Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Mar 1995, p. 27

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Whitby Free Prosu, Wednesday, Mard 8, 1995 , Page 27 Liberafiori of Illlr to e comrnmorate A tributa ta commemorate the MOh anniversary of the liberation of Holland has been planned for Tuesday, March 21, 7:30 p.m., at Hebron Christian Raformed Church, 407 Crawforth St., Whitby. The evening is part of a 30-city taur sponsorad by the Bible League of Canada. Those who servad in the srmad forces will be remeniberad and honoured. A brief visual flashback will capture ane soldier's personal reflections on hi. service in A number of items are stili needed for the Children's Safety Village scheduled ta, open in June on the Kathleen Rowe Pub- lic School property in Whitby.. Many businesses and organiza- tions have provided varyn forms of assistance ta, esta'bisf Prenatal fair in Pickering Ou March 1, haChlbt Education Association of Dunbain will present the Ajax & Pickering Prenatal Fair at the Pickering Town Centre. Conimunity organizations and local businesses serving expectant sud néw prets will be ou display wt information on a variety cf tapics including prenatèl classes, cloth diaper options, cesearasu preveution, breastfeediug and drap-mn centres.' Holland and some memnories of bis comrades who sacrificod their lives. Also, a glaut creen multi-media prasantation will feature maur of the towns aud cities of Hollsnd and the Dutch culture. A spacial freewill offering will be raceived for the 'Children7s Fund' of the Bible League, a scripture distribution organization that providesBibles snd related materials ta more than 70 countries. the village,, orfnized by the Ajax Optimist Cu, 3, Club o fOshawa-Parkwood âsud fDur- ham Ragional Police. The village will ba a scaled- down version cf a normal com- munity. At the village, kinder- C rtao Grade 3 studants from te region will have hauds-on learninq instruction about pedes- tnian, bicycle, traffic sud streat smart safa ty The 'Wise* liste for the village includas 24 bicycles, five battery- powered cars, a lawn mower, According ta Boy. John Klomps, the Bible League's executive directr "On this evening we will iook back with gratitude, but we aloa waut ta look forward ta the next generation's future. "Providing Bibles for aur children is ane means for them ta find true peace. Hopefully they will neyer h ave ta experience the horrors of war, as some of us have." SFor more call 1-800-363-9673. microwave aven flag stand two palefs door blc sets bulletin boarcâ, window blincis guest chairs, shop vacuum, office desk chair, book case, bicycle, stands, slide projector and stand, storage cabinets, work bench, garden toal set, electrical comprassor, office desk, filiug cabinets, film projec-, tor and secunity alarm systam. Caîl Durhamn Régional Police Sergeant Boy Cook at 579-1520, ext. 412, Sergeant Gwen Cutlar at ext. 611 or Sergeant Sandy Ryrie at ext. 346. Spe cial needs ftmding Rasources for Exceptional Children wibl continue funding for the Schoob Aga Prajact for children with special needs. .The program offers funds for an extra persan ta, help the staff cf lioensed chIld care programs. The projact runs until September. Applications are being taken for assistance duning the March and suminer school breaks. The prqject is fuuded by the Ministry of Community aud Social Services. Ragular child care feas ta the centre apply but there is no additional charge for this service. For more information or ta obtain au application, cal Cathy Arnold or ichelle Halsey at 427-2125, ext. 342. BLUE B OX UPDATE - NO LONGER BAG YOUR CONTAINERS Durham Raglan Racycling nowrequests that ail food/beverage containers be placed lbase into the blue box in order ta receive a higher quality product. Too often, glass jars and botties are put in bage with cans, causing contamination of the metal.'The collecting contractor will now ensure the materials are kept seaat bdividing them into separate truck compartments,, which wil increase their market value when sold by the Raglan. As public education of source separation and a well-run recycling service resuit in a smocoth blue box collection aperation, the following will infarm residents how ta fil their blue box ta, enable collectors ta do their job efficiently. Glass: Jars and botties used for fodbverage only. Ramove idcps and stoppers. (metal lide should go into a squed can). Rinse well and place baose in the bottom of y aur blue box. Do not include window glass, iirrors, drinking glasses, poreelain, flawer pots, ceranucs, light bulbs, car headlights, glass pots and pans or crystal. Métais: Cans used for food/beverage only. Labels do flot have ta, be removed. Rinsa well. As baose, jagged- lids can be a hazard if they fly through the air, it is best to, juet leave them partially attached ta the can. Crushed cans will take up? less space on the truck. Do