Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Mar 1995, p. 26

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Page 26, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, March 1, 1995 Tribute to retiring education director On Friday, Feb. 24, 470 people gathered at General SikorskÙi Hall to pay tribute to Earl Lagroix, wbo ie retiring as director of education' for tbe -Durbam separàte scbool board. Guests included family,, friends, bis Excellency Bishop- John .EARL LAGROIX Stephen Knight, pat and present directors of education, local politiciens and Lagoix's Grade 8 teacher. The tribute -included a fond farewell of toasts and--roasts and plaque presentations. For the pat 14 years, Lagroix bas been director ofeducation for the separate board. Before coming to Durham Region, he was employed by the Dufferin-Peel separate board, Metropolitan separate board and Etobicoke Board of Educetion. He also spent two years teaching in Cermany with the Department'of National Defence. He bas also been a president of the Catholie Sbupervisory Officers' Association (OCSOA), bas served on numerous committees at both the local and regional levels, and now represents OCSOA on the faculty of education advisory comniittee et the University of Fresh Savoury meat, fresh fish & seafood, pastas & vegetarian dishes. The dessert selection is irresistible! LLBO You hst s no LUNCH Mon.-Sat. 11-3 Bernar & Phlippe DINNER Tues. - Sat. 6- 10 Casual Dining and Catering 209 Dundas St. E., entrance on Green St.) 668-8839 Halibut Fish & Chip Dinner includes Coffee or Soft Drink Kid'"s Korner Fish & Chips or Chicken Fingers includes Soft Drink Plus tax 3275 Plus tax Toronto. Grant Andrews, director for the Durham separate board, noted that "Earl bas a fine sense of humour and cnjoyed sbaring light moments witb otbers. "He practiced an open door policy, not just talked it. In bis retirement, Earl and bis wife Deanna will pursue tbeir love of tbeatre, travel and reading. He plans to do volunteer work and to spend turne witb bis children Katbryn, Laurie, Mela2nie and Paul. Shannon Maracle SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL* This past week et Sinclair lias beený an excellent one, according to, our principal Ms. Egen, regarding responses te the article that was printed two weeks ago. Apperently, the letters te the editor and telephone conversa- ions Ms. Egan bas bad witb tbo author of tbe article bave sbown evroethat Sinclair is not a achol here turne is wasted but is a place dedicated to learning. This is, of course, a buge step in the rigbt direction for the achool and its reputation in the community. In sporting news, our wrestling teain had excellent resulta *in LOSSA action. Constantine Kristanis placed first in bis weigbt clasa and will attend OFSAA et McMaster University. Ian Janacek captured the bronze modal in bis weight cls and will compote in the Ontario Winter Gaines in two weeks. Brad Bridger also won a bronze inedal in bis division. We wish al of our competiters the best of luck in further competitions. In volleyball action the junior girls played well et the LOSSA teurnament lest weéýç. The girls defeated Paul Dwyer before losing te a tough St. Mary's teai There will be a speech contest for aIl of those brave souls wbo enjoy public speaking. The speeches have te be 45 minutes long and you must be under age 16. If you are interested -see Mra. Eales in room 216. The grand prize for the conteat is a $1,500 scholarsbip towards poat- secondary education. Just a reminder, if you are planning te ski et Blue Mountain on Mardi 22., you are asked te get your permission form and money in te Ms. Warren or Mr. Burford as soon as possible in order tefilîl all tbree buses. The play is coming! The cast list for 'Postponing the Heat of the Deatb of the Universe' as been posted and everyone is looking forward te, seeing the end result. Congratulations te aIl of those wbo were chosen. The achool grand opening will be held on May 18. Ail of the actera, singera, dancers and technical people are preparing on Wednesdays for the big ovent. Have a good week everyone. By Mark Reesor Whitby etudent Cbandra Hun- ter is headingf to Copenhagen, Denrnark for the 'World Summit for Social Development.' The Canaien Students Com- mission 'asked Hunter and enother student to be youtb dole- getes to tbe non-governinental organizatio'n (NGO) forum of the Ungited Nations conference, wbicb runs from Marcb 3 to 12. Delegations from. most U.N. member countries are planning to attend tbe government sum- mit. Altbougb there will, be seperate ectivities for eacb,- Hun- ter says tbey'll «botb -influence eacb other... and everybody will be focusing on tbe saine issues .»