Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Feb 1995, p. 23

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Whltby Free Presa, Wednosday. FebruarY 8, 1»95. Pq 23 JAMES 'LIGHTS OUT' MULLANE (left) spars with fellow Canadian amateur boxing chamnpionships that get underway Whitby boxer Nick 'The Piston' Pelletier in preparation for the tomorrow (Thursday) in Montreal. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Fee Pres Mullane to battiefo a natilonal tiffe B yMark Beesor James 'Lights Out' MuWle ie looklng te corne away from this weekd'&sCanadian amateur boingchampionships with the national intermediate welterweight titi.. The Whitby student and Moter Cit Boin Club member won the. Ontario championship in Nvei r and is "pretty conident; (rm) expecting te corne back with at least a medal -- minimum silver." Mullane says it's hard te prepare for the Montreal champion- ship when he doesn't know whoh le'l be facing. 4ou train for everything, just like cross country running.» He plans to feel his opponent out ini the first round. 'Tii b. tyig things out, trying te score but no big punches... you just want te get if started -- thon Ilil reaily go after hlm.» MTllane expects to, meet some tough opposition and has been training at Motor City six days a week te prépare. Hia routine consiste of two hours in the gym - on. hour sparring and one hour worklng with coach Adrian Denieffe -- and running ererything froin two-kiIometre sprints te lO-kilometre runs. «]He's more thaLn ready,» says enieffe, who is now concentrat- ingz on keeping his fighter in aa~ mentally. ' When he's in with somneone that'snot as good. as hlm, he gets lazy or lackadaisical. What we want hlm. to do is stay in the centre of the ring and control the ring.v "He makes a guy miss, but he moves too far to counter.' With computer soring :- three of five judges must ail press a button to register a scoring blow -- «Yu've gt to make your pches easy for these guyst eeadalways9b aware of where fhe udges are,» says Denieffe. e's coachingMbullane %t be agrsive but not reckless; a lot of guys get to the Canadians an itýey"liet freeze baica1y... but he's got it in his head that we're not going te the Canadians just to be there. "If you just want to b. there, you rnay as wrell not go and just watch it on TV -- we)re gomng to, win -- thats the way weve trained, ail out (and) at aIl costs." Denieffe concludes with a warning for Muiiane's opponents: «Watch out because it's going te b.e lights out.» Capital effort by tweens Jen Cassidy scored with les than a second remaining te givo Wihitby LionessAtween As the championship of a recent ringotte tournament li Ottawa. For Cassidy, the goa with 0.6 second left in regulation time was her third itihe 4-3 win over Cumberland ini the finmal. Whitby had defeated Ottawa 5-4. tied Amonte 1-1, Cumnber- land 4-4 and Gatineau 3-3 te reach the final. Cassidy had nine points for the teurnament, Calle Osborne fivo, Christina Baldasti, Jennifer eiýîghten and Nicole Freeman four each, and Cynthia Whaley two. Heidi Schlitt was soiid in goal, supportod by the strong defon- sivo unit of Hayiey Miliard, Jil Shannon, Karyn Peacocke and Lyndsay Smith. Te Witby teain won the sil- ver modal, iosing 3-2 in the final te Stratford at a teurnament in Pickerink Uleghton had nine points aley eight, Baidasti seven, Freeman six. Whitby was third, behind Cumberland and firkland, at the Whitby teurnament. slo-pitch lea&g ue&s proposed Plans are being made te offer- four new slo-pitch lbagues in Whitby this sumxmer. The ieagues wili b. for persons aged 65 and older; a daytine league geared toward shift wor- kers (maie and female); a lunch- hour bagule for mon; oid-timers league for men aged 40 and over. F or more information, cal John at 571-7953 (after 5 p.m.). 2 host teams capture gold Two of the thr.e host teame came out winners at the Whitby invitationial precision skating competition on Saturday. Tihe Whitby Ice Angels novice team, coad by Kelly Jennings, finshe frt in the semi-final and first in the gold final. The Whitby Ice Fyre senior team, coached by Jody Jones, placed flrst is the short program and flrst in the long program. The Whitby Ice Pix juvenile tea=, coachod by Mona Gibney, was flrst ini their flight and second overail, behind itchener-Waterloo. The next competition for the Whitby teama will be setionals te ho held in Kingston on Feb. 18. It will b. the quaWl~ng event for provincials and Canadians. Terriers incirenase led Whitby Tormina Terriers increased their lead atep the boys under-iS indoor soccor bague with 6-2 victery over Whitby Raiders. The win extended the Terriers' lead te five points and left thein as the only undefeatod team this season. Before the gaine, Terriers were grs.nted w ith warm-up jerseys ysponsor Tormina Homes tae commemorate the builder's 25th anniversary. Chris Coutu had two goals, singles to, Matt Geofroy, Chris Camacho, Ryan Evelyn and Graham MacLean. The team ie using the indoor league and training at Soccer City in preparation for their inaugural year as a rep team in the Central Soccer League. Whitby rep hockey MAJOR BANTAM AAA sponsoi.d by Makoesi S"ervscoMtes Jan. 30 Whltby M. Haynos M. Capson D. Farquharson P. Gray 4Oshawa IMIOR BANTAN AA pouuoftd by Feint Diq>ooI cop Fob. 4 whitby 3 Aax Shane Neil Bruit Flaory Dorok AcIdOrd Jan. 30 WitbO, 3 Ajax Mat Srnith Paul Helinrch UMOR PEEWEE AA Jan. 23 Whitby David tittmar Joli Church Gil VanO.w Jan. 22 Jef Curch 2 Danny Small 2 Paul Goldernith Chad Karwasald Jan Ttwkkngon Jan. 20 Whitby 3 Cab2ourg 7 Oahaw 1 Cdboug Mihko I-IsfaeALg mim"ebob 2 GI Barrpsw 2 Mark Unvvin icky Mc DaidDittrnar Jar I. J5f JoChurch JE'. 15 Whltby 2 Feb. 1 Darmy sil Jar'.31 Mike He<tsnng Miko G14àbo JolI Chwrch Jan. 25 2 Wâ *MCIR AlUN AMA 9 Osha a Feb.5 Whltby Michesi Kasia RnnniRobrtoon Jam mke i 3 Q ATu nto MAJOR NOVICE AAA 2 Piokorig 2 Woxtord 0 Barris Playofb 2 Fickoerig 0 Picioerkig MAJOR ATON AAA aponsored by Hanet Plssdce ULd Feb.5 2 Wbitby Chrs is o Dan Vonum Mait I4rCock Rlyan MaÈhowvs Jam 31 eWhRby OOshawva Adm Stein DamidArnod Kye Musaenan 2 Dam dAr"ol 3 Riohrmnd III mMOR NOVICE AA qwomed Iy Main Teh lsd. Toswwumoi Feb.4 WMWb~ Aaron MacMurray 2 Whitby Jan Michie Aaron MacMurray 1 Aomrie Playofis 5 Fob. 5 Whitby .3 MaMharn (ovortunel) Aaron MacMwray 2 Thomas Farq"sonu 3 LMNOR NOVICE AAA qàoeuored by Whltby McDovuld Whâby Stovon &ohous Nicholas Catr 6 Lam Reddox Brandon Dmis 1 3 Quinte Aurom %hmond M

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