not include coat hangers,. sheet mew, pots and pans or hazardous containers such as aerosols, paint cans -and car batteries. Plastics: AIl the ana- and two-litre plastic pop bottles. Remove caps, rinse well and crush. Do nat include plastic wrap or bags, margarine, yoghurt, ice cream or cottage cheese containers, plustic jugs and boUtles, or tays. Cardboard: Flattan cdean corrugatedcardbaard boxes (thosa with a ruffled muner layer) and bundle in units which could fit into a blue box. Do not include waxed or coated boxes, milk or juice cartons, boxboard (cereral, shoe, tissue or soap boxes). Newspapeýr: bundle newsnper (including inserts) in a bag and place with corrugated carbad. Telephone books are also accepted. Place next ta or on top ofyOur blue box. Some producte carry a symbol thiat says rcclale, but that does not mean they are acceptable in DurhamWs blue box curbside collection program. If it i. not mentioned aboya, do not include. GREEN TU>: 'Buddy'! Place your blue box beside your neigh- bours ta save the driver a stop.** COMING EVENT: March 23, 7:30 p.m., at Durham Cdlaege in Oshawa, Durham Environmantal Network hasts a discussion on "The Effects of Chlorina on the Great Lakes and Human Health." 'Fuln gof' The AMA the serious May 1. tour, "funn golf for golfer, wlI bagin -Bob Maura cf Whitby began the tour three yaars aga whan ha grew *tra of scramblansud bast WHITBY RESIDENT Bob Mauro fine tunes his swing at the 'Tee To Pin' indoor golf centre in Ajax in preparation for the third annual AMA fun golfJ or the senlous golfer' tour. Photo by Mark Reesor, WhIWb Free Pres tour set to1egi ball campetitions. "There just weran't any tour- namants eut thara,» ha says. Thera are now 300 membars, includiug ana from Ottawa, on the tour that Mauro dasigned ta emulate the Professional Golfers Association tour. There ara six avants for 1995 at '«pramium" courses from Bur- lington ta Whitby (Lakaridge Links, May 20), three special avants (limîtad antries) and three Minorseet get shutout In a North York leagua gaina 1/o1 March 2, the Whitby niinor novice select hockey teain, sponsorad by the TD Bankc, dafeated Vaughan 6-0. Scorni for Whitby were Nick Carson, Matthew Anderson, Andre Meadows, Shane Morillo, Cary Bruinsmna and Staphan In the Scarborough Sabres tournament March 13-14, Wildcats defeated West HFEU 11-2 and Malvern 4-1 befora bosing 3-2 in the semi-finals ta Parkwood Flyers. Maadows ragistered nine points in the tournament sud Anudarson had eight. Morillo, Bruinsma, Foston, Matthaw Haughtcn, Brandon Phillips, Adam Saniga and Anthony Novia eaci had three points. Robert Cotroneoansd A.J. Wheatou esch registared two points. Jordon Callaghan and Alex Renaud provided solid goa]tending. Tournament MVPs were Bruinsma, Houghton and Saniga. Ionegdrive camnpionships Thre areA,3BcandBDflights for each, thouss.nds cf dollars mi przes (mrchandise and *ift cr- tiiates), tour cardsansu statis- tics and a season-eud banquet and trophy presentations. For more information, Maure at 666-3425. cal Seesaw season over for novices The Whitby major novice AA hockey team, sponsorad by Main Tech Industries, had two bosses this week ta end what has been a very up and down season. With the two lasses ta Richmond Hill, Whitby was eliminated from the York-Simcoe round of playoffs. The first gaine was a close 2-1 Whitby men's hockey play ff stardnigs ne oi Murch 3 Gold clvian Attersley Tire 2 0 Brother's Pizza 1 0 Neaional Trust O 1 Dodd &Souter O 2 Silver rivlalon Jim avidson 2 O Custom Auto Radio 1 O NRSRealty O 1 Roys Erterprises 0O 2 Bronze ivilon C.KAuo5od2 0 Nuise Chev 0ide 1 O a uem's HoteI O 1 Royal Woods Lincoln O 2 Scores Attersley Tire Bob MOWiÉ Mike madwy Brothot'a Pizz Chargle B*quIere 2 Dodd &SoUtOr Steve Byem 2 Nionel Trust Dave Edge boss, Whitby's goal. from Aaron MacMurray. Wildcats then lost 5-1 in a very rough sud aMmrssive hockey gaine, Whitby's loue goal by Thomas Farquharson. Whitby is now practicing for a Streetsville. Doug W~w Mitch Skcpyk Jlm Davidson John Fleming 2 Custom Auto Tom Scbroor 2 John Waike Chris Bogey Peter Grummni CJ< Ato Jon Patte 4 Peter Bathe Dave Farquharson DavidViknanlk Ken Reid Nurse Chev 01dm, Jim Branton 3 Rudy Vanderduus2 Peter Van Aston 2 NRSReaJty 5 Roy's Enterpruses 2 Grnt Musselman Don Weatheral 9 Oueen'a Hotel 1 George Surford 8 Royal Woods 3 Ivan ROse Bornde Klrok Drew Armstrong ludn adom (playofis> aifM. 3 Jon Patte. CJ<. Ato Body 6 Jlm Branton. Nur» Chev 5 Dmv Brown.C. Auto Body 3 Dave Farquharson. O.K.Ato 2 Bucky Crouch, Brothee. Pizza 1 Wayne Colonte. J im Ouricson I Rudy Vandersula. Nurse Chev 2 Per Bath.. C. Ato Sody 3 Tom Schroer, Customn Ato 3 Drew Armntrog. Royal Woock 2 Don Miet l.Customi Ato 2 lma Rocse. Royit Woods1 Dave vk1wiK L .KAuto1 'Plyes(s) of the.k Jon Patte. CJ<.At*o. 4 goah. 2 mowes Kids' Safety Village appeal I j> -j in tournament

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