Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1995, p. 28

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Page 28, Whltby Free Press, Weckiosday, F""nai 15, 1995 Chesea HENRY ST. In recent conipetition, Henrys wrestlers have been flattening Athe pnovncial wrestling championships, seven meda" were won: gold, Son Chau; silver, Justin Turner; bronze, Charlie Cameron, George Wells, Tony Petrarakis, Tammy Cabral and Jennifer Zelney. In the Cambeliford tournament, Cabral and ZeIner were in top form again as well as Rob Lyon, Anthony Mfayer, Aaron Wickett and Kaveh VaMEl-Zad. Congratulations,'wrestlers. Hawk swimmers were sucoessful at the prelixinary meet for LOSSA. Everyone on the Henry swim teani that competed qualifled for the LOSSA finals. Way to go, Hawks. Last Friday the xidget girls' volleyball teani won a tournament hosted by. MLaughlin. Almost a week later the girls defeated teamns from Denis CYConnor and Exeter to end their season with a perfect 8-0 record. We will host the LOSSA playoffs on Feb. 21, so be there Wo support our teani. The junior. girls' volleyball teani competed in a tournament at Pickering on Feb. 4. The girls defeated three teanis and e ntered the quarter-final. They made it Wo the semis but unfortunately lost the match Wo Cedarbrae. Not Wo be outdone by the girls' rugby team, the boys' team bas begun training. Good luck getting ini shape, the girls have about a week on you. Henry SAJD (Students Against Drunk Driving) held their executive lections asat week. Congratulations go out W eélected members Mim Hewitt, Emily Smith, Kimi Good and Rob Drury. The 'Leader of the Pacck auditions were very successful with 60 students trying out for the cast. Good luck W ail those who will be rehearsing in preparation for the performance in May. 'This week student council presented ' Computer Cupid' questionnaires tW al students pyn $1. The.questionnaires wllecolected and answers entered into ' Dqrling Cupid.' Participating students Winl receive a list of their top 10 suited mates at Henry earljrneit week. Its that âime oi year agin. Drivers' education application formai are availaâble at the office. Option selections will soon take place. A guidance counsellor will cone tW your homeroom sometime this week Wo explain the procedure and answer any questions. The option selection sheets are due on Feb. 23. Student council will host Hery's Valentine's dance on Thursday, Feb. 16. ickets are being sold at the SAC office for $ . GREG BARTLETT (left) andJ Steve Edelson, who founded Henry Street High School's Students Against Impaired Driving (SAID) were two of seveai award winners at a youth appreciation dinner recently hosted by the Whitby Optiist lub.Photo by Jeremy Dresar, WhitLb' Free Press Janis Leering ANDERSON C.V.I. Love is in the air. Or, at least it was yesterday. We are already balfway through Andersons annual Spirit Week. On Monday there was the famous lifesaver pass in the cafeteria. There was also a Newlywed Gamne for lovey-dovey couples (Who have now learned a tbing or two they did not know about their partners), and a daiggaine for a few brave (and sne)persons. Toznorrow, there will be an airband competition in the gym, with admission just 50 cents. "Bienvenue a Whitby" for those students who traveiled Wo St. Donat for the annual ski excursion, which includes either cross-country or downhill skiing, French theatre and songs, and an introduction Wo Quebec culture. The students, with Mlle. Clarke, left on Feb. 8, and returned Sunday. AICE carnations were delivered W homeroonis yesterday, Wo the joy of many students As well, srnie students bave taken advantage of the niatcbmakers' form sales, wbich concluded yesterday. Hopefully by now, ail those on the lists are no longer strangers. Winter sports are slowly winding down, with many LOSSA gaines now being played. Ia wrestling, the cadets (grades 9-10) will meet their competition on Feb. 16. La the provincial cadet competition, Ray Roas came in second and qualified for the Ontario Winter Games, and aiong with Jason Diltz, will go Wo the Canadian championsbi*ps. LOSSA for the older boys will beon Feb 23. The hockey teani is currently experiencing tough times. 'We've suffered from inconsistent play and too many penalties," says coach Derek Dobos. Playoffs started Monday, and the LOSSA cbampionsbip will be held March 2. Witb players such as Kirk Jones, CDris Stone, Jamie Hogel and Tom Peterson, our teain could still make an appearance in the final. There was a buy-in today featuring a clash between the senior girls' volleyball team and the senior boys' hockey team in the gym. Door prizes were awarded, and the crowd enjoyed the show. The beginning of track and field season is under way, witb the first practice held yesterday. I guess that nieans that suminer is right around the corner? Congratulations tW those students who have been cast for "Spontaneous Combustion." Performance of this evening of one-act plays is May 17. Also, the