Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Feb 1995, p. 24

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Page 24, Whltby Fme Prmes, Wednesdy, february 22, 1995 'Nch TRAFALGAR CASTLE Thispastweekend, 35gil patcined in the 30-Hou F~efor World vision., I cant feven imagiegoing without food for S0omiue let alone 30 hours. Thesegris went without school lunch (and it *as tuna g-yry favouite) as well asdinr eatiN only . pops'les and drinIng juice and water. 'As a cat who bas neyer had te, go without either food or water, I think this wes a very worthy prqject in sUppr of needy chldren every- were Arts Alive, a new project =pnoe by our *Parents' Guild, bas prot be quite popular. So far, we have had a three-hour novel-writing contest, won by, Chiara Canipitelli with Becky Yeager second and Jaclyn Bryant third. A love sonnet contest (for Valentines Day) was won b Tanin Sandaluk. TinaG eYarg. was second while Pe'eyHa and Jessica Kim tied for third. Our next competition is in the photo ahy category and the theme =is Mrh Break.Fim ready for my close-up if anyone wants te, include me in her picture. This commg weekend, -there wiil be students from eight other independent schools participating in our fourth annual Junior Science O0mpcs This event was originally st=e by two OAC chemistry students as part of their independent study project. It wasso succesaful that year, we have put it on our calendar every sinée. Wts a competitive thing'- the teams have te, figure out complicated, brain-teaing problems that are soliard they make MY fur fiy. Sometimes ini the gym there is just so much thinkIng going onyI have te go upstairs and hae a nap out of respect for those of us Who prefer a more laid-back appr o te f. I heard Mr. Davis say'something about a simapuit that tosses slime the same way a catapult tosses .. hey! They could hurl me through the air as part of the competition? That's it. Fm out of lier.! Maybe lMi go visit some of my wild relatives at the zoo. Student The public is invited te attend tue officiaI opening on March 8, 7 p.m. There will be musical selections performed by students from Msgr. John Pereyma Catholic Secondary School'under the direction of Hugh Johinson. 1The display continues until March 26i Andrea Pemberton ANDERSON C.V.I. MARY ROGERS helps Margaret try out a new climber/ slide at Gordon Street Day Care. Money to buy the equipment was raised through a raffle for a Royal Doufton figurine, which Rogers won. ht yM mcWih m rs Lest week was definitely eventfull Among the usual hustie and bustie of our school life (including two unannounced fire drills), we had an exiting buy-in. Our senior gris' voileyball team humbled the boys' hockey team in a volleyball fun match, thanks to the*" cheerleading by our school mascot, Andybear.- Our student council also had a hectic week. Every member was busy, eithàer selling matchmaker forms (or possibly scoping out their ownprfc mates), or providing - special Valentine activities ail week long. Ailthe, events. were a huge succes, prtcularly the 'Newlywed Gine! Linda Carter and James Phillips won with an amazingly high score of nine out Of 10. As always, the airband competition wes also a fun-fiiled event. Hundreds of students came to watch these talented groups perform. Nancy Cooper and Chris urra, h i-synched 'rve Had the Time of My iàfe,' were the deserving winners. Congratulations to everyone for their boldness, ,Yesterday, option selections were handed in for next year's courses for aIl returning Andersonians. Today, school rings went on sale. Josten's representatives. will be in the main foyer until Friday. pShannon Maracle SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL This past week at Sinclair lias been, weil, one of many setbacks due to an article that was written in this newspaper last Wednesday called 'Sinclair Exrperiment.' If you have not read it, Fin sure you have heard about it. It wes stated in the article that our Wednesdlay program was a waste of tixne and therefore this year had also been wasted. Although Wednesday is more of a "choice" day rather than a "work day," I believe that it stiil helps us (students) to learn responsibility. It also provides excellent opportunities to catch up on missed work or receive extra help. In the article, with one exception, only the negative aideos of Wednesdays have been expressed. No one took tinie te realize that Wednesdays allow Sinclair students opportunities te explore in the aSt% general interest and athletic activities. These opportunities allow us te find activities we erjoy and are good at so we can make better use of our leisure time. For exaniple, would you rather see your chld watching TV or would you rather see him or her working on a math puzzle or trying anew recipe picked upin a culinary arts Wedesday activity? Since moat students are neyer exposed te activities such as basket-makcing, origani or choclate-making, they neyer discover a certain talent