Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1995, p. 21

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WhlUby Fm. PMU#s. WdiddApU 5.1M,5 Page 21 T'h. Cesarean prevention, supprtand education group of Durham on will meet on Monday,Aprj 10, 7:30 p.m., at 8 Duke St.., Bowmanville. Topic for &disuson wiil be Choices in RChildb- -rt1h.' For more information, cail Caryn at'623-886. EXCEFI'INAL CIIILDRE neh Councfi for Exceptional Children, Durham Chapter 584, inssponsoring an eveningof music andfin-service on Wdesday, April 12, 7 Wo 9 p.m., ithe. Sinclair Secondary Seoo auditorium, 400 Taunton Rd. E.,, Whitbhy. Penny Giil wil spee4kà about autisin and pervasivej developmental disorder. Talenti fimboth Durhamn Region schoolj boards wil b. represented. T'h. evemng isfre. of charge and al are welceme. To attend, cail Barb Minacs at 576-6707 or 686-6664. CAREGIVER SRE An infogrmation senies ,.for individuils 'can-ing for an aduit family member or friend wiil b. held on Wednesday eveninga from Wpi 9t May 24, at the. Glazier Mfedîcal Centre in Oshawa. Each two-hour session, .7-te 9 p.m., wil demi witii topics suchac? with stress, undersa; = issues, handling medicaton and accesming community- resouz-ces. To register, oeil 723-8521, r contact Betii Lettner, Glazier Medical Centre at 579-1212. PARENT FIDERS Parent Finders, whicii helpe reunite adoptees and their birth relatives,, and- vice-versa, wil meet on Tuesday, April il,, 7:30 p.m., at Abert Street U nited Ciurch, AIbert and Olive streets, Oshawa. COIN CLUB The Oshawa & District Coin Club wil meet at fthe Arts Resource Centre b.hind Oshawa City Hall on Sunday, April 9, 12:30 p.m. For mor information cail 728-1352. CAMP iHLîAM Camp Trillum, in corjunction with FORCE (Families of Related Cancer Efforts) is ofTring a, day camp programn for siblings and kIds with cancer. An information meeting willb. held on Thursday, Apnil 6..17:30 p.m., at -the Michael Starr Building (downtown Oshawa). For more information, oeil Heatherý Warkentin, at 435-0727. HOME BUYERS SEMIAR TD Bank wiil hold a seminar for home-buyers on Tuesday, April il, 6:30 Wo 9 p.m., at the. Holiday Inn in Oshawa. 'Guest speakers will include 'ID retail mortgge national manager Iid inn.réal estate lawyer ' Merchants of Misery' and #'HavensOGite.' Malarek is a journalist with the CBC's fifth estate. Registration will tae place between 6:30 and 7 -pan. To attend cail 433-1551, ext. 2236. CFUW ANNIVERSARY T'h. Canadian Federation of University Women -- Oshawa & District *fill cdftbrate its 5th anniversairwth a potluck sup- peron Wededay, Aprill1% 6:30 p.m., for both current and past members at Northminister United Church, 676 Simcoe St. N.,Oshwa.For more informa- tion cali Janet Nisb.t et 668- 208è VALERIE OWEN, manager of the gift shop at the Whitby Mental -Ieafth Centre, us seeking volunteers,, who have some retail expneneto, help operate the shop. An, open house will be held at the gift shop, MAYSUYAMA BONSAI MmTii.Mtsuyama Bonsaï Society will me.t,- t Faith Place, 44 William St., Oshawa, on Tuesday, April 11,, starting ut 7 p.m.,-for beginners' and ' -ut 7:30 p.m. general meeting. It is, open te al those interested* .in »tii art 'of bonsai. Cl (905) 432-3612 or (905) 683-2568 for more GARDEN CLUB Mmi Oshawa Garden Club meets Monday, Apnil 10, 7:30 pamn, ut Northninster United Chuith, 676 Simeca St. N. (at Rossland). George Paglowski, gardningspecialist from Royal BanclGardens in Burlington, will show slides and seko annuals, and otiier sef-eeding