Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Apr 1995, p. 29

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Wh~ Fr. Puss Wunody, piN1,90, Pïgoù iufrs emrIou1 IT'S A'GIRL! GILL - Graham and OlQa are proud to announce the arnval 'of their deughter, FRANCESCA OLGA, on Saturday, Ap'111, 1995, at 7:4Opm, weighing 5b's, 7oz. SIGFRIDSSON, PER & RUTH are t>ese ta announce the birth of their son, ALEXANDER -HENRY, bom on March 7, 1995. Big sister Linnea is joined by family & fniends in. both Sweden & Canada in welcoming this latest addition ta the family. WE DELI VER FLYERS The Whitby Free Press 668-6111 THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacoed Heart of Jesus for favours oeceived. D.& M.W. PRAYER TO THE BLESSED Virgin, nover known ta fail. 0 most- beautiful flower of. Mount Carme!é, fruitful vine, splendor aio Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in necessity. 0 star of the sea help me and show me heme you are my Mother. O HoIy Mary, Mother of God Queen of- Heaven & earth,1 humbly beseech you from 1hA.. bottomr of my heart to secure me in my necessity (make requests). There are none that can wthstand your -power. O Mary conoeived withoutsin, pray for us who have recourse to th.. (3 limes). HoIy Mary I place this cause in your hand A3 limes). Saythis..prayer for 3 consocutive days and thon you, must publish il and il will be granted to you. E.R. MAY THE Sacoed Heart of Jesus bepraised, adored, glorified, loved an preserved throughout the world now and -froyer. -Sacred Heart af Jesus pry for-us. St. Judo worker of miracles, gray for us. St. Jude 1epr f he opeless, pray for us. ARE YOU TIRED 0F kîssinq frogs ta meet your prince? Tali slm 42. maIe seeks lady. Cal! -43Ã"-ý938k- HANDSOME GENTLEMAN, 42 yrs. young, flot interested in the bar scene, non-smoker, occasional drinker, loves nature, some sports, bicycdn, quiet evenings is seeking relationship with woman of similar qualities. Uves in 3 bdrm. townhause alone. Childien welcome. 404-9183. ____ hý ib KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS - veyWednesda t6:3OpW, oatd #2699 JrocktRd. Pickering, 3 miles north of hW. #401 (take exilt#e99). Featunng 'every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine fumishlngs gas china, collectables, primiUves, and other unusuals. So join us every Wed. and participato in oneo0f Ontarios "true" auctions wfih no buy-backs or réserves. Ternis: cash, choque (with proper l.D.) or Visa. Previews from 11:OOpmn "Consignment & Estate sollIng. aur specialty." Cal! us today-Kahn Auction Services 905-683004. AUCTION SALE THURS. APRIL 201h, 5pm ai Isîander Banquet Ha!lIon Scugog Island, East of Port PerTy Excellent fumiture,* 5 p c. drum set, cunio cabinet, aIl appiances,.good. carpets car phono,ý desks, roto tillers, Iawn mower, dishes, etc. Viewing from 2pm. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 905655-8073 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, APRIL 14t at 5:3Opm 3'miles east of Litlo Btain on County Rd.. 4 The estate of the late TED DUNNING of Lindsay plus others 8 pc. modem 'walnut dining room suite, two 4pc modem bedroom suites 6.fR antique oak showcase, refinis;ied oak wa shstand, harvest table, spool bed, cedar chest, walnut 1/2 moon table, victrola, chesterfield, loveseatý & chair Bateman Courting Swans pnint, ý refinished sîdeboards, 4 drawer wooden file cabinet, pressback chairs, walnut hall table, Morrs chair, press back rocker, refinished dining table, crocks, co-oil lamp S, milk cans, milk bottles, pocket watches, qty. odd wooden kitchen chairs, 15 cu. fi. freezer,. qty. new hardware, qty. linons & small electical appUanes, 1982 Mercury Cougar XR7, plus a qty. of china, glass, household, antique & collectable items. DON & GREG CORNEIL .AUCTIONEERS RR#1, Little Bnitain 705-786-2183 PSYCHIC ANS WERS RATED #1 IN CANADA TaIk live one on one CERTIFIED PSYCHICS with, mystical powers ... find out about r aur future..concernis about ove, money or career. Caîl now 1-900-451-4055 ... 24 hrs a day for instant answers. Evanly- Rays, 18+, $2.99/min. in Canada caîl 1-900-451-4055 I WHTBY'S LEGION HALL as ilooked at -the ime of is opening, Apnil, 1945. Legioný hall1 50 years -old By Brima Wmnter Town et Whitby Archivist Mify years ago this month, th e members of Royal Canadian Loegion Brancii* 112 offliciay oponed their new Legion Hall on Biyon Street South. The new hall, which was built largely with volunteer labour, opon.d just in time to, serve, tii. many veterans of the Second Wol4 War who were beginning 10, reburn home. On. month after the hall opened, the war in, Europe came ta an end. .Chartered i the falI o! 1927, Branch -112 of the Canadien Legion o! the. British Empire Service League,'as it was te n caed, succeeded the old Wblbbh Great War Veterans? Club, wiZ Robert McNeo as president. Ini Febrary 1928, 1 h. Legion was prvded witii free use of the trdfloor above Allin's Drug Store at Brock and Dundas' streets,.as site for club rooms. Druggist Arthiur Allin was very generous 10 