Page 12, Whltby Freo Press, Wodnesclay, March 29. 1995 More about the Mer cers. in drama. byShoestrîners. By Gavi Crisý'p A 'idtchen sink' drama will be presented by, the Durham Shoe- string Performers starting tomorrow (Thursday) nightati the Arts Resource*Contre in Osh- awa. Written b 'rputable Canadian PlanwrigtDavid French, '0f the Fiels, Latly'.continues narrat- ing the adventures of the Mer- cor, a Newfoundland famiilY that tok up residence in Toronto in the ,a y1960si. «Frelnch moved te Toronto in 194 at the age of five,» says Ed Daigle, the play's .dnecteir, . and thatpaals the young man (Bon) h the play and think that's an interesting. point becauso you can speuatehow autobiogéaphical the<ýlay is.» Atteptig toleathefaznily tbrough the turbulent times is Plenty of Yuk Yuk's Saturday.* A Comedy Night and Dance will b. ho dl at Heydenshore Pavilion inWitby -on Saturday .nhtApril 1. Yuk's sé tandup comics will eThe event is being held by the. Kinsmen Club of Wbitby. Tickets, for $20 are aailable by callin4g 430-1376. a Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Jacob Mercer, played by' Whitby's Dan Wyse. .Ben,- bis son, and with whom Jacob PIS rlutat to got along, is *played by Adam Hackey, a young actor who sorné may recogmizo fromhis role in 'Louis and Dave,' ono of tho 10 short plays that: made up a Shoestring presen- tation at the startof the 1994-95.' Along with the hopeful mend- ing of tho gonoration gap, the, family is confronted with yet another- hardship when they learn that Ben's aunt has recently diod. Th1e chaos continues when Abel Zwart's character and nowly-ap ointed widower, Wiff is brougtinto- the scene ani adds o efa smongene of problems3. 'Basically, it's. a power strug- glo between th ahor -and tho son,» says Zwart, a Whitby rosi- don "t,-in a draina that will' appeal to both aduits and teen- agerecauseits a father/son "I think, tho audience will really enj-oy seeing this ono bocause itrs a very moving and toci~play.» The play also has going for it a sens. of rolativity between itself and. tho audience due to its omphasis on family lifo and the poýrformoers renditions of the rot thoa ?kithen sink' draina,» sýays Daigle. "It is a realistic theatre that examines family life and there's a great deal of humour in this, too. «I think wo, have excellent actors in the four peolple and they're doing a good job mn deve- lop ing their cbaracters...I don't thik vo over worked with a group where there is such a ctrong cbemistry among them. They get along oxtremoly well.» Tickets are available at Wal- te-es Music Centre, $49 King.St. W and Information Oshawa, liawa Centre, for sh ows on March 31, April 69,7, and 8. Restaurant & Sports Bar ~& Sun tU........... -:,« .....d.f .$11 . .... LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Sateflite TrV. TeIams Welcome - SDinig Room SpecialÉ Buy one entrée at regular pricel1 get 2nd entrée AT 1/2 PRICE ýEqual or lesservalue. Ntta beused wihth ler* speclls. Expi*esApdIl 30,1995. m m mmm-m m -mmmm WHITBY ACTORS Abel Zwart (left) and Daniel W y se rehearse a scene from the Durham Shoestring Performers' upcoming production of *'0f the Fields 'Lately,', the second play by David 'French about. the Mercer tamily. The play- wifl be presented March 31 and April .1, 69 7 and,8 at the Arts Resourc >e Centre, behind Oshawa City Hall. The $6 tickets'are availabte at Walter's Music Centre, Oshawa and Information Oshawa. Photo by Mark.Roai Whitby Free Prou Storyeiigcabaret u.pco.. mng 'Once Upon An Island,' a story- tolling cabaret proéduction- by well-known stage and radio per- sonality Richaro Keens-Dou- glas, will b. erormed in Osh- awa an Saturdnight Apri 8. Club Carib Oshawa Inc. in presentmng the_ dinner -theatre at the Carlbbean Cultural Contre, 600 Wentworth St..E. There w-11 also b. a performance by the Hummigbfrd Dancors of Club Carib. Gronadian-barn Koens-Dou- glas is hast of the CBC's storytel- Iig radio drop-hi talk show, Coud 9, and LTC telovision's Sunday Arts Entewrtaiment. Ho bas appeared himanMy stage productions, i television. shows and'movies,- and many of bis-atornes have been published. Admission to tho dinner tbeatro is $25 per person, advance tickets only. Cal44 3673 or 432-8828. .1 Caconne transforms a message of love iintomsiJ *By Gavin Crisp Many may experience uneasi- ness an d frustration as they attempt, i vain, to express theur emotionis towarda a loved one. But a tune fromn Chaconne Music of Whitby may change al that. "It's a service," says owner Derek Demnierre, a high achool teacher in Wbitby. "There's a lot of, people who want to, say. that special something and don't kniow how te do it. Visit a ...... friendly Irish Pub (only 20 minutes away) 10o of your favourite brews on tap as well as a ful compliment of beverages. *Try our fine Irish Pub lare. *Top off your evening with a game of darts. For a relaxed, casual tUme corne to a warm comfortable atmosphere at The Antrim uoe Good Food. Good Drink Good imes. 56 Water, St. Port Perry 985-8853 "Secondly, there's a lot of peopl e who tbink up a tune but ioe.know how ta do anytbing further, than tbat. So they get'i teuch, with us and thon we turn the ]?iece ito a complote piece of musgie The thiee-week procesais te evalve any simple melody dancing, around in ones head inte: a romantic ballad or an upbeat jazz tune i an attempt te express feelings unconvon- tionally. The company offors te custo- packages froin which to choose. irst, they could take the. tune .o can hum1 and the lyrica you'voý conjurod up and trans- form it Mnt a musical piece-, cmtllete with. a copy of the. music and lyrics, suitable for framing. Second, Chaconne Music could write the words and music for youý - inaking sure it coincides with wbat you intended. As part of the. business's guarantee, Ca- conne has the piece .difed by the customer two times over so that only the moot exact song is délivered. Third, they will have the song rendered by a charming baritone or a professional pianist - com- plote with flowors and candies. "Itfs been successful ini the past. We've done this in Toronto and we've done this i Milton and we stili get business fi= out of there.n HALF PRICE BOOKS N EW& USE D BUY + SELL+ TRrADE Whitby Mail 728-2179 ......~----------------.**.--*~-.---------------- Pub & Restaurant* ENTERTAIMMENT F1. Mar. 3lst & Sat. Apr. lst 9pm-lam TWO MILES No Cover Sunday Night* 9pm JAM NIGHT WITH ANDREW HEATHCOTE EGUSH PREMIER LEAGIE SOCCER LIVE BY SATELLTE Sat. Aprit lst a 9 arn Everton vs. Blackburn $5.00 coverl/ $4.00 breakfast Sun. April 2nde 9 arn Man. Utd. vs. Leeds 12 noon COCA COLA CUP FINAL Liverpool vs. Bolton $1 0.00 cover / $4.00 breakfast Sat. April 8th- 10am NoUts. Forest VS. Westham $5.00 cover I $4.00 breakfast Sun. Apnil 9th - 8:30 arn F.A. CUP SEMI FINALS Everton vs. Tottenham il arn ýMan. Utd. vs. C. Palace $1 0.00 cover/1 $4.00 breakfast 1-lol kiilis St., Ný"Iiitby 666-8657 1 - 1 L. 1 1