Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1995, p. 6

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Page 6, WNtby Fme. Pro", Wodnosday, April 5. 196 The only Newspaper, owned and operated b>' Whitby residents for Whîtby residents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIANONTARIO COMMUNITY '. COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in. Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtie as well as numerous public and commercial outets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GST e Outside Canada $80 + GSI Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brook St. N., Whitby,, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher, Maurice Pither - Editor. Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20% 0/9k recycled content using vegetabîe based inks. % CAil written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein ls protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation o f Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit lie-to the Whitby Free Press. Real, threat To the edftor: Copy of, loUer ta Stophen Morrissn, Rose Côrporatuon Impediment sunny east Last spnim hatched. conceived How can Rase Corp. dlaim any aêant survý contribution .ta hertage caused th conservation -as they theaten problems Il Lynde Shores, a class 1 histarical encaLinterE wetland on Lake Ontario, wth Unless devoiopment? This massive stop dovek subdivision on the east shore of we wvill los Lynde Creek would destray aur treasure. H claswetland farever. are called, I would like tô know- how yaur area, hovî develapment' is nat gaing ta curient ark imnpose change upon aur past? I-Ik watorfront weland Lyndo Shores. t connocted already has. Not only is the wetland oxperience throatened but- also aur qualty of can Whftbý Idfe in Durham Rogian. culture and >This aiea has always been Since tV revered by Fi rst Nations. Lynde Plan was Shores lands are of great value ta has contin eIders and students of native make land studios, archaeology and ecalagy, historical i through Tient University and rosponsibili Durham College, as a window ta lovels of çi oui past. ail the trea Recently some wakers fram befare devi Japan and the U.S. came through Whitby. They are hiking around the perimeter of Lake Ontario. As we turned an ta Victoria Street towards Lynde Marsth and walked wost down the hilI a Jefer Street, the pace changed. While iemnemboring how for si hundreds of years First Nations have been continually restricted ta smaîler and amaller areas.of land, Hiroshima 50 yoars ago, and Oka To the el in aur midst, we stopped ta chant, O e and alter a ceremony at the Onb waters edge (with sacred tobacco Wamen sl pravided by the Mohawk nation) Evarigelist praceeded towards Taronta. would like Respect was shawn this sacred thanks ta place of tranquility we cali Lynde recent raifl Shares. This quiet moment was a paiish cent reflection af the peace anid idontity With th this area radiates. *valunteers, First Nations are taking part in a AliceGE study conducted by the Waterfront pize, a Trust pertaining ta native Whi&lore ,,occupation and culture an Lake second. p Ontario and creek valleys as these Crago of wore the' trails made by aur prize, $100 ancestors. 1 see that the wood chips still presert the saMe- 9 ta turtlies $04 tshare ta lay th r? the younx ho thorny1 ýas a protectiv, mve, and tho fE he deer and :hoy have nov( Bd. we ail take a lopment. on theE ie forever this H surplus lands, 1are develape w cari, native bd future, rediscc oW can pec Jta this uniqui a n Lake Onta )y reti and pri id nature? ho Open Spac Spraposod, Ro! nued ta, be uni Javailablo ta PI rnarsh. I believe Ility of dovelape govemnt ta msures af aur cc velopment. Margaret1 Great uppo, To the edftor: I canit be the only. one having trouble reonciling* Mr. Flaherty's new-found passion for. Whitby Goneral Hospital anid his pleas for common sense ta prevail. Not anly do 'his. opportunistic lettors ta yaur paper rival the receit' "stream of conscience* ratianalizatians from our current MVPP, Drumnmond White, but they are remarkably incansistent with the so-callod "cammQn 'sense" cant of his party. The atogethor eking the sàp homaîmc and speciaus loir oggs. oconomic assumptions contained g nover in the' Conservativo, election plantings platform wauld nover permit him, we barrier or his party, -ta keep Whitby once has Generai Hospital apen. 1 coyote Lot me shed a little light an the or before issue. First of ail, it was his party that created the district health stand to council (DHC) system that was se shores meant ta shield the Minister of timeîess Heath from nasty outbreaks of id in this have now in Whitby. e people, f thore- is a culprit in the over thr ou ice5ssfit is the DHC, comprisod je 'atural who vastly outnurber the ari? l-bw "consumer" members. Theo DHC ,eere t5 should b. dissolved. Mr. Flaherty fails ta corne ta re Master grswith concrete proof that the is op DHC'spolitical incompetence has îwilling ta croated an untenable situation in otect this Durham Region. Forget the e it is the conspiracy theory, Mr. Flaherty, ira and ail dump the DHC. recognizo ht was Mr. Flaherty's party that, ommunity