WhIby Fr.. Preo, W.ckiody, April65,1995 Page117 BROTHER JAKE Edwards (Ieft) from radio station 0107 is shown at 'The Second House that Jake Buift,' a 2,117- square-foot Chestnut Hill home, from the Woodlands development on the west side of Brook Street (Hiqhway 12), south of Taunton Road. The house is the prize in the station's eight-week promnotion that ends M ay 13 at Canada's Wonderland when one of the more than 500 keyolders opens the door to win the house. Shown with Eards is Gary Maister, vice president of development for Chestniut Hill. Unîversîty women. celebrate 5O0th year The Canadian -Federation of Univerity- Women (CFUW) - Oshawa & District is ceiebratrng 50 years of service* to the community this year. To mark the specal anniversary, they are hosting a prtlck supper and clebration on Wedneday, April 12 for both current and past members The party is beingheld at, Northminister United hch 676 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa and begins at 6:30 pa. For furher information, cali Janet Nishet, vice-president, at 668-2088. CFUW Oshawa & District is the local chapxter of a national and international oraztion of university women that was established in 1919 to, safeguard and improve the econoxmic, legai and proessonal statua o Canadian women. kCFUW represents 12,000 menibors in over 125 clubs acros Canada, and is part of the international Federation of University Women (IUW tackling global issues. and presening women fiom around the woeid with a conimon ground on which te meet. mhe club began on April 23, 194, when 39 local university women graduates gathered for an organizational meeting. mhelirat j regular meeting 'of the club was eél at the YWCA on Tuesday, Oct. 11, 1945, with 45 members. The club membersliip peaked in 1981-82 at 223. CurrentlY there are 120, active members ni the Oshawa & District- club because another chapter for Ajax-Pickering- members opened i 1989, drawing away members who had.previously attended the Oshawa chapter. The estéblishment (cf a scholarshp fumd was one of the important items of business at the flrst regular meeting in 1945. 1%e goal this year is severai thousand dollars. This year's fund-raiser is a reantic weekend for two in Toronto -- ail for $2 aticket or 3 for $5. The- getaway package includes a limousine ride te and from Toronto, dinner at the Hop te teMusical 'omy, and a nih tthe Park Plaza Hotel. lFor ticets, oeil Lynn Burkholder- at Work of Art in Oshawa (576-98m). Narcotics charge is laid An 18-year-old Brock Street North man was charged after police noticed a maejunapant in lus apatent lhie investi- gating abreak-in. Police say they were called by the suspec ana saw the mari- juana "mplainview,» says In- spector Walter Hall. nom-ach turned up the coin mechaniam from a ~ machine a ci-prtdgm banl macbie ude raise money for charity and a mini hydro- ponic ab - a.amp, trayand a couple of marijuana plants - in the cioset. The suspect was arrested and charged with possession of stelen pro erty and possession of a nar- Miss~~~ing womnanfond*itrn A ]Richmond Hill woman who went missing March 26 was dis- covered safe in, the trunk of her car nt a. Whitby towing com- pound. Police say -the woman was reported missing to police in Pickering sevei hours after leaving a Whitby area party, says Inspector WaterHail. A Whitby officer found an apparently abandoned vehicie at Groveside Cemetery on Highway 12, south of Brooklin, the next day) and' had it takén by Broughton's Towing to their com- pounasays Hall. Meanwhile the PkkIering offi- cer who took the missinigperson report ran the car's license plate and discovered the vehicie had been seized. Officer were sent te Groveside te search the "ra, says Hall. "As we were i the procesa of searching the area, we Ret a oeil from Biughtoq> saying there's some noises coming from the trunk of this cR. "We go down there and sure enough; there she is.» Hall ayit appears the victim, who had consumed some pis and had been drinking,-locked herseif in the tr-unk becuse she had the keys in her pocket. Sh. was taken to Oshawa General Hopt1 where she was iast reported in stable condition. Congratulations Durham Reidentsi If 's amazîng what your recyclables can make! 911 The Plastic Pop Boftles collected Iast year for recycling' could be made into 448,800. new T-shirts - one for every resident living in Durham Region. 9b Newsp'aper recycled last year would f111 the Hockey Pink in the Oshawa Civie Auditorium'Complex 35 times f rom the ice ta the top of the sideboards. * Corrugated Cardboard recycled Iast year would make 15,885,000 new large pizza boxes. * Paint collected and distributed through the Paint Exchange could paint 260new 1500 square foot homes. * Drywall recycled could *be used to build 86 new 1500 square foot homes. *Motor,0Oh 1recycled could provide 37,756 cars.with an ail change. Composting Sets' New Records! More than 6,700 com posters were distributed in 1994, this brings the total ta over 33,500 since 1990. For more information on Waste Reduction programs, please contact the Durham Region Works Department at (905) 668-7721 or (416) 869-375 1.1 Mà Ontario Funded in part by the Ministry of Environment and Energy e ~ DURHAM~ Jake's ho use