Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1995, p. 16

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Po 18, WhIIby FmS Pmos, Woc*>sday, Apnil 5.1995 Authot seeksfurther review of Lynde stud PROM FAGER 10 An 0MB hoarinq into Whitby's approval of subdivision plans for a community of 5 000 people and noarby industrial park east cf the marsh is scheduled te, begin next month. CLOCA's demand for a peer review of the EMP followed more than three hours' discus3sion of a report on the authority's involvo- ment inithe project's planning process since 1986. Draftod by interimi chief administrative officer Chris Conti, the report was ordered by the board last montb te, answer' allegations of inconsistencies in CLOCA99 position on the deve- loprn*ent. Study was "stunted" The charmes were levied by the Saveo Lynde Marsh (SIX) citi- zens' group wbich filed the 0MB appeid against the subdivision Represontatives cf both SLM and the Rose Cor.rmade presen- tations tethe COCboard in reonsto Conti's report. u the board- accepted the report, Brunelle, a longtme foe of the development aceme, convinced onough members te, back bis demand for a peer review cf what ho termed a ustunted" Bird and Hale study. "IH you read it through, e spe - cially the commentait ;Mes about wildlife, the conclusions are inconistent with what's ini the reporte claimed Brunelle. ni cait imagine a development like thia bemng approvedi any place elseh said. Brunello conceded the proposai, ban jone through sevon years cf public meetings a.nd government review but. said the plan is' virtîJý identical te what was prDedpin many reques for alterations there have boon none.» h. said. "TAere Booems te be a real cfriv»f forcebind tis andlI don't lcnow whero it's coming from.» Whitby councillor Jo. Driimm teck exception te Brunelle's dlaim that the development pro- posI.bas emerged unscathed despite. the concerns cf environ- mentalista and local rosidents. "I was chairman cf (Whitby) planning for parts cf this and I have te say that Rose Corp. went a long way te, resolving lots cf them,7 ho said. Al studios -and - reports pro- pared'in conjunction with, the project received the endorsement cf provincial ministries the Crombie Commission, and local goernment, Draun roted. "We've studied it upsîde down, inside eut and the woman who signed it was Ruth Grier," ho ss.id. «As long as I've been in Ontario, rive nover known a tougher minister." Oshawa councillor Brian Nicholson said a peer review will remove any-uncortamty that not enough precautions wil1 be taken te protect the marsh. Herecs.lied that a pro posai for a cement plant i south Oshawa was made te seund se good that city council wouid have been foolish for net approving it. "But that wss according te their (proponents) report" said Nicholson, addingthat Oshawa officiaIs s.sked for a second No2edless te say, tes ne cement plant there new," ho said. If the findings in the Bird and Hale study are soid, «it shouid b. able te stand up te a peer review," Nicholson said. "But if w. donit do one, a black cloud wili bover ovor tis project forever"ý Ciarington ceuncillor Larry Hannah, however, pointed eut that the study ws comrissioned biy the Town cf Whitby and net the - dovelopers. "Bird and Hale are ver res- pected in their field and tis bas been accepted by the ministry cf natural rosources, miniatry cf environment and everyone aise," said Hannah. «I fail te sSe the ¶sbawa cilor Bob Boy- chyn countered that histoxy is funi cf oxaiples where "oveyone says something is oantho littie guy bas, tesetnd u and say no and thon is proven righit." Boychyn said.if the proponents' beaieve mn the mntegrity cf their proposal, "tbey ihould h ave ne Whilo ngefoardtsupported Brunelle's demand for a peer review, it defeated bis bid te imoea wider buffer zone bet- woon the marsh and develop- ment.