Page 20, WhItby Free Proe, Weckiesday, March 22, 1M9 by Jil Mclntosh Nailed by radar Since March tends to, be a month of uripredictable extremes, I thought Md put together nautomotive observations," some good, miene bad, and some just there. aIt's a oaore that more people don't order turri igaà when they buy their cars. Thgeymust be an optibo, because m0 few people use them when. turning or cbanging lanes, I man only awime moot'cars don't have them. *SaIne of you wiÎll be tickled pink to know that 1 got my firut hto radar ticket. Captured on dhortly before Christmas, I wsnailed $50 for 16 kilometres verhiirovoe -- oir around five the shaoule.r, usingaBy on the houler, mng bliding flash, these vans may slow drivers down initialy;, but'I found that once people were nabbed, they tend testy at the me speed or even accelerate, since they know there won't be another one around the next corner. 0 Havn been hanging around a ew car deaerahips, %' glad te sem we!re bock to cars with style. For a while there everytbing seemed te, be just blond jellybeans or shoebcoees, but now we're seeing intrswting grilles, neat boystyles, and flibulous colours. " As always, the bigh nuniber of snowmofie fatalities is ilarming. When are people going te learri that these tbings are not * anufacturers have a rpoiblity,. but consumera hvemtedo.her part as well. One local dealersbip reports that the rnqjority of people complaining about rattles in the bock of theïr mnuvans bavent latched the reovable seats down properly. Ye.-,, they're the same latches that bave made the headines recently... *Advertiuers have caught on te the. fact that you con seil people anything if you make a fuse about it. Plve seen commercials making a big deal about fuel puni shuteif switchea, traction contr ("if one wheel slips, the. other takes over!") and potioning valves on braks: hat he d esn't tel you i. tint these are not exclusive to that particular vehicle but have been availale for years on just about everything. *Waa last week'a weather great or what! M husband went out inbis '66 Ddewith the top down. 0f course, he did the same thing on the coldeot day ini January, so I dont really pay much attention. aBut before we enjoy the minshine too much, remember tbis: when there's tons of snow and ice, there's always a lot ls road constructon. Happy spring. The Fre. Wheelin Autemotive Show will be held April 1 and 2 at the Metro East Trade Centre in Pickering. Salected dealers from Durham Region will show wbat's new for 196. The "Dodge Vi-1per" will ha shown, the Rotbmans Ltd Williams Renault Formula 1 race car, four-person interactive video CUSTOM'KART DARRYL MULLER is shown with the Family Kartways exhibit at last month's Canadian International Auto Show in Toronto. Family Kartways is the exclusive North Amenican importer of the French- made 'Socli-Kaît,' dnven by the 1993 world champion go-kart champion. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Prou h I racing game, Vavoline teuring car champion, NASCAR displays, along with the people who take care of the tracks, Motorsport MarshlingServices. Famale race car driver Terry MacDonald of O"hwa will talk about ber video ' Tarry's Crash Cours, on Sunday, April 2. Recycle for charity For anyona who bas an older car, truck, boat, snowmobile, camper or motorcycle te, dispose of, AADCO vahicla disposaI service basesalhd a cbarit vehicla donor prra fo Parkinson ,Charitable Trusrt, Alzheimer Socity Nids Help Phone, Rose cf< ý Services, Canadian Diahetes Association and Devaloping Coertrias Farm Radio Network. The vehicle will ha picked up within one week and recycled for parts, crapped or sold at dealer auctions. The donor recaives a tax raceipt for the sale -price and aiso, bas the option of donating a portion of the sale price te, the charity. Vahicles con be any aga, any condition, and in any location. Donors cari coU the tell-free pickup lime at 1-800-4635681. AUDI 9OCS Retail $38,W4 SALE $279900 V6, ABS, air bags, sunroof, 10 year rust warranty, remaînder of 4 year 100,000 km warrmnty 90S QUATTRO Retail $40,825 SALE $279900 Al wheel drive, sunroof, V6, ABS, airbags, low kmis. AUDI1DEMO SALE SAVE THOUSANDS $$$ FOR DOOR TO DOOR T ESTi DRIVE ASK FOR ROBER(T POIRIER 100 QUATTRO WAGON Retail $59,900 SALE $433500 Ail wheel drive, glass power sunroof, fully equipped, remainder of 1iQyr. wust warr., seat 7, only 9,700gm. 90Y CABRIO Retail $58,460 Sr"'&aLE $42.500 Power top, V6ý leat, rare car, only 15,OOOkms. Lease or buy. OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC. Experience the Owasco Feeling. Hr3 Pro yen to serve you BEST since f972. HWHY An ni GARE0 arnd GAA awarc wînner.HW2 Sales, service, leasing, body shop, ail makes. c h) Rentais in Canada, USA and Europe, overseas deiivery. 8 <AI 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby N OWA 686-6410 TOP DOLLAR FOR EAST FROM VOUR TRADE!TONO &