Page 12, WVhlby Free Prose Wednoeday, April 19, 1M9 Courthouse members earn. awards Whitby -Courthouse .Theatre members reoently won -. fla awardse, recognizing excellenoe in cornmunity theatre productions. Sandra Hawkihaw,. Barb Hubert and Pat Neal were recog- nized for best costume design for The Lark' presented by the ]Landmk Courthouse group asat fail. Myra.White was also an award recipient for outatanding contri- bution of Music to a production, alsoô forl'he"ILark.' Bryan Whitehead earned -an award for his cazneo- appearance i 'Breezeblock Park., recently presented by Courthouse. Jim Renshaw won a sound design award <comedy) for <ree- zeblock Park!' And Jim Ferr of the. Courthouae gpou p won a second design award (drama) for the Oshawa Little Theatre pro- duction 'Mark of Cain? Carol JLSng, vice president -of the Courthouse Theatre, earned a nomination as beet actreas for her work i the Oshawa Little Theatre Production of 'Fallen Anges The awards were presented by the Association of Community Theatres. for Central Ontario during ceremonies in North York on -Saturday night, April 8. 'Rumoursi,' a Scarborough theatre group production won the award as best overall, and will be entered ia, competiti.on involving tonp productions from other areasof Onrà jo. theme to DuPont,- gallejry contest Original works of art on ,a landmîark' theme can be entered in a comnpetition being held by The Station Gallery. %Ladmarks: Time or Plac' is the third corporately-sosred art competition te 1hed by thie gaey.DuPont Canada is spon- soring the contest - Cash awards wmIll be given for the beet submissions from three different age levels --, children (up te, age 12), those aged 13 te 18, and age 19 and over. Origi*nal paintings, prints, drawings, drawings photo- graphiscrafts (textiles, cday wood, glass, etc.), sclpture and mixed media works of a maxi- mmiz ie 36 inches 6y 35 inches, will be accepted. Entries muet be madle b y June 16. Judging is on June 28, by a jury icluig a DuPont repre- sentative, guest curater Station Gallery curater ILinda i>auloi, an artiet and art educater. More Nunsense THE STARS 0F Oshawa Little Theatre's presentation of 'Nunsense Il' are (from Ieft) Janet Stevenson, Gretel Camneron, Sister Mary Annette, Heather Sessions and Marion Kapp. Those wacky, f ree spirited Sisters of Hoboken return to the stage April 20-23, 27-30, May 4-6 and 11-13. Tickets ($14) are available at Saywell's Book Store, 14 Simicoe St. S., Oshawa.. Photo by Mlc Reor,, Whltby Free Press Barerhoppersto acnowedge te war yersý At their 46th anmual concert on April 28 at Eastdiile Collegiate, Oshawa's Horseless Carriagemen 01T& UP Y Inn Resa ùant& Sports Bar Sat.& Su.D~mt . dm LIVE ENTERTAINMENT PINK CADILLAC Satellite TYV-,TeamsWecm M ining Room Specia1s lByoeentrée at regular price 1 Byoeget 2nd entrée a AT 1/2 PICE A ý Equal or bservalue. Nttabe used wthother WOCI8IS. Expres A4X130, 1995. Barbershoppers will recognize the war years in a ' Remember When' segment, Several old favourites of the time will be sung in e ht:ek f er c& thealf PIfltLd. Pub &- Restaurant 01 ay t . Wity ENTERTAIMMRENT Fri. Apr. 2lst & Sat. Apr. 22nd 9pm- lam - No Cover Andrew Heathcote Band TuesdayNi t WNG NGH Eveiy Wednesday Night BARNEY ADAMS BLUES BAND Every Sunday Night * 9pm JAM NIGHT WITH ANDREW HEATHCOTE ENGUSH PREMIER LEAGW SOCCER Break Weekend No Games acknowledgment of the 5Oth anniversary of the end of World War IL Barbershop Showcase '95' will feature two, guest quartets, ' Hullabaloo,' the 1994 Ontario district champions, and « Song of the South,' from Marietta, Georwi- Two, members of the latter quartet are Canadians fi-om this area who live and work mi the U.S. Funds raised by 'Showcase go to the chorus and the 'amnz for Speech' fund which asists in Visit a friendly Irish Pub <only 20 minutes away> 10iofo your favourite brews on tap as weIl as a fuill compliment of beverages. *Try our fine Irish Pub lare. *Top off your evening with a game of darts. For a relaxed, casual Urne corne to a warrn comfortable atrnosphere at The Antrim House Good Food Good Drink Good limes. 56 Water St. Port Perry 985-8853 supparting speech therapy at- the Campbell -Sehool, part of the Grandview Centre in Oshawa. ickets for the shows can be reserved by calling 436-2419. "Mom-O-Grami" are available for Motherd' Day, May 14, by phoning 725-0781. The War Amps Canadian/Chinese International Buffet Roast Beel'. Roast Turkey. Baked Hani &, all Ciiiiiese Disliesl Plus salad War!