% Brunelie wanted the provincial' stçndard cf 120 metres te apply wheres.s the proposai -- aipproveâ bfore the lolicy tookeËfectin 1992 -- vanies frcm 30 te, 200 metres. But the majority cf members felt tbat te do tis now wcuid be unfair te the Rose Corp. since it would force the comps.ny te rev- ise its entire subdivision plan. Police would apply Meanwhiie, Conti admitted that if the proposai. was coming before CLOCA lay, the provin- cial welanda policy would apply. Conti aiso conced tat w le CLOCA staff had «some sericus reservations" about the proposai initially, its concerns were 1arglyroésolved by te. MP «If we were sartngthe wbole procesa teday, we woùd probably doit a little differently,» ho said. " But we've been tieïd inte the proceas for a number cf, years and the process wo went tbrobugh in a good one and we achieved a reasonabie plan for protection cf the ares..' However, Claringten councilior John OToole roforred te a 1989 letter from Conti which indicated that wbile net al cf their con- cerna were alleviated, staff would suppr the proposal. 0'Toie suggested that; Conti's letter showedsigns of being wiit ten "under duréeaand that; ho may have foît pressure te ignore bis better instincts. «nid you feel compromised in your professional judgment?" aaked 'Toole. "After ail, tis was ceming ail the way up from the Province land you were down lowon the list.» Conti replied that howas satisfied* with the procesa and that most cf'CLOCA7s concerna- were addressed. Ajax councilior Roger,,Ander-. son objected te sugglestions that provincial approval waa a fore- gone conclusion since the govorn- ment is inveived i the deveiop- ment acheme. (1tos PPflýlcalis 'for a' 5W-nitsuwvison.immediately est cf the marsh, south cf Vic- toria Street and west'cf Jeffroy Street. (Ii. province intends te build a 1,255-unit subdivision south cf Victoria and east cf Jeffrey, wbiie Durham Rogion bas planis for a 185-acre industrial park north cf Victoria.) "If anyone says tis is a cooked deai because the province is i- volved and the ministry rubber- stamps it, thon ]rve gt a water plant for you that Ilik toseil,", sad Anderson. S(Anderson ws referring te deiays encountered in- obtaining approval for the Durhamn Region prectnbhilm Steve Marrison, president cf Énscor Ic., parent company cf Rose Coq>. confir- meï4Monday that hs ierm will net héd CLOCA'. request. «Vieé will b. sending them a lettor stating that; the matter is ncw before the 0MB and it wouid b. inappropriate for us te respond direcly te, that,» said Morrison. "It's up to the board to doter- mine what other review noeds to b. done,» lho added. In an earlier interview, Brunelle held out hope that the parties will comply. "I don't think Rose noranyone olse will like that hanging out from the conservation authority. I think theyr will take it seri- ously," ho saad. 'Drving force' In a related matteir, Brunelle said hoe attended laat weees 0MB pre-hearingcofence to resolve technical issues before the actual Mavhbearjnz ' Strossing that ho has no.way of preitgud¶ig the board, Brunelle aïd t e20-mtresetback issue was a ma jor item of debate. "Sut! sin the 120-metre zone was imposed te some degree, it would require a redesign of the, subdivision and that means cern- ing back th the Town,»"lhe said. "I hate te speculate, 'but one thing that woeuld be required is commenta from CL)C," »ho added in reference te Conti's adision Isat week.. Choig bis words careful Brunelle oxpandod on bis bellot that a "driving force isbebind <Lynde Shores. 1"I, don't know of a plan of subdivision that gies through.a ear and not had anyehane esaid. MIow can this ono survi ,ve In- tact for oigt years witb public meetings, gevernment scrutiny and survivo intactr» Brunelle said provincial minis tries and agencios being asked te reviow a proposi in which other branches of the gov2rnent ar involved makes or mtoicStu oua" a relationship.. "TIi. only thing that might give me hope is a -change of g1overnment and even thon, this was started by another govern- ment. m M q DISCOUNT HOBBIES Planes - Trains - R.C. Cars Rackets - Plastic Models Rl laying Games 24 Dundas St. E. W ty430-2236 F 1LAT RATE FOR NY Long Distance CaIIing Unime-ToWa Cllig 12191 to Metro Toronto , CI.AREW *Ius -taxS MONTH Business rates and METFIOPOLITAN exanded service to 25 Cther areas, TORONTO includin Unionville, Brampton (416) and ississauga available. ËM Cail 430-8031 or 430-8121 Teleho tby Lanes 153 Brock St. N., Whitby

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