* As well, certain Imembers from tbe NGO forum will participate in government forums. Canadian NGO delegetes. wili issue a statement outlininfg their position of issues sucb as social dovelopment, poverty and job creation, sbe says. «As well, tbrougbout the two weeks, tbere's going te, be work- sbops,' seminars (and) activities tbat involve ail tbe different CHANDRA HUNTER countries; so 1 cen go te a semi- nar and find out what tlbey're doing (about a 'specific problein) over in Sweden (for example).» Huntér,. a former Ontario Junior. Citizen of tbe Year, bopes ber participation in.'the summit will malce it easier for youtb te get involved in future inter- national conferences. Her airfare and lodig is b eingpriely subsidizedby b U.N.but Hunter etill needest raise $2,000. Local residents or service clubs interested in belping cen.contact ber-at 666-0888. Chelsea Balzan HENRY ST. H.S. Do9 your hoad feel liko it's in a constant spin? If so, tben you were probably involved in one or more of tbe rnany activities at Henry tbis pat week. The transportation classes travelled te the Auto Show -1 too bad they forgot te bring back Mfr. Bolten's requested Mercedes. Englisb and draina students went to Toronto te view a pe rformance of 'Romea, and Juliot'by the National Ballet of Canada. Thé students especially enjoyed tbe sets and costumes and found the show te be a success. Cat members and production staff of 'The Leader of tbe Peck' continue their efter-school and lunch hour rehearsals.ý They want this production te lbe good, so they are wiling te rehearse over the March break. Now tbes dedicetion! Music students have also been rebearsing for a production of their own. They practice every Tuesday niglit. Forty Henry students. participated in the World Vision 24-bour Famine and' raised an estimeted $500. Botb Impact and World Vision are ecstatic about tbe turnout but can't tabulato a grand total until ail tbe money is handed in. Please return your pledge nioney as soon as possible. Ail grade level math contests wero, written lest week after two montha of lunch time prep. Matbematicians were invited te a pizza lunch in a celebration for completing their contesta. For those of you wbo filled out Computer Cupid questionaires, thoy are aveilable in the SAC office. Some answers are futile, let's just hope there aren't any cases of ' Fatal Attraction' created now thet we ail know our best matches at Henry. Not only did the midget girls' volleyball teanx win a tournainent et Austin, this week, tbey also won their first round of LOSSA playoffs. They have advanced te the semi-finals and .anious1y await tbeir next opponents. The junior girls' volleyball teani was also in the LOSSA playoffa. They .were defeated by Bowmanville. The midget boys' basketball team loat te St. -Marys in tbe first round by a very close score of 52-50. Congratulations te the Henry swim teani whicb was outstanding et the LOSSA cbaxnpionships. The teain won a total of six nmedals and two ribbons ... way to go. Our wrestlors were also successful et the LOSSA cadet chaxnpionships, winning eigbt medals. At tbe LOSSA open championships, we won two more meias. Despite aIl tbe teains that have finisbed their seasons, many tearus continue to practice before and aftor gcbool as well as duning lunch hour. On Thursday' the debating teain competed in the Great Pine Ridge regional debate. Our teamn did very well and placed second overall. Way -te go, Premier Rao! Our March break begins in a few days. Ite first week consista of social contract days and the second week's our usuel Marcb reprieve. Unfortunately, wben we return on March 20, progres reports will be issued and Parents' Nigbt will be beld shortly tbereafter. Eruoy your holiday whilo you cen. On a final note, I leave you with a question ... wear (intentionally spelled wrong) is Henry Hawk and when are4you going te get yours? Flnd'out when we return from tbe March break. $...d.o....1. Mc.eloga .........N. ...o......f e............e.. WWITBYÀ (ý Dundas St -a N àe àt 410 short : 40 minutes I) sHwy. 2 8 DundsS E s R T E Si E 666M M 99. 1Dunlop St E 110 Dunlop Street Eastý Haddock & Chip DinnerQO includes Coffee or Soft Drink 3m9 Plus tax pý-- ýý I=Ul

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