Wt'Iby Fro.Prose, W"ednesday; MRe~ gg a Departmnent radio. system to be upgraded The Town operatos commit- tee on Mondayapr 9o ta8 rt-ommendation teaccept a $105,253 tender te u1pgrade the VHF radio system ini the Town's fire department. Wilhiams Communication Ser- vices will be pro*iding additional capability and improved coverage, according te a staff 1 llalsoim rov rliability of mobile and portable*radios operating in the field. As well the fire station's signalling system will be upgraded. An improved dispatch capabi- lity in the departmnent's new communications centre will aise beproided as part of the bid. Although a tender was sent out te five different companies, only Williamis bid. A consultant's reprtsay tat the bid was competitie despite being the only one. Truck safeey FROM PAGE 1 safety checks have been more or bass frequent in recent years, McLaughlin said the ministry conduets one million weight in- spections annually. Mont ptential safety probleme can be de=ce during a weigh- in, she said. wThey can usually tell from loking at the ailes if anytbinges S Meaughlin said ministry in- spectera not.only have, the -authý- Ã"rt te der unsafe ,trucksoff the hishway. but theèy can- pull a chrome offenders 'sentire fleet out Of service if necessary. "And thoy do it tee," she said. McLauhhinsaid the ministry la in the processa of hiring 50 more enforcement- ofricers and that it will conduct three major inspection campaugns or "blitzes" this yoar. The firat la planned for HWY. 400beginningApril11,she said. Meanwhile, Angela Worona's family plans t continue collect- mngnames on their petition while awaiting the outcome of a police investigation ofer accident. Copi es of the petition are available from the family by cal- lin g 436-3013.. No decision has been made on whether -te file a lawsuît, GILES CRESCENT resident David. Rossali gazes out his say vehicles parkecl along the fence of the station are an" kitchen window at the back lot of the Rossland and Thickson eyesore and want them'moved. Road Petro Canada station. Rossail and some neighbours Photob b yMark ReOao, Whltby Frea Prou *CompImnts about service station, Negbours do' t like te vie 1By Mark Reesor Giles Crscent resident David Rossail wants somethingp done about the view from bis litchen window. He liked it just fine until a Petro Canada service station opened -behind biselieuse, at Rowsland and Thickson, about three yoars ago. Nôw there's a tmuik and other equipment parked beside, a fonce that borderabsbackyard.-, 'Tve asked bim (stationi opera- ter Brian Beckford) at least two or three times te have it moved,» Rosseil says, adding three neigli- bours have aise complained. "Hes polite, he neyer gets mean or anything, ho just says iYeah, I can imagine it's an eyesore l'il have a word with him (db truck's owner),' but nothing ever comes about... «He's a nice guy... ho looks after the grass and everything. Ho means well, but he just doesn't listen te us." Rossaîl says ho was teld when the station was built that mature trees would be planted along the fonce te provide a buffer for noîghilbourmgheuses. The trees planted are tee short te do any good, ho complains, and'because the station is built on an elevated lot higlier than surrounding houses "w. don't get any privacy really; we're gettmng DISCOUNT HOBBIES Planes - Trains * R.C. Cars Rockets - Plastic Models Role Playing Gamnes 214 Dundas St. E. Wh ltby 430-2236 tired of it -- it's been three years... "We've already got te put up with the bay doors open in the summertime, which is noisy as helI... we Wik the nieighouhood but we hate this gas station." Beckford says the owners of vehicles parked on his lot paiy rent, get them serviced at lhi garage and buy gas from i hm, and Ie does hisUbst te make sure they'ro parked n4atly. "I try and accommodate them (neighbours) as much as possible but hey've got te realize this is a busmtess.. the grass is always eut and weeds and weýre always going aroumd picking up garbage on the lot. «It's a nice area and I want te do my part in keeping the com- munity as spotless as possible and make it an attractive looking station." He notes Petre Canada paid te put up the fence and did a nice job of Iandscaping the property. Town planner Eric Braslis says the site plan agreement would have called for trees with a trunk- size of two te two and a Celer YeurWorid * \yVI I half inches, which are generally- four to six feet e l.«Wneyer cail for mature trees." As a for the tto's appearance, «ifhe (Rossall) has a concern, he'should write a letter to our bylaw enforcement officer and the officers would investi- gate it te see if it contravenes the bylaw... the Town will take action on a complaint basis.» Rosseil says he's a9]bed.a 1bylaw officer te inspect the à rea, but te no avaul. "The bylaw officer told me that theres nothing I can do about it. It's within their zoning laws.» He also asked- the -Town te adjust his tax bill because «we're paying the same amount of taxes as the house acrosa the street with no jga. station and dump M a it]" We buy books f rom Individuals, Institutions and Auctions 1Whitby e 905-433-1859 truck parlced behind it., "They laughed, they just thoght it waa funny. I invited them- over as well (and) they d.eclined » ]Rossahl adds he called east ward councillor Dennis Fox twice' te complain, the firat time around Christmas, but hasyet te hear back from him. U(raCul QualityHaircare Affordable Prices HAIRCUT After2.3Opm $ O SPECIAL until 1:OOpm PERMS $25.00 and up . COLOURS@ $25.00 SPIRAL PERMS $55.00 and up i i MON. TO FR1. 9:00 - 7:00 - SATURDAY 9:00 - 6:00 209DUDSTEMTY ýPOSTOFFICE (IN THE WHITBY CORPORATE CENTRE) CDM(UJNMDA <ACROSS PROM POST OFFICE) Latex Sealer .12.3.78 L rPrice guaranteed until April 4/95. WEWL O E UNI