Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Feb 1995, p. 8

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Pace 8B. Whitbv Free Press. Wednesdav. February 1. 1996 MI? ,Flaherty .suggest secon dIook FROM PAGE 1 cil government is "one cf the 1a et pottyowners "invol- yod in te.overopmont proposaI, but at the saine timo dlaims ta b. conoernied about the marsh. «W. have the ministry cf environmient saying we have a wetlands policy !andr the ministry. of -housing saying we peed ta, build houses.» Flaherty addod that ho bas boon informed that not enough research was dono ta assess the impact cf develcpment cn the «rm told, that studios were done on fiera and'fauna, but neot on the water,» ho said. "If that's the case, I can't see any great harm ta the partici- pants. if wo take time ta ro- examine this. "But I'd like te see it done Iocally, net at the 0MB in Téonta.» Âlthough she declined te dis- cuss tho mattor in detail sinco the.propesal is befoe the 0MB, environmental consultant Linda Hellas tald The Free Press that water quality was examined. Her firm, Bird and Hale Ltd., prepared the 200-page document that formed the basis cf an Envircnmental Management Plan (EMP) which analyzed the effect of development on the marsh. 'Mhe report does address tho issue from a water quality stand- point,» said Hellas. % "Most cf the data used was from 'the minisrycf environ- ment. They have ben sampling the water in the marsh since 1964.» she said. MPP White doubted the sin- cority cf Flaherty's stand. White noted that the Tory cau- eus at Queen's Park oppcsed several pieces cf NDP legisiation aimed a protecting the environ- ment. «His party can run but it cati- not hide,» hoe said. "Mr. Flaherty's party voted affainst the Environmental Bill ofRights and the wetlands plicy. You cannot speak eut of bohsides cf your mouth.» While also declining ta com- ment specifically because cf the 0MB hearing, White said that if the Lynde Shores develepment is overturned, it will be due ta his party's efforts. "I f the 0MB is te 'take that aggressive a stance, it's only bocaused they had their mandate changed by our governinent,» ho said. White claimed that he, too, bas concerns, but unlike Flahertyis restricted in what ho can say as it may be. construed as interfer- inifin theO0MB.process. Ont he issue of how the marsh. can best be protocted, obviously it's, with no develop- ment anywhere," ho said., 'ButI'm net sure how easy it would be ta, affect that when we have se many people interested in devoloping the land east of the White dismissed, a suggestion from the Save Lynde-Marsh (SLM) citizens' committoe that the province engage in a "land swap» with Rose Corp. and create a nature sanctuary arcund the marsh. "A sanctuary would bo nice, but it would cost toc much,» ho said. While the Lynde Shores deve- lopment has se far involved only the provincial and ýmunicipal governments, McTeague wants to detorinine if Ottawa should bo part of the approval procese. «There are a number of federal statutes that might have some bearing on, the. lands as far as wildlifo, migratory birds and the Cania a-Um. S. Clean Waer Act,» he said. "«I want Environment Canada involved frein that perspective.» Although proposàa ste develop land near the mareh date back to 1983, federal agencies would not have had input into any develop- ment scheme «unless invitod to, do 90,» McToague said. 1 uGivon the preximity of devo- lopmnent ta the marsh, I want ta, make sure there is nothing un- taward with respect to foderal statutos. .If wo're turning a blind eye ta it, what's the sense of having an environment ministry at the federal levelW MéToague said he supports the concerns expressed by SLM and other development foes. "One would have ta bo deli- berately blind not te, see how it would be affocted, at least as far