Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1995, p. 29

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Slght increase, in, - Wb>y euePui, W<hiy, pul , 9, PM s 29 Whitbyschooltax FROM-PAGEZ1 lens. thon last year and the_ iigest increase will b. in Brock Tawnship. Rates are baaed on property assesament, which varies -fromh area ta area. "There not a hock of a lot' of cuts" this ýetr, saya budget com- mittee chaiu Bobbie Drewi. «We had done so many cuts last year and the ya bfore. Wre feeling the.fuil im~ato that now, pitively adnega- tively." Drew as altiiouh spending reductions bgaithe lastfour mùonths.of lest year, "we feel the full uipact of tiiose uts tis- year. Among the most significant ch' nesths year: * Each achool'. block, or operatinç, budgt which waa reduced in each of the last two years, will be increased three per cent and an' additional $500 will b. given te sitart up parent coun- cilsl, as requfired by the provmnce. * Eleven new educat.o o SuRio- tenta have been hired -- there had been a hiring freeze -- and money was set aside for more as reuired. e2 $5. million for the new John Dryden elementary school and day care in northeast Whitby. $ 250,000 for amail main- tenance projecta., * An additional $521,000 for teclmology' initiatives mostly computer ardware and software for sehools. As well, there's money for several. new. programs requied by the provnce, includi *5$.4 million in capital coas for the .rvicially. mandated junior indergarten 1program. That doesn't include the cost of hiring. 50 new teachèe. Anti-racist education will cost $80,000 this year and an employ- ment equity survey $13,500. Ten new support staff posi- tions have been added, including four techniciana te* help achools with computer problems, a net- work and energy Manageent- Pr ,oammer, acIrto deal wîth and a "waste manager» to con- duct a waste management audit which in also. required by the' provmce. "W. haven'lt added staff cen- trally for a number of years now,' D. w notes, «and welre a growi board. W. grow by 800 t,1,500students a year.» Theft at works yard A computer, television and videocassette recorder were sto- len, in a break-in early Sunday morning-at the Durhamn Region works yard on Conlin Road.west ofTlhickson Road in Whitb. The . theft " was repte te police by a superisor, who says theÏ theft muet have occurred sometime between 12:30 a.m when. he locW d up, and 7-.49 a.m. when he returneýd ta work.' The tems were stqlen from an office *n the.recydlingbuidirig. r_. Chelsea Balzan HENRY ST. .H.S. Julie, Bonello FATHER LEO J.- AUSTIN'. 1'hingS ecrtainly heating- up at Hamry. Thi esuel on for OÂC students asther mrksare sent to universities oni April il. Grüde 9 and 10 students are busy preparing: 'fortheir mi&.term exams which are quickly The ollewing teamis have begun-the tyot pracessa.! junior ca-ed -voileybollboys' basebefl Congratulations toe Ose w Generals (especially those who mak Heniy their home for the seasan) for such an exciting year of hockey. Their season camne te a sad end last.week with alIost the Peterborugh Petes. We wislî ail of them good luck es 'Most ai them- will b. returning te, their hometewns.» Also last week, Henry students were feeling unselfish. Students paid $1 te wear hats and teaciiers paid $2 in order ta, dress down. Mony raised went te, epilepsy research. Later in the week about'120 studente paid te, watch Hemry SAIJY (Studente Against Drunk Driving) annual obstacle course. This successful event pitted SAfl) againat teaa from HAC, student council and a team from the staff at Henry. Student council won on a srategic play by Mark anrlip in the final round of action (betterluck next time, Mr. Foikerson). Money raised wnt teward SAID's efforts ta, send four members, te a weekend-long provincial conference.. The cast sud crew of 'The Leader cf the Pacle are sw deterniined ta, put on an enjoyable show May 4, 5 and 6, tiiey are rehearing day and night (no exaggeration). Lunch, afternoon, evening and weekend rehearsals are a sure way of gaateeing a great perfomac. Don't forget te reserve your tickets soon, they're a hot comodity and going fast. CaIl HSHS at 668-2731 for ticket info. Fm su re Henry studente have noticed many professional type people visting aur school this wveek. Guest -speakers from ail walks of the professional world have been visiting us for ' Career Week' ta, help us choms. ur future patha. Neit week -* representatives hrm the. 'Sunrise Youth Group' will ha coeing te -each clam te find new Peer Helpers. TheSe "acti« for ed.l pmet4y_ 15 and*2&. À peer helper i.a persan Who provides support and friendaiip te other youths in tii. ogization. Activities include <lances, day camps, overnight camps and a sailing program. If you are interested, cail Tony at 571-4980.4 Students are reminded of the final dance of the 1994-95 sabn en April 27. Student council will hast an ail-request ilance for your ýtin easr. Tune in for And en a final note.. Where oni earth is it? Apparently, we'i find out* on April 10 at the veir latest. ANDERSON C.V.l. Il?. been a busy week at ,Andersan In sports, aur champion track suad field .