they may possess, or find an activity that may turn into a lifetime hobby just for fun. It wes also stated that the only academic activities were review or remedial. Have these, parents overlooked aIl of the activities thai introduce you te al kinds of software on the network (for exampfle, introduction te Microsoft Word or Ace those in-class presentationg, an intro te powerpoint). These activities give ail students the opportunity te become familiar with the software regardiesa of whether or not tliey chose te talce a computer course or not. Other examples of enrichment activities include sessions on diet and nutrition, introduction te auto mechanics and practice math conteste (these- contesta are not mandate in any math course3, thy on y offer students te see where their math idlîs are in comparison te ail Ontario students>. The bottem lin. is that althougli some students abuse Wednesdays as a time off rather than a time te learn, a lot of students have learned a lot more about the arts, society and the world in general than other students in any other school Pve attended. When Mrs. Green offered to show 'The Lord of the Files' k Grade il students who have studied the book, the session received an excellent response. There were so many people in thE resource centre that we ended up using two televisions. The mgjority of students are chosing activities te complement what they have learned in their courses rather tlan waste their time., Another setback we have ail suffered this past week occurred when the Hugs and KMsses dance was cancelled due te low ticket sales. Personally, I believe that this was due te a couple ofthings. First I believe that the ticket price is a littie higli, $7 for admission is ex nsive for any student, espeially when it coats less te go te the movies on Tuesdays ($4.25) or Musions ($5) or even go te McDonalds's (an extra value meal, $5). I realfize that student council bas te inake a profit but it is stili a little mucli compared te other higli schools. There is always the same kind of music and therefore it suits the tastes of only part of the student body. Keep in mind I could be wrong about why this dance failed, but they are ideas I know have crossed the minda of most students lately. On a brighter note, the Ethnocultural committee is looking for members. Keep listening for announcements fur further details. The junior gris' volleyball team will -be competing in LOSSA action. The gris' sesason so far has been strong. AUl the luck in tue teurnament. Also, on March 22 there will be a ski trip te Blue Mountain. Permission forma are available on the bulletin board outside the phys-ed office. The bus wiil leave at 7 a.m. and will return at 7:30 P.m. Please return permission te Ms. Warren or Mr. Burford. CoMas are outlined on the permission form. Until next time, Sinclaikeep smilingl One final word of advice. If you haven't confronted that specal someoe who was on your matchnxaker list, do it now, before the- magic of Valentine's Day wears off. After ail, they may be thinking the same thing about you. Magee LEO J. AUSTIN As February daws- to a close, VaIentines are put away an i the excitement over Groundhagf Day finaily dies down,the Wildcat s9611 has many s!ports- and activity-related surprises. in store. Austin student counil'. annual lovefest, the Valentines Dance, was held on Feb. 9, and a red-and-white-themed, no n- uniform day was held on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14. A sure sign of spring around Austin is the ignof the Austin rugby team preparing for their season which begins ini a few weeks' time.1 Last week, the junor boys' basketball team, ended their season on a wnninng note, beating McLaughlin 4r-41. The midget boys' basketball teama seanon also ended in a blaze of glory last week, as the team won its fourth tournament championship and held on to their undéefeated league record. The typhoon that is the Austin swim teamn struck at LOSSA last Wednesday. After the water had cleared, Stacey Morrison's relay teamn was left clutching the gold and silver medals for women's freestyle and medley relays. Further damnage was done b Mele Niuehnan who placed fourtd in the 50-metre freestyle race and by the men's relay tearn that placed second. Tomorrow is, the last day to purchase tickets for the mesmerizing Mike Mandel performance that is upcoing. SFinay, on Friday hundreds of Austin students wiil hit the slopes, trails and ponds '¶In celebration of wintertime" for student councils ' Skate and Ski Day.' Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 10 1. The congregation of Burns' Presbyterian Church, Ashburn, was established in 1849. 2. Brooklin held its f irst and only OId Boys' Reunion on May 25, 1903. 3. It cost each Whitby Rotary Club member 75 cents for his meal at the club's charter night in 1933. 4. The sign over Peter Perry's store read "Peter Perry at Home."

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