Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1995, p. 34

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Page M4. Whlfby Free Press, Wednesday, Febru", 15, 1995' ~AUeI1ON $1 .*.~. . **. *.*.. *. .. ..*.....*...*.*.*,*..* "OUR BABY" IS HERE and she's a 1sf! 1sf chlld for Jenn Malcolm & *Shane Bevan 1sf grandchild for Gord & Sue M~ialcolm and Howie & Jackie Bevan, 1 st great-grandchild for Norma Valais and Ronâld & Rita Bevan 1sf niece for uncles John, Jeff, dhad, Lee and aunt Jamie Jessica Lena. 1sf rate amrved Wed., Jan. 18195 ai è:07 am weighing7lbs. l4oz. Thanks ta Dr. WPnn and .ail the wonderful nurses in labor & delivery ai N/P Hospital, especially nurse "Mary". ...........I MAY THE SACRED HEART of Jesus be praised, adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughouf the worîd now and forever. Sacred Hearf of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless, pray for us. N.E.D.C. NOVENA TO.ST. JUDE. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored glon.fied, loved and preservec throughout the worid now and forever. O Sacred Heart of Jesus ray for us. St. Jude, Worker of iracles pray for, us.- St. Jude, helper o? the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 8 times a day. By the eighthday your prayers will be answeedIfh as neyer been know fa fail, neyer. Publication musf be promised. Thanks ta St. Jude for prayer answered. S.W. fCOMINO EVIENTr? KT - No malter what: 111L always be close fa you, always heîp you, always love you, always be your daddyl Be happy sweetie, keep smilingl I Love you. BILL -'great giM. Thanksl Now, need your analyfca skills. The idea man gets AL the credif, therefore he's worse. What could this possible mean, Bil? Hope you ko, because 1'm perplexed. Love, Maggie. TAROT CARD READINGS $10., Caol Glenys 666-0366. PERFORMANCE PLUS CAR CARE CENTRE 15 HAVING A BUSINESS CLOSING AUCTION SALE 630 Euclid St., Whitby 1-905-666-2323 SAT. FEB. 18th,9am viewing lOam' sale starts Automotive garage equipment including hoist, compressor, jacks, wheel balancer, alloy nim changer, replacementiperformance parts & accessonies f or domestic, British, European, Japanese cars, ref ail store & office fumniture, over $100,000 Worth of invenfory & equipment. Ternis: cash, VIA, Master, Debit cards. McLEAN AUCTIONS & LIQUIDATIONS 905-686-3291 SAT. FEB. 18 - 1llam PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION at PETERBOROUGH AUCTION CENTRE (2 miles east of Peterborough on #7) About 40 cars, trucks, 4X4, etc. Partial lisi (subect to additions & deletions): '90 Ford F250 4X4 with plow only 78,000km, '80 Chev Blazer 4X4 with plow '88 Jeep 4X4 Wagoneer, 91lthev Corsica, '91 Ford Explorer XLT 4X4, '94 Tempo, '87 Mazda, '90 Chrysier Dynasty 90 Pontiac Sunbird, '86Pontîac Sunbird, '85 Olds Fioenza, '83 Qlds Omega, '84 Anes wagon, '88 Hyundai Excel, '84 Honda, '82 Firebird, '88 Chrysier LeBaron, '84 Buick LeSabre, '88 Dodge Omni, '87 LeBaron loaded '84 Granîd Marquis loaded, '84 Audi ý000 loaded, also selling for Alan Rawson Fisher, Trustee in Bankruptcy an '87 Dodge Caravan, other cars amrving daily. Don't miss this opportunity to purchase cars at auction prioes, ail cars guaranteed ta have dlear tilles. Ternis: $500 cash, VISA, Mastercard deposit balance within 5 days by certifid funds. FREE DRAW F0 R $200. Caîl now t0 consign, cars must be in by Fniday. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS LTD. 745-5007 Peterborough CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, FEB. 24th @ 5:3Opàm Honda snowblower, 8 hp. Craffsman snowblower, quantity of sports cards, washer & dryer, crocks, washstands, quantity of new tools, asst'd wooden kitchen chairsp lus a quantity of china & glass. MCae detailst0 fallow next week. To consign f0 this sale or upcoming sales contact: DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR#1 Little Britain Phone or fax (705) 786-2183 ESTATE AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES& HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 11:OOam (viewing 10:00) Take 401 f0 115/35 hwy. & north 20 km, 10 km narth of Orono on east side of 115 hwy. This Sunday's auction features the complete contents from the home of the late JIM FELSTEAD of Brooklin. Partial list includes dining room table, chairs & hufch, 4 poster bed, misc. dressers & chests of drawers, french Provincial couch & chair, misc. tables (kitchen,cparlour, nighf, etc.), selection of cairs & rockers, linens, camplefe kitchen conent, gass& china, lamps embossed mnilk boUtles, rmisc. olci tools & hardware, extension ladders, limited edition & decorative prnsad coins, coal ail lamps, diamond ring & Bouluva watch, washer, dryer & dishwasher, plus numerous articles you'd expect fa find in & around an aIder home. Note many smalîer articles stil1 ta be unpacked. Caîl for ail your auction needs MacGREGOR & WEST Environmenta 'mindset' changed The Whitby < Rotary Environmental PrQject is well on its way ta reaching its goal of rMsigenvironmental awareness. The project originatod as an idea ta celebrate Rotary Inentional's Year of the Environment i 1990. A committee spearheaded by Rotarians Brian Barton and Ron Armstrong was formed. Rotaxy invited the Town of Whitby's parks and recreation department, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the Durhamn separate and public boards of education, as well as local residents .ta join the committee. The goal of the project was simply ta, raise the environmental awareness of studenta, teachers and volunteers and ta, change their environmental 'mindset.' 