volunteeS in the. garden. For more information, oeil Ron Bilsky at 725-2744. FROMYALGIA T'he Durham Regfion Fibromyalgfia su pport group will meet at 44 Willams St. (Faith Place), Oshawa, on Wednesday, April 12, 7:30 p.m. Ail welcome. Cl 576-8357 or 434-6177 for more information. AQUARIUM SOCIETY. l'he Durham Region Aquariu Society wiil meet on Tedy, Apnil 11, 7:30 p.m., in the. caftena t R. cLaughlin CVI, 570 Stevenson Rd. N. (just south of Rossland Rond), Oshawa. For more information, cail Barr McKée at 683-7660. WOME'S AGLOW Wamenls Aglow F.ilowship of Canada, Oshawa-Wlhitby chatr, wil meet on Tixursday, Apnl3 7 pa., ., at Cuilen .Garndens, whitbv. Post is $7 per person Fer mmrter information .oeil, 723.9m5. a THEOS T'he localchapter <f THEOS wiil meet on Siunday, April 9,at 2 p.m at St. Andrew's Pûrslterian Church, Cochrane' Street Whitby. THEOS is a auppot rop for the widowed, ndalwidowed men and women are welcome to attend. For more information cail 668-2648. CONCERT On Palm Sunday, April 9, ut 10:30 a.m., Glen Rutledg, trombone. and voice soloist (as seen on 100 Huntley Street) wil b. in concert at Whitby Christian Assembly, 100 Rosland Rd. W. (corner <f Brock Street and Rossland Road, Whitby). For more information, coâil666-2556. located in building 27, on Monday, AprIl 24. For more information, cail Joanne' Ashleydirector of, volunteer, serices, at 668-81, ýext.,5292. "Pholotw o t akReom. WhIlY Fmo.Pree WALKATHON T'h. Pregnancy Help Centre of Durham is having a walkathon on Arl2, 10 a.m., a funraiingevent. lTh. Pr.gnancy Help Centre is located at-127 Per St. (behind the post office) inWhitby. For more information regarding walking or. pl.dging, cmi 490-8784 or 668-2984. Cmli before April .14 te receivS a Wk for ife'T-shirt. FASHION SHOW Lantana Fashions wiil hold a 'Fashion -Exitravaganza' on Thursday, April 6, at the. Touch of Clasm Banquet Hall in Whitby. A portiïon of proceeds fr-om ticket sales wiil go te tthe Rose --of Durhamn. Door open at 6 p.m. Tickets are $5 each. Cmli 668-7291. YWCA-ANNPiERSAIRY l'he Oshawa YWCA wiil b. celbraingits 5M hanniversary t psaer and orgai--- are loing for past fitn.ssl class prticipants for a fitness reumion on Simday, April 9, in the a=m <f the. pregrain building at 1 MceGnigor St. beginning at 215 and .nding at -5 p.m.,l'h. event wll feature Pictuesmementos and archives <f the. peut 30 years <f fluzue led by instruto Donna Davidman. For more inomain contact Heather Abramczuk at 623-2781. OLDES DANCE Radio. DJ Don Daynard wii make his annual appearance m-n« su pport of tii*. Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, -at tii. l3thý annual, «50's and 609 Oldies Dance,' at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium on Saturday, May 6 at 8 p.m. l'h. evening will feature a best dressed contest, 'dour prizes, weekend- getaway draw, T-shirts and haindressers to slick backoron tail hair. Tckets are $22 hcand reon saleat tii. Civic box office on Saturday, April 15, 9 arn. There is a linit of 10 tickets per person. Cali 668-1599 for more information. CfWDFD Child Find Ontario - Durham Region wiil hold its one-year anmversarvy during a volunteer meeting on Thursday, April 6, 7 p.m., at the. Pickering recreation complex arena meeting room (O'Brien rink). Té becomne a vouteattend tii. anniversary or cae (905) 420-9917 Pïckenxng. YOUNG ARTIST RECITAL Tii. Oshawa and District Branch of the. Ontanie Registered Teachers Association wMi present a'concert featuning senior level students on April 7. 