as the oast flank of the marsh is concerned.» Whilo admittini; that ho may criticized for hie comments, McTeague makes no) apologies. "If this happens to tread on some poople's tees, Pm sorry, but I have a responsibility to my constituents. r, tee, arn accoun- table.» Take a hÉie at Heber;; Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority staff, on Sunday, Feb. 5 at Heber Down Conservation Area in Whitby, will conduet a hike through the woods, discussing wNildflife, animal tracks and other topics. The tour is free and starts at 2 p.m. from the winter parking lot. Groups of 10 or more Wishing to participate are asked te, contact the authority office beforo Priday, Feb. 3. at 905-576-0411. with purchase of system For information contact: 1PC 56 0 1CD/FX *Intel Pentium 60 MHz processor - PCI local bus a 8MB RAM, 256K cache a 530MB harddrive * Double speed CD ROM LuIt 1- - Dualampllfied speakers a a 16-bit stereo sound card ViiMi *14 " S VGA monitor, .28 DP *1MB PCf vdeo card *101 enhanced keyboard *MS mouse and mouse pad *MS VOS 6.22 *Windows for Workgroups 3. 11 " Wordperfect 6.0, Word Assistant " Bookslielf 94 s2,6919 Bestby te .) 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The IPc lkrDs a trarfmari xi 3D Mcrocompruier Sysiem r ot necessariy aswn tAm Merrnotetuie foron-itne erke Or-ste seniceris nt axaiabterin ai aeas of Carrada Prces an cotgrratxon sutiect ochangp wetut notice * o r I S lE 50OO CNON iCANON OFF RETAIL PRICE 0F PRINTER B 2 0 J 4 0 wît prcas ~PRINTER'iPRINTERi IPC 560 SYSTEM : Eprs: Feb. 15/95. 1 Expres eb. 15/95. Jailtermorformner brkeragiepresrorep ident The.president cf a ostate brekerago has 18-month jail term fermer real received an and three years probation after pleading guilty to fraud and theft charges. Today's Best Rate For more information cail: Derek Dutka 579-7777 mor-m Filnancial conept Financiat Concept Corporation Groupu ia icensed Mtual Fund dealer. F.C.G SecuitiesCorpo atini iIoensed SecresDealer. *Minmum $5,00).Rates subject to change. CANADAwS L~~EADN IACA Invest $5,000 ln Your RRSP For OnIy $340 After Tax* Save an extra 40% in Federai and Ontario taxes on your RRSP contribution with amn investment in DGC Entertainment Ventures Corp. (EVC). lnvest in Canada's high growth entertainment, communications and related high-technology industries inCluding CD-ROM, laser imaging and virtual reality. Advisors to EVC include directors David Cronenberg, Norman Jewison and Allan King, plus 23 other industry leaders. Shares purchased prior ta March 1, 1995 may qualify for credit on your 1994 tax return. EVO is sold in Ontario by liCensed EVC Investment Advisors only. DGC Entertainmeflt Ventures Corp. *Savq ne(js înj $y 4.01ri fer iveters sth$29591 in taxabin e ni e o$4,660 at $67.854 ie taxable ieceme wlien veer Enterannremt Ventures shares are cenitribute( te an RRSP. provided Ihiat M0e shares are net redwteed wltxn 5 years. This adverlisenent showld t enthacoi) sdered as ae otteriq et I)(- sec-unsriterred te, which may only 0e seld hy pros;)ecttis.ý A cepy is availat)le tt)10u9t1 securities udealers licensed and quiiliied Io tstriu e nthesv s nrse Rend ItO prosprcluis carefrîlly andt consuil youI prute-ssiolial;aiIvisor belote investing. This revsime>I ieay bu sriutrr ort1oflrl.ternr mv' tiat hooewlrh] o eaccept IfOu nsk thrre. To find out more, please cail your lnvestment Advisor or Cali EVC at: 416-972-11589 1 -800-EVC-11 59, evc@io.org Or fax the following information to: 416-972-0820 Name: Address: City: .Ontario Postal Code:[ Michael Stephen Lindo cf Stauffvilîe receivod tho sentence i Oshawa court recently. Ho and employee John William Mid- cu f Wli'tby were jointly char- gd in May 1993 with cri*minal breach cf trust and thoft over $1,000. Midlige's case is still i court, with a pro-trial ta be held I April. Inf July 1991