'o I 1i The Fortune team of Whitby and the sponsoring fund. companies would like to take this opportunity to thank the people of Whitby and the surrounding area for their continued patronage during the 1994195 RSP season. During this time of economie and political instabiity our clients have been reminded that "we're in this together, for the long term", and that stock markets and -bond markets have gone up and down in the past, and will do so again in the future. And, that if we remain focused on our long term objectives, then we'll do just fine. January and February of 1995 proved to be a record season for RSP's, govemment bonds, and mutual fund sales for the Fortune office in W'hitby. As an experienced independent advisory service providing a wide array of mutual funds, GIC' s, government bonds, stocks, t-bitls, and more, the professional team at 500 Brock St. South is fuily equipped to satisfy the investment needs of ail investors. Our growth in sales since 1995 has'assured us that our clients, and Canadians in general, stiil understand the value of long termn planning and that short term fluctuations should be viewed as just that.. short term. We would like to remiùnd our cli ents that their success is.our success. And for att of our success in the past, the present, and the future, we would like to say "thank you". Mchael McCorkell ACF Regional Sales Manager 7" qulk Cma av e McBain Group Vice-President "Couldn't have done it .wîthout you ,Whîtby" FIdeIIy ~ investments Canada Bian Gooding Vice-President "Thanks Whitby, B ýTemple1ton' Peter Cowie .Director of Sales "(WeR. done qu1bi Mackenzie Bu ilding FinancWalIndependence Paul Alen Regionafl Sales "Hats off to Whithy" MfUTUALI FUNDqS Jim Douglias .Vice-President. "We're with yo Whitby"l Page 2, WhItby Free Prese. Wednesday. Maroh 15, 1995 'i 'g a