8 p.m., at Zion Christian Reforin Church (Adélaide/Central- Park). Tickets, for $5, are available at Thomas Hous. of Music, VWhitby. communltygroupe whlch are baed In Whllby or have a ýhcsubetantial Whltby . 0membershlp May place their o ciie ths page et st. Profl .Wr li g or no-W F~lday mi fipro. ~ FASEKON ISHOW l'Th. 'Spring Palette -of Colours' fashion show wiil b. held Saturday, April 8, 1 ., Salvation Army, 122 Kent -St., Whitby. Tickets $4, (includes door pràe aarefresbmets),are avauabl a thtei.Salvation Amy Thrift, Store, 225 Brock St. N., whmtb.. i BNPI[ Epilepsy Durhamn Région meets Tuesda 'April -11, 7:30 p.m., at theKinsmen Centre, 109 Coiborne St W., Oshawa. Guest spealoer -is Cindy Moule' frein Panke'Davis Pharmaceutical *with a variety - f information on medications. Eveiryone is welcome te jo!iý n-nTeFr flrtiier details oel 666-9926. < CKLTIC, l%'.Durbin Celtic Sports an'd Culturel 'Club. wiliiold their annual genera meeting Sunda, April 9 at the"SteelworkersHal Oshawa, noon te 4:.30 p.m. lh'h club wiil' ais. view liv. by satellite, the -'Sco*ttish Cup' semi-fina at âmoccer City (Celtic, versus Hibemnian), on Friday, April 7, 2:30 *p.m. Cali George McGÏhee et ,430m-3434, for more information., F SE OW, AUCTION T'he Durham Region Aquarium Societ~y annual' show and fish aucticon wiil b. held on Sunday, April 9, ut tii. Ajax Community Centre, Centennial Rontd, Njax. Show entries wiilb. acce11td frin 8 tol1O'a.m. Judging wi b. frovm 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Entries. will b. open for public viewing fio= 1'W 4:30 p.m. l'h. awards wil b. present.d f-rm 4:30 te 5 p.m. For the. awdcton, entries wil b. acepte. from 8 Wo 10 a.m. T'h. auctionwiil begin ut 10 a.m. and continue until completed with short. breaks for lunch and for the. presentation of the show awards. T'he show wil have 32 classes for ail kinds of fish as weil as classes for related photography, arts, crafts and aquatic plants. T'h. auction includes tii. sale of hobby related equipment such as aquariums, mquatic plants, and filters, au well as fish. Refreshients can b. purchased. For furtiier information, call Jin Brown at» 905-987-3412 or iy Fisher at 905-831-0940. 'Gift'of volunteertm TheWbib Leglon Branch 112 Iàadet .ary will meet on Wednesday, 1pil129 8 p.m., et the. Ieon hall on Byron Street South. For more information, cmli 668-0302. WEkjicgS AND EYIORS neh Durham Writers end Editors Breakfast Club wil hold its regular monthly 'meetng ocg gaturday, April 8,8 to 10 a.m., at Swanls Marina, Liverpo ;àon and 'Lake- Ontario, Pckrig. Cost is $8 members ""$10 non-meml»rs Rèester, 1in advance. pen to anyon mntorested in networkcing .,with writers. Cail Marjorie Green (905) 686-2085. AM FUNDL4ISER On Sundaây,: Aprl ,9t, 1 to 4 p..,Wheelies wi donate ail adision recop t tohelp rais.' funda for thei. Committee of, Durham. Admission is. $4. Volunteersfrin ýADS Committe. will b. present: to hlaïd -out ribbons and ,answer .any questons. For -more information,, oelWheelies info lin. at 666-1272 or AIDS Committe. of Durhamn at 665-0051. NEWCOMERS CLUB3 The Oshawa/Wbtby' New- corners Club ,Will. meet on. Tueady' April 11,,8 p.mý, uaitheii Oshawa Arts Resource- Centre, Green Rom. A representaLtivre from Braemar ýFashions 'Wll conduct a wardrobing semin'*àr. Alwomen ne w in the area are welcome.,.Admission, is $1 for members, guest> free. For ý more information,' -eil ý'Information Whitby :at .,668-0552,:,or Information OshaWa at 434-46136.

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