Pao. 2. WhiIby FiosPissaWedosdy, Apri 12, 1995 OPENiNGa ~flOKTNEASTER ~ Cunty ~WEEKENDt ~ Ma.1~etApril & GARDEN CENTRE l4th toi 16th SCouritry N4arket EVIERYWEEKEND a Antiques M-Crafts 0 Gifts g a Vegetables and.. BRING THE KIDS EASTER * SWEEKEND TO FIND OUR BUNNY hopping through o ur traits with a basket of... THICKSON ROAD, NORTH 0F TAUNTON (905) 655-3331 FINAL CLEAROUT Ail .1994's Drastically Reduced. SENTRA XE 4DR 5 SPD N/C 17,100 14,990 ALTIMA SE TOP-LINE DEMOMATO 27,175 23'9095 KING CAB PICKUP 5 SPD 15,865 149615 KING CAB PICKUP AUTO -179415 16,165 *PLUS PST, GST, PLATES (FREIGHT, PREP, ETC. INCLUDED) 19951AL TIMA 5WeK1ED 1199. PA TFIND Ri'iu P215x6ORt1 4 - $ 91.00 P215x65RI 15 - $ 96.00 P235x6ORI 15 - $10200 B.F., Goodrich T/A New Generation *G-wedge technology Alil season* "Touring" quiet USED TIRES $20.0O & Up Dealer for Uniroyal, F e InstaIIafion e Balancing B.F. Goodrich, & MicheIinFR E Tire Disposai 9 Alignment Check Whitby man charged' aferwomlani is assaulted A 23-year-old Whitby max isj facing several charges following an alleged assault on hie former girlfriend last weekend. Durham Regional Police report that a 21-year-old Oshawa woman was foroed te acçompany a mani te a Whitby hotel Friday evening where she was sexually assaulted. Police say the woman was held againe9t her, will until Saturday morning. Upon, being released ehe immediately* reported the in- cident and the maxi was arrested later that day. Police had no details on how the two met Friday, other than the woman was harassed inte gon with the alleged assailant. AI-awley Crescent resident je charged with forcible confine- ment sexual assaualt, threaten- mng death, criminal harassment and assault with a weapon. H. was being held in police custedy pending a bail hearing Monday. Police would not release hie naine until hie court appearance. Sign campaign Loca l busineýç Two Whitby business owners have launched a camipaign te promote local business. ss pr-omoted About Ève weeksao, o Roer oiet ineadRose Ba Otten o0fi BBGC Marketing erec- ted a eign that only stated 'Do You7l Each week since then, more has been added te the sign te state 'Do You Support Local Business? with the names of their business aleo added. .Baf±en, a former Whitby coiin- cillor, and Rogers are now leas- ing space on the sign for the naines of other businesses, at a cost of $200 a month. Tii. Whitby Fre. Press name will soon b. on the. sign. Moreover, they have made emaller vinyl signe, also promot- ing local business, for purchase by businesses and even homes. "If it catches on, we'd 11k. te see .very store in Whitby have onç-," says Batten. Tii. initiative has the ful blessing of the. Whitby Chamber of Commerce, anid Batten says if the sine «talc off" in popularity, utheres probably a lot more we can do." For more information cali Bat- ten at 433-1336 and Njiges at 430-1515. Money, donated About $13,000 has been dona- ted te purchase trees for the tre-planting te b.e held at Thick- 8ones Point on Earth Day, April 22. The most recent donor, Co- Steel Lasco this week gave $2,500 te adcâ te the $2,500 fom Canada Trust and $8,000,from Greenstreets Canada foundation. More than 1,000Ã" trees, of about a dozen varieties, will b. ur chased with the flmding, and hundreds of people, including Whitby"Scouts, are expected te take part in the tree-planting. Tih. trees will b. pan=don prperties owned by te Town of PROTECT YouR INVESIMENT MIAIMÉ ii logg s Free under cardage power wash with rust check application. 200 Dundas St. West 668m8759 ROTARY CASO ALII FREEBOTHIFRIE 1AT M e? MG 1 NIý ÀqN 1 [NISSýAN] - M- Special Editions rom S 8.99] ln Stock Now :FS 2 8:9 9 0