEIU An Angelic Harp concert with international recording artist and healer Erik Berglund, also known as "Elariul,"f wiil b. held on Sunday, April 23, 2 te,5 pm., et G.L. Roberts Coilegiate, 399 Chaleur Ave., Oshawa. For furiie inormation, oeil Margaret at*666-3256. FIICLD NATURALISTM Durham Field Naturaliste will meet on Mongay, Aprill 249 7:30 Pm., et Northview Pblic ib)r- ary, ]Riteon Road and Beatrice Street iOshawa. Five members of the Wgoup w11ldiscues various subecs.Mlwelcome.. QUILT SHOW The lSth annuel qufit show wiil be held at St. Marks United Church, WVhitby, on Friday, April 21, noon te, 8 p.m., and on 1LMADIERSHIP TRAINING Ta. Family Education R.source Centre of Kà inerk Child & FamiIy Services is offering a four-sesson course for people who wish te, lead parent study gop or present parenting wzork zos A prerequisite for the course is a fsiii ty and empathy with the. Dreikurs phil hoopf perenting either byhaving participated in a parent study group or studied IChildren *Ta. Challenge. 'hTa course will b. at Kinark, 1916 Dundas St. E., Whitby, beginning Saudy, May 6s, 9:30 arn. to 8 p.m. Thé f. la$80 Permra. Cm i f-0 $80 M i v1 ~ k! *