-tea>nhonas lraeady 1compet.d ina on. meet, laat Friday. Aleo, AICE is holding an intramural field hockey taurnament ail tu. week during lunch itheii new gym. Congratulations te aur mock trial team who represented us well in tih. regionals. Yesterday, the SAC assembly meeting was held during third period. Sciiool rings are on sale again this week in tii. main foyer. Congratulations to the. eight ACVI student wiio will "take over" local government by porticipating intheti.youth sud civic administration program which helps young people gain knowledge of the. Town's municipal structure. Consisting of seniinars sud mock council meetings, the. program lets students tae a siiot at making decisians on local business. Anovther group of teaciiers sud students working extremely hard are the talented members cf the. «'Spontaneous . Combustion' theatre crew. This i. the. third. sfraight year for Spontaneous Combustion. Ites su amazing evemng cf one-act performances, primoily comedyr. lne caste include more thon 40 students from ail grade levels. Rehearsals are held eve1y lunch hour, eveiy day afler schoo, every woekend, sud even some evemna Tickets wiil go on sale at the. end cf April fôr the. May 17-19 performances&èa. It wiil positiv.ly b. su event nat te b. missed. >Next week, grad photos will ha taken. Be surete get yaur picture taken if yau îaregraduatingts *year -- and that inchudes smmer As, weil, prom refunde are coming up, so if you are unable te experience 'A. Nigit Ini Venice,' se a member of the. prom committe. ta room 212. If anyane in still taterested ta joining the prom ýcommittee, new members are always welcome. One hast reminder ta arnts:! The 'Family of Sciioals music concert ia tanight at 7:30 p.m., and tiie parent/teacher conferences tae place tomorrow from 2:15 to 4:15 p.m. sud 6:30 te 9 p.m. Busy adi. 1. active; at work 2. full of activity. Dom this sound ,familiar, Wildcate? Wbile" the. word "chaotic" my a little closer te the 'imakfor sme'of us, tiiere in no doubt that the. pastweek'has definitely been a lively one, and wrenot'onfly refeiýMng te piles of hamework, teste and ISUs- that, by some miraculous freak-of nature, have aIl been due at the soane time. Many facts'are about te b. unleashed, Austin, so hold on ta your.cardigans. .The fabulous «'Fast For Life' han, reached tii. end of the, road in terme of pledge-finding time. Yen, tuis ostounding 24-hour event ie in aur- midst at lest -- Friday i. tiie day, the. Wildcat den ja the place. Sa, participants, you have exactly two <laya te binge, before the. dors ta-the. faod-filéèd outeide world are clased (we couldus some ' Twiligiit Zone theme music here). Sp.aking of screen productions, the Austin Commumity Th.atre's presentation of '.The Beggar' Opera opened today, and will run for tiiree more days: April 6, 7 sud 8 at 7:30 p.m. 0f course, we do not se. how s0 msuy hundreds of stampeding drama-lavers, who IShannon Maracle SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL This week at Sinclai a fiur;y cf activity is occurring, everything fr-om Jeilo-eoting contesta te aur students being hypnotized. It'a S -rt Weekasd it's bard ta believe tfin its alr.ady half over. Th. car wanh hait-,Friday aft.r achool was a huge suo&E.ss H.e' te the.restof the spirit week activities. On Wednesday April 19, in periada B sud C, you wiil have t h.cprunity t go te the Civic rc coplex te swim. Tbis is a Snclair firi4ansd chances are spaces will fil up fait. K.p reading te flnd out where sud when te mign up. On April 12 and 19, there wiil b. a temporary climhing wail set up in the gym. Theewiil be twa msmns te tii oetiY. Esch wilh o $5 Permission forma con b.' picked up in front of. the phys- ed office. Sign up fost, there lsa"a imited number of spaces avaihale. On Wednesday, June 7, se. 'Joseph! 'MIer. are apoxmtely 15 te 20 seats stilh vaiabe. Pic% up yoeir permission form in the. resource centre. Tbis lasunail-day excursion. Th. cost is $53. lI the gym, tatramural 5-on-S baketail coninues. As weIll studenta chailenged teochers sud police in baoketbail earlier today. Bothgaes were very .xciting sud M ful nnail-biting suspense. Have you hand.d in your co-c application? If you haventy au can pick one up tai student services today. 1Have a great Urne at the. very firt Spirit Week at seol. Until nmit wsk, have a good week snd- wiil -certainIyr. ha flacking- ,ýto beiiold tuis, comic miasterpiece, Winl al.fit ,tanaur.mnodest' caetoeium. Tii. promise aof ulapstick, saîtire, adventüe.and roance has sent the town abuzz. Just remember, Wildcats, it 'al. began'here. Anôther SWEL (Students With Èeceptional Lead.rship) meeting is scheduled, te take paeo April 29 at McLaughlin CI Tus annual. conference, organiz.d, by studenta for studenteguarantees a great opportunity te, make new frienda, have -tons o' fun and miss scioci for the. day (iiow con yug wrong there?). Any ;-,dca= tavolved muet ha pleased as punch. Now that we've gotten on te thnighappy 'thoughts, *March 30 makd a wanderful, encouragingfgeeýl-good meeting (right Wildcats?) for college- sud university-bound students. Yes, this discussion, gave the low-down on mark verification oppaintments and graduation fees. Also, votes were cant for valedictorian of 1995. By the. end of the. very ,enlightening, assembly, many Wildcat eyes were teary with jb sud excitement (or wes that misery?). On that post-secondary note, thei. Universty of Toronto'. faculty ofiengineering i. iiosting an ' informative event for prospectve applicants. 'Skule Day. 9T5' (how clever!) is alated for the weekend of May 6 sud 7. Engineers-to-be1 wiil have the. oppartnt t meet professors, stdnts and staff of the. university sud receive a tour of the. campus. A mer. $40 paya for meals and one night's accommodation in University of Tarante residence. Finaily, warm congratulations go out ta members of the. Austin badminton team who took part in the. LOSSA West singles tournamnent at Njax H-igh %choMl. Thre. talented players have qualified' for the. LOSSA chapionship, but te the Wildcat who - a already stelking the. gold medal, winming is only a minor technicahity. Ibus, -bu"y" seema 11k.the accurate term for bat week's frenzy of Austin-hppnig Foetunat.ly,' a woekoutlketuis only makes the. Wildcat -tr---- - there stiilsla'a lot cf room eft on enemy territmy fer- claw Ma*&frm ilth taeoe

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