throughout tho years, consistently underfundd Whitby Genoral Cornfoot Hospital. To be fair, Oshawa Whltby General Hospital, tao, was underfunded by a series of Tory hoafth ministers, who, in the main, were the architects of aur bloated, ineff icient provincial heath care system. Now they seek t a"cure" heahh caro. Howovor, the. Conservative proscription is much worse than the cure. The Conservatives Itou: 3haif af the Catholic League of St. John the tChurch -in Whitby, w. )ta express aur sincero iail who supported aur fIe ta raise funda for aur itre furnace f und. hs hard wauk of many 3. it was a huge success. agatais of Ajax won f irst handmade quilt, O. of Whitby won the rize of $200, Darothy Bowmanville won third prmse economic reform based on faufty assumptions. AIl at once, dogmatic "Republican" style tax anid spending cuts are promised without any serlous thought given ta their cause and, eff ect. The Taries' reckless approach ta baîancing the budget ensures deep cuts ta services and a displaced oconomny, particularly in the Greater Toronto Area. Surely, Mr. Flaherty doesn't seriously believe ho can have R bath ways. The Tory platform will shut hospitals, flot keep them open. t's also strange that a Conservativo would expect ta b. Pat K&PwUCIl5KI beîlevedi on economlc Issues MîIIa Chascze.wskl y'a Just rhetoric Nf the track record of the former federal Conservativo g=vernment Is considered -- doN anddefîcit targets missed with stunning rogularity -- thon the Conservative platform, as weII as Mr. Fîaherty's credibility, are suspect. Overalî, 'Mr. Flaherty offers simplistic solutions to a complex problem. Beneath the thin veneer of pro-campaign rhetoric lie more tactios, not a strategy or solutions. If ho expects to be boîievod, thon why did ho and his leader not talce time to visit Whitby General Hospital. when Mr. Harris came to' To the edîtor,: May 8 will rp rk the 5Oth anniversary af th~ end of Waild War Il in Europe. Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day) is being celebrated ail over Europe with parades, parties and firowork displays. I arn not sure whether these celebrations extend ta Germany or not, athough I think they do. As far as I know, there are no civic celebrations being planned in Whitby. I spoke ta the Rayai Canadian' Legian, and they are having a parade and service at the cenotaph on May 7, and' thon holding an open house. They can't oven get permission to have Rt on the right day. .AIllaf the 48- and 49-year-olds should b. out there joining in and giving moral support. They probably c>we their lives ta the ending af the war 50 years aga next month. If a service or celebrations- causes tiaffic problema for two or thiee haurs, so b. R. Park and b. grateful you aie alive ta b. inconvenienced, and go and shako hands with a veteran, anid thank them. Haweveî, maybe celebrating this annivorsary is like s0 many other events of the past, it la not politicalîy correct. I telephoned the Whitby municipal office and no one know what May 8 meant.- But alter my explanation, they told me ta cai the mayor. I did oeil the mayar's office, and the persan who answeîed did not know the significance af the date either. Whtan insuit ta those Canadians who served theur counitry, many of ,whom 'died in Europe and the Atlantic, anid have no known grave, apart from the cenotaph.' I have obeained from the British Tourist Office a 17-page handout identifyingq the evonts taklng place throughout the year in celebration of y- EDay and V-J Day, Aug. 15. town last month? TaIk 19 cheap. R seems to me that his cail to mnari the baricades" is more than a littie bit late. The SOGH graup .was formed nearly a year ago. How might the' election campaign serve to further galvanize a community. aiready deeply committed to saving Whltby Genoral H-ospita? How, indeed, cari we -place aur trust in a candidate wîfllling to rosort to hollow rhetoric and a pýopondoîance to act now, think Joe Butson They have even moved the officiai long weokend from iMay l 1to May8. in honour of the event. 1 Besides everything elsethat is taking place on May 8 itself, they are having. a beacon-lighting ceiemany at 8:30 pin. acrosthe whole 0of Europe. .-I' 'We, appaiently, aren't .even going ta light a match.' Brian Holi Whltby No business sen.se To the odîtor: I recently read about the fantastic, $18.5-millian, privately- operated sparts complex ta be built in Oshawa, an City-Ieased land. During the 1991 and alsa the, 1994 municipal electians, 1 iremember a candidate by the name of Jim- Priest stating that fiee enterprise shauld build and opr= much-needed arenas in hiy.His was the only voice of reason with regards ta obtaining facilities at no cost ta the taxpayor. lnstead, Whitby cauncil, with the ir total lack af any business sense,ý turned away many viable proposais in favour af thoir archaic empire-building and tax grab thinking. 1 Now Whitby, counicil can sit back and watch Oshawa rake in millions, ait back àand watch fundraisers (hawever warthy) collect nickela and dimes,ý or <maybe juat once passibly bearn -something. D A ~n 'RR2 Whltby An insuit To the editor... To th e editor..,, a 1

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