Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Mar 1995, p. 32

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Page 32, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, March 15, 1995 *CAL..L A..~~~.. ..........A.....çA WI CHLI C ft PRFSINA RFSSOA PlIRSINLISU IEMSRIE A.T.C. SHARPENING SERVICE. Are your gardening tools sharp and readiy for work? ,Home, gardien & shop toots, hand saws, chain saws, carbide and steel circutar blades, lawn mower biades, knives, chiseis, drills, planer blades, scissors, screen a giass replacement, hedge trimmers. 118 Brock St. S. (at West end of-building). 668-7657. PLUMBING - kitchen counter drains, sinks. Painting2 -a interior/exterior, piaster/dat repairs, etectricat. Clean out garag es and basements. Free estimate, quîck repty. Cali Date or Jenny 668-6272, Whitby. PAINTER WITH 24 yrs. experience is iooking for residentiai work. For free estimate caii Clarence 668-5562. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Fire & smoke aiarm modifications. Emnergency ighting systemrs. Retroýit to new rire code. Residentiat & lowrise apartments. Russ Wilde , eiectrician 1-905-666-21-27., Whitby. RENEW WORKS - wecdean and seat your intertocking brick with our patenlted, environmentatty friendiy products. Free estimates and ail work guaranteed. 655-3566. WOOD RENEWERS .- make decks, fenoes, woodsiding, iog structures look like new again.. Remnove ait weathering, stains, & paint. Sealer/stain wili not peei or chip. Work guaranteed. 655-3566. HOUSECLEANING., residentiat, offices and . apartments. Reasonable rates, free estimates -and refrenes uponre quest. on Thursday and Fnday appointments availabie. Cati Archer Maid Services 728-5622 after 6pm. FURNITURE MAKERICABINET MAKER.L Custom designer and buiider of fine fumiture and oebinetry. Speciaiizinq in entertainment units, ibranes and built-ins. Over 15 years experience. Quality workmanship guarantee. References supptied. -Designers wetcome. For a free quotation caI Gary at 666-1913. CAKES FOR AIL SPECIAL occasions. Lion King on a siab - $25. Bamney & other character cakes - $25. Ca il Occasional Cakes by Gienys 666-0366. CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY. In pr home, - or studio. FashiionIglamour wîith FREE makeover from $35. Portraits from $29.99, weddings from $300 modets, portforios. FASHîOI4 PHOTOS 905-571-5008. PAINTING, PAPERING, ceramic les and home improvements. Interior/exterior. Quaiity workmanship. Oniy uses quaiity materials. Very reasonable prices. Cati Joe 721-2706 (please beave message). HOME- RENOVATIONS & restoration. Plans, inspections, specifications, carpentry, piumbing, el ectricai, windows, energy conservation. Cati Jacques of Ai Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive 9uality portraits. Studio or in home. Ba bi es, chiidren, families. Packages from $29. Aiso: weddings from $469, christenings, groups, boudoir, copy & restoration, anniversanies promotionai. No GST! 427-9164. LES BROWN. . Excavating Ltd. (1971). Sanitary & stormf sewer, lcenoed drain layer (Town of Whitby #007763 Backhoe& grading. 655-8032 Advertislng Pragram you can reach 1.3 million readers in 1 84 publications for $380. Or reach a region of the province. Ask you local newspaper representa- tive for details, or cati (905) 844-0184. lr,4eM Aa dee 444 6ýl. LIE HUNGS HEALTHY COOK(ING CLASSE AND ALTH F000. STOR *Low Fat Stir Fry. ' * Vegetarian Cooking *he20 Minute Gourmet and more CALL FOR TMMES Garey J. Hirthe Financiai Planning Consutant Giving people the information, Qptons, and advce they need to make approprWae choices. CALL 579-777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT MI- M . Fnnc inteHrlockïing stone retainingwalls awood fencing & deoks FREE COMPETITIVE ESTIAM TES Weitten GuIIIIara1]e ' 666-9690 WE DELIVER FLYERS The Whlty Free Press 668-6111 The Mutuat Group HEBTRAN caIfor quotation 668969 e43-721 LICENSED ELECTRICIAN - experienced in residentiai commercial & induitrial work., 24' hour servie oeils. Phone Tom at 668-7852 for free estimate. PAINTING - PROFESSIONAL PAINTING & walipaper. Interior/exterior. Power wash & swing stage. No job too smalt. For good- pnces & g5ood work, oeail George at 75-7870. Free estimates. PAINTING & PAPERING '#LET George Do lt . Reliable expenenced, quality work. Spe cial rates for seniors. Flexible hours, ý ompt service, freeetmts 'hone George 666-1168. INCOME TAX RETURNS. i have an M.B.A. & professional tax training, 6 years experience. Fast and accurate. Pick-up & detivery availabie. Cali 668-6513. CUSTOM DESIGNED wedding gowns, bridesmaids', mother dresses, prom & evening wear. No P attem needed, just brung apicture. or an appoiniment Cati 905-655-4748. HENK KARELSEN PAINTING & HOME REPAIR. Quaiity work, intenor/exterior. Over 20' years experienoe. No job too smati. Free esimates. 1-8-2-023. MACNEILS CUSTOM Upholstery & Refinishing, fumniture repair. Servîing the Durham-area -for 25 years. Cali 430-4585. INTERIOR DECORATING- paintinglwailpapering, window coverings, fuît setection of verticalfvenetian blinds. Very reasonabie rates. Caii Mike LADY LOUISE CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Aterations and repair on draperies. Affordable prces. For your free in-home shopping and estimnate cati 432-1714. Customner's fabrics are welcome. FIREPLACE 'CHIMNEVI new construction/aiterations repair, smoke probiems. We KNOW fireplaces. G reat rates. Cati Mike 666-0171. DO0 YOU NEED A resume? If you require.personaiized service and a 9uaiity, resumne, oeil Jackie at 2-954. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS & CUSTOM DESIGNS - wedding gowns, head pieces, bnidesmaids, fiower girls, mother's dress, proms, evening wear. Choose from our wide selections of fabrics or your own is accepted. Stiti offering our wide range of alterations. Tues.-Fni. SEPTEMBER REGISTRATION for Smait Wortd/Good Friends Nursery Schoot momning program. Offers pre-schooiers an enniched piay & teamning opportunity, sociatuzation through play. Daity creative craft activitis, strong emphasis on tanguage devetopment. Cati 668-5504, imited spaces. MOTHER 0F 1'& YEAR oid wouid ike to care for your chiid in a loving environment. References avaitabie. Cati 430-0083. RESPONSIBLE, MATURE mother of two witi cpare for your chiîd in a happy environment ýwith healthy snaCKS, non-smoking house, West Lynde area. Cati 66 ý3581. START VOUR OWN home-based business! Watkins-is today's best business opportunityl For free infor- mation contact - Independent Mar- keting Director, 218 Megiund Cres- cent, Saskatoon,. Sask. S7H 4Z6 (i1- 800-263-2999). .............. LEARN AUCTîONEERING at the Southwestem Schooî of Auctioneer- ing. Next'Ciass: MARCH 18-24. Information , contact:Sutese Ontario Schoot of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR.. .with our great home-study course. Cali for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267- 1829, The Sheffield Schooi, 997-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa, Ontario Ki L 6R2. EARN EXTRA MONEVI Learn Income Tax Preparation or Basic Bookkeeping by correspondenca. For free brochures, no obligation. contact U&R Tax Services, P.O. Box 6052, London, Ontario N5W 5R6, 1-800-665-5144. Enquire about exclusive franchise territouies now avaitabte. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE - Ages 18-30 with agri- cultural experience to live/work with family in Australia, New Zeatand, Europe, Japan. Costs/detaiis - 1- 800-263-1827. #206, 1501 - 17 Ave., S.W. Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2. -OR4 AL POGS/MILK Caps &Stammers. Buik discounts, jal Iatest designs, best prices, 100 million caps in stock. Speciat prices over i million caps. 1-800-361-5011. $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ make a lot of money setting chocolate bars, NEW $2.00 PRODUCTS. Nothing to pay in advance, fast detivery 1- 800-38-DELUX. POETRY CONTEST $24.000-in QUALITY DAYCARE avaitabte in a caring, fun & non-smoking. environment. Fenced yard backs onto schoot & park in Otter Creek subdivision. A variety of activities offered. Cai Nancy at 668-7490. -WANTED - mature part-time babysitter (weekends & evenins) Whitby area, references 668-57ý15,9 ONE FULL-IME space avaitable in my busy piagou ages1- 4. wetcome. Inctudesdaiîy outings to Peanut Club, Pam's Backyard, Y-Pace iibrary, craifs, son gs, etc. Also induded ar!e breakfast, unch & snacks. Very reasonable rates. Cati 666-5452. prizes yearly. Possible pubtication. Send one originat poemn 20 uines or tess: National Library 0f Poetry, Box 704-1370, Owings Miîts, Md 21117. (*A cost wiit be incurred> ARE'COLLECTION AGENCIES HARASSING YOU, or demanding you pay more than you can afford? Fight back! Get informed! Know your rights! Cati 1-900-870-1160. $3/min. 18+. LIVE PSYCHICS. Pouice use us... Hamess your destiny. Your present and future reveaied. *Love *Success *Mo ney. Find out now. Cali 1-900- 451-4055. $2.99Imin. 18+. *MEET SOMEONE NEW* Casuai, Romantic, Intimate encounters: 100's of wornen, men & couples in Ontario. Cati 1-900-451-6855 Ext. 7 $2.99/Min. 18+ Womnen cati free 1- 800-900-2292. GAIN SELF CONFIDENCE. Buy and read DIANETICS: The Modem Science of Mental Heatth by L. Ron Hubbard, $39.59. Calit 1-800-561 - 5808. GOT A CAMPGROUND memnber- ship/timeshare? We'tI take itl Amed- ca's iargest, otdest resale ciearing- house. Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cati 24 hours a day. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS - Vin- ter Specials S Senies Straightwalis 20x3O $4,780., 25x32 $6,154., 30x36 $6,933., S35x40 $8.652. Incîuding Ends. Sîiding Doors, GST & Freight, cali 1-800-668-8653. STEEL BUILDING SALE. . Ontario Manufacturer Direct. G uaranteed, iowest prices. Sizes 5001-15,000 sq/ft. Straightsided quonset with ends. Example: 25x42 $5.698.. 30x48 $7,794. Cali Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422. .................... .................. ............. ..... ............ ................ ........... ..,M.ARKETPLAC E..* .:"A dets Across'Ontarlo or Aicross the Country' .VF 1 r Ulis Affordable a-1ts Past o ff's Easy ** One Bill Does'it Ail Northern Ontario $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 o. Central Ontario $168 - All Ontario $380 National Packages Available Call this paper for details! .. ........... .... 1 1 [ 1

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