thie Legion both before and, after his death. After is death in Marcii 1945, bis will prvded tii. Legion with $5,000, 10pay off the. debt on the new hall. To this day lier. is a memorial plaque honourmg Arhur Allin, in lie hall. On Feb. 229 1943,elthe site for.' th. Liegion Hall- was purchased from, lhe estate of Albert W. Richarchon -for $400, but the. construction, was fr-aught wih Legion mombers realized that large accommodation was needed for the, membership liaI would increase dramaically once lthe World War Il veterans returned. -For this reason, the. World, War 1 veberans decided to build a new hall for hhose of World War IEL By October 1943, construction had1 not yet begum because the. Legioncol not get* a building pemit from Otawa. A Wbitby Legion committee spont an entire day in Toronto visiting, four different offices i an attempl 10 get a building permit, but accomplish.d, nothing.. Not even an application was available. With zone commander Frank Threadgold as chiair, a building committe. was formed and by the. end of January 1944, construction bogan. By that time, citizens and organizations had subscribed $92<000 t101he building. fund. Because of the. fire Ihal destroyed, the.Oshiawa TMmes building Jin 1971, the .newpapers containing the account o! tii. opening o! the. Legion Hal'in, New deal. for anoon. rn[Lea April is Dental Health Montii and Durham Region HEéalth- Deparbment dental staff chose the. tiieme, 'A New Deal For A Noon Meal.' ,?Halthy lunches withiikd appeal liaI travel well 10 schoof arent always easy to prenslr et says FaibljiLoman, kdntal hygieniet .withi the.healtii departmont. Tis year the. caxnpaign Will hlgblight the 'Four 1IV 10 iiealthy lunches - planning, participation, packgn and prevention (of cavities). Two copies *of a pamphlet that deacribes iiow t10 prepare iiealtiiy lunches will h. distributed t10 each local school. A rosource it that, contains- recipeHs, activities and information about where to, gel other resources (such as films) is available at the. health department. For more information about the. dental healtii campaig or for teaéhing ideas, emliFaith Làowman at (905) 723-8521 or (905) 686-2740 (Too nen). Societyseeks vlners Thm John Howard Society o!f Durham Regfion sMk olaead unveSifty students 10 voluneer ms board members. msinuffl todsvelcp, approve and "Uate gemy 2- l. lnfomed on organzational matters, debate lames and coeib«bute la overalm eemting agendas. 'Im.in« eted should uend a dotailld resume to Doug IMiler, John Howard Socioty of Durhamà ~a ,492 Simoe L S. Lin 4x& 1945 are unavailable.,: It _ iu beliçved that it WaS a sinall ceromony on April il1or 12,1945.' The major officiai- opening of the Legion Hall was conducted by Ontario'Premier- Leslie Froot on March 3, 1950. Shorty after the. orginal hall was coipleted, it was 'realized. that noproion had been made tb prm ooi'akitchen tb cook the meal for, the. annual R.reembrance' Day dinner. Therefore, in 1949, an ,addition was- madie bto th ofthe building 10 accom-mod-teas a kitchen, sitting room, library and billard room. No cornerstone* had been plaoed in the original hall, so a stone wasi-aid on the front of the additionmon July11, 1949, bearing, the. dates 1945. and 1949. T7he atone was donated by Charles and Ernest Stafford Who 1p~e a monument works on dna Street East, whlch. is -still in business t"dY. Once the. 1949 addition was copot, it was deemned approprit 1have "the Ontario Peirofficlally open the. haIl Two more additions were made 10 the VWtby Logion Hall in the pat 50 years. In 1955, a 20-foot addition was mnade at the. back, 10 provide a better. stage as well as more- club accommoain in the. basement. Theélbst addition was made in- 1982 to the south aide of the hall. It is an exact copy of! tho 1949 addition, Conatrmcted o! -the.same materials. A second conerston was laid for this addition in August 1982 by Brancii 112 presidont Bobdams-, zone commander Henry, Perry, first viceý-president Earl Ormiston and buildn committee chair John Melvor. When WhitWsl veterans celebrate, >thé Stiianivr ro V-E Day on May 7 tbis yesar, il will a"sob. a commomoration'of 50 years of WhitWy' Legion 11.11 whicii las been an imoran compoeÈent of the bownIsIlenc the. end of the Second World War. DID YOU KNOW That Manning Road was named in 1955 after William G. Manning (born 1912), clerk-treasurer o! Ontario County from 1947 to 1978 and chie! administrative officer of Durhamr' Region fr-om 1974 to, 1976. A native o! BrookhinMannigwas' al»o cer ! WhiAbby Township from 1940 te,194 and reeve o! the toÏnsbip, from 194510 1947. AUCTIOMEERS Thopep~of hfb~and surrondn aras enjoy attondng auctio saes. Lot them noC botypr e:eae adverlsingi h.ms wioy roadpages in Whitb y - 1h. Whiby IF r.. Pissa, C la s s s a! Good Friday 1Hoiday the offices of theWhtby FmeePress wilibecloed on Fidy, Apill4thi Normal advertising deadline, Monday noon for April I9th, 1995 issue. 4 ..... ....... .... ÉUM L, : :1. : :* , CWki Fast

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