'Hands-on' design and planting-. by students and volunteers achieved that go)al. The secondary objectives were part ownership and environmental stewardhip. The committee decided ta, pick the Pringle Creek valleylands south of Roesland Road and west of Anderson Street as the site for the prQject. It was near the future centre of Whitby, close ta several achools and relevant ta the eve7day lives of student and Each year, since the spring of 1992, students, assisted by teachers and Rotarians, designed and- iMpemented the environinena projeet. Henry Kortekaas, an environinental planner, of Henry Kortekaas & Associates Inc., acted as a resource person and coordinated each year's activities. The firm also prepared. the original master plan and related report that acted as a guide to. the project. Studonts enjq.y a. fun day of hands-on learning each sprig. The prQject is also a great help ta teachers, helping them get difficult' curriculum concepts related ta, math, planning, design and communications across tu students. Whitby Rotary bas contributed. significant funds ta ýget the project started. More recentl, Canada Trust and Shell Canada along with other contributor have kept the project going. As a result of the project More achools in Durhanm Region are startng their own environmental proects. At one school, it was dcide.d ta extend the project by developing the ground around thé echool as a natural habitat area. Students assisted, staff - in designing the' area and landscaping will continue this spring. Moreover, the Town of Whitby bas been able tajustify a more natural approach ta parkland and valleyland maintenance through this project. Larry Morrow,'of the Town of Whitby's parks and recreation depairtment says "A naturalizatian project like Whitby Rotary environmental' projeet help wildlife and aur budget." In' Kortekaas'opinion, "Thi project is an examnple of how an environmental idea can grow, not olinthe soil but also in ithe xnundsofsudents, teachers and volunteers This idea will grow and eventually might even improve the way aur aiociety deals with the envronien. Tisis an example of grassroots pr .c&It bas not corne from 'abve. It's local and relevant. There séhould be more of these projecta.": GREAT LAKES RMDA ACTION PLAN The International Joint Commission has identified Metro Toronto and Region as one of 43 water pollution hot spots or <Areas of Concern' around the Great Liakes. Public volunteers along with representatives from federal provincial and municipal agencies h ave developed a Remediaf Action Plan (RAP) ta dlean up waters in the area, On Jan. 19 a new winning logo for Métro Toronto and Reion RAP 'Clean Waters, Clear Choices,' was awarded to VWhitby resiclent Valerie Sippel1, a student at the Ontario College of Art. The logo of man and ish wil be used to promote water quality projects. These include water conservation proras, foruîms on watersheds and headwaters streambank and ahreline cean- ups, the creation of fil~ habitat, tree plantings and environmental education. How much does dlean water cost? According ta RAP's newletter, the cost for RAP recommendations for dlean water has been estimiated at $1.7 billion over 20 years. Implementation will end up costing about $75 per persan per year for a population of 2.5 million. PolIs conducted in 199,1 showed that two-thirds of the public were willing ta -pay for environmental cleanupThey did not want more taxes, but most would pay up ta double their current water bill (about $250 per year). A, $65 increase alone would be enough ta carry out combined sewer, stormnwater and sewage treatment improvements in the RAP area. A change in attitude is needed on how we use water and how we can reduce pollution. With support, RAP can meet the challenge and fulfil a shared vision for a healthy, balanced ecosystem. To g et involved in a local watershed action group, caIl the RAP office at (416) 467-3066. GWRN TMP Conserve water ta, help treatment plants work efficiently. forZHaWigday or Amivaciy. 7cp0edsa ~slpwciway o Sa~d peffgsl (Cash, VISA, cheque receivedà before deadline) $7.50 for 25 words; ($7.01+ 490 GST). 150 each additional word; (140 + 10 GST) BILE.wOR $1 0.50 for 25 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST $1 .02 per agate Une (Adso ofif-bordes pictures or graphics) Regular display rates apply - >$1.08 per agate line (14 agate lines per inch) Minimum size' 1 column inch $15.12 CONTINUOUS RUN DISLAY ADS 20% OFF atter 3rd insertion (no changes>. GST is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated .D..AD.... Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111 Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiII flot be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of -the insertion. The Whiby Free Press reserves the rght f0 classlfy or reject al advertlsemonti. 11 1

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