Poetry Bytes club is holding another coffee bouse tomight (Wdesday) at 7:30 p.m. Make sure Wo bring some poetry Wo sbr at tbis evening of intimacy and intellect. Silmabuit s,5 at OymPio OnM Saturdlay, Feb. 25, Trafalgar Castie School in Whtywill hoat the fourth anu= junior Science Olympics for independent schools. Twelve independent . chools including Upper Canada College, Bishop Strachan School, Crescent School, Bayview Glen (Toronto), Lakefield- College (Lakefleld), St. Andrew's College (Aurora), Country Day Scbool (King City), Ridley College (St. Catherine's) Trinity College School (Port Hope), HIE1field-Strathallen College (Hamilton) and St. Mildred'-ightbourne (Oakville) will be attending. Each school will be bringing six competitors from grades 7, 8 and 9 Wo conipete in a variety of science-related events.' Opening the day's events; will be Dr. Michael Bratt from Ontario Hydro who will perfotrm a number of science tricks/demonstrations and discussa bis research role at Ontario Hydro. During the morning, a representative from the Ontario Science Centre outreach prograxn will conduct demonstrations of cryogenics using liquid nitrogen for the competitors. Events also include: * Quiz Show: A reach-for-the- top format where one school plays head-Wo-head with another. e*Deadly assault: Competitors need Wo devise a metbod of separating a mixture and deterxnining its composition. * Amazing Léasing: Comnpetitors will race againat the déock Wo guide a laser beani through a variety of obstacles and bit a target. * Bio Facts: Competitors worIng from, station Wo station answer a variety of questions about biology and what they are seeing, hearing or feeling. * Bridging-the-Ga:' Given information regardi*ng various types of bridge construction, build the strongest bridge with the materials made available. e Biladmans' Googolpads: One competitor who can see the computer screen directs bis/ber blinded cohorts Wo move the centipede Wo the correct answer of an aritbmetical problem again and again. e Slimabult: Competitors will design a device that will launch a bail of slime over a two-metre wall and into a target. The catch -- the projectile must be launched by a tinxe-delay mechanism. Froni 3:30 Wo 4 p.m., there will be closing ceremonies and awards presentations. Shannon Maracle SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL Well, Sinclair, it certainly, has been a week full of excitement. With course selection in ful swving, with sport teanis on the rampage and severai other activities on the go, we bave al been very busy. First things first. Your course selection sheets (the blue ones) should bave been banded in Monday, but if you are still1 baving probleins maldng your decisions, student services will hold course selection seminars on Wednesdays. If you require further assistance you can always make an appointment Wo see a counselr Just a note of appreciation Wo the department beads for giving up their lunch bours Wo talk Wo students who required speciflc information about courses or those who required department head signatures. Your belp was much appreciated. In sporting news, Md like to congratulate Ashleigh Crowder on ber outstanding achievement in the reent provincial championships. Ashfleigh flnished flrst in the 100-metre and 200-metre backstroke. This is an incredible achievement. Ashleigh wiIl travel Wo Montreal later tbis month Wo compote in the national cbampionsbiups. Ashleigh was awarded the student of thie week award. We ail wish ber luck in Montreal. Our niidget boys' basketball team played an excellent tournament last weekend. The boys defeated Cobourg West and Exeter Wo move inWo the consolation finals where they were defeated by Anderson in double-overtime. Congratulations on an excellent standing. The junior boys basketbafl teain edged Henry Street 44-42 last Tuesday. Sinclairs si racing teain bai a successful meet last Thursday. Jennifer Secada placed flrst in her race. Devon Chrstie placed l7th. Congrats. L'amour. Certainly tbis bas been on ail of our minda lately. Valentine's Day was certainly an exciting time at Sinclair. The carnations that were sent Wo classes yesterday were a big sucss h carnations that were also sent Wo Anderson were a Mit as well. Thanks to everyone wbo was involved in the sales. La Dance a L'amour is tomorrow. Hopefully everyone bas purcbased their tickets and are ready Wo party. Who are you going to take? Remember, you can save $2 if you buy your tickets as a couple. This week at Sinclair, Wednesday is botter than ever. With a professionai dance instructor here to, show us what she knows, a trip W 'Crazy For You' and two seininars being given by undercover cops, there is always sometbing for everyone. Sign up early for the best selection. Overail, everyone is becoaiing aecustomed W their new routines. Keep up the good work and make second semnester as successful as the flrst, if not better.

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