%p4. fflitîy Fr.. Prous osa, April 5,1lS6 Politicianishail estoration offuitlGO(ervic By Mke Kowall Two local politicians involved in the fighit to roinsitate full GO train service to Durham Region have reason to smile. MPPl Drummond White and Mayor Tom Edwards are ecstatic about last we.k's announcement that ail-day train service acros the region will return in Septem- ber. The. two were key participants i the campaign te restoe ful service after it was eliminated as part of a province-wide cost cut- ting, initiative by GO Transit almà oet two years ago. Theirs and others lobbying efforts. were rewarded Thursday whon reinstatement of aIl-daty service was containod in a pack- age of GO Transit improvomonts announed by Premier Bob Ra. Non-rush hour service east of Picker* was curtailed in July 199 and commuters have had t rely on! bus connections between Pîckern and the other munici- palities d=îigoff-peakhours. «rm very, very ploased for rny constituent. and the entire area,» said White. nt takes a littie while for goverrment to move, even when it's your, own S UENERAL TIRE (B. TIRE ISP*S AL LGNV HC W P235X75R15 P205X70R 5l S GRABBER AP GENSEAL S OWL W/W $9500-.-5 8800 O 31 Xl .50X1 5 P235X75R15 S GRABBER AP HOOSIER RWL * $13000) 95100 * USED TIRES $20.00 & Up DEALER FOR GENERAL, BRIGADIER, HOOSIER DUNDAS ST, z z Tonm ireRD. U s s-. s s s s s O O s s s s s e government,'he okod. ii. Durham tntre roprosen- tative spent the Friday ornuig rush hour at the Whiîtby GOd train station thanking com- mutera for their support of bis fight against the cutbicks. White collected more than 8,000 names on mail-back roply cards contained in his ridmng newsletter and a petition ho pro- sented in the Ontario legislature last December. "Frankly, Fmn amazed that my colleagues mnthe leqp*slature from Burlington, Missîssauga and Oakvillo, even those *i opposi- tion, did nothing,» said White. Ittook a. goverrnent mom- ber's petition and doggo'd peris- tence togt results and, lotme b. bluntabout it, it's an issue where I had taken the load," ho said. "Tii. mayors of Whitby, Oshawa and tho GTA (Greater Toronto Area) picked up on it.» White claimed a «fnumbor of things" have changod sinco the cutbacks went into effoct. "Most important is the rider- ship han imcreased,» ho said. «We're out of the recession. Two years ago people weron't using GO trains because they weren t working.» .White rejected a suggestion that the announcement was part of a packrage of pro-election gifts from the governmont (see separato story). &]Let's be blunt about it I started on this issue long bÃiore there was talk of an election," ho said. "I was working on it when the cuts were announced and I went public when it could have been ernbarrassing (for his own government)." Whether pre-ordained to coin- cide with an élection cail or not it made no différence to Edwards. «Frankly I nover look a gift horse ïnin tihmouth » ho said., "Ifs too bad it haJ not corne sooner and w. had to wait for an élection but ira very, refreshing to wor;k away at, something knowing the clhances are slim and thentobo vindicated in this fashion.» Prom the moment the cutbackS were announced, Edwards embarked on a vîgorous lobbying effort to convince, government and GO Transit- officiais to over- turn the decision. "Wfs (ful service) nothing but an enhancement for'the région from an economic view,u ho said. «We had on. business corne to Whitby mostly because of acces. to, GO trains. It makes economic sens. Edwards. added that ail-day service will especially be welo- med by physic-aily disabled per- sons. "People in wheelch airscan't use the buses. They have to do without or go in rush bour, which is the worst possible time. Reinstatement of ail-day. ser- vice on the lakeshore lin. is part of a packgof$2 million in capta improvemont to GO Brnit drn the next five years. The government also, has long- term pl ans to, build new rail linos and stations as woll as impie- menting new measures such as bus service on the future Hwy. 407. IsSý"heir#,l'aà inheritance tax? Is eyély6one entitled to the Pension "Plan?. ABU IllUe.,.. Presented by Mia and MIDLAND WALWYN BLUE CHIP THI NKING"' Wal IÀLI tES Canad.a,,( [wyn, Phone for Details (905) 831-2641 Village Retiremen, 1955 -Valley Farm Road, Pickering, t Centre Ontario ~S~4w~ m~5~ZWfl~ Corne and Visit our Luxury Living Suites -Activity programs Three meals daily Cable -Air-conditioning -Housekee'ping and Laundry services -24 Hour nursing supervision -Four piece ensuite- And- muchý, much more See what having it ail reaily means to you! Ll V 1X6 NI -0 0 7i955 Valley Farm Rd. ___ na -M 1 SPECIALS OF THE MONTH] 0 p en House and Financial Seminar Or Seni»ors on S(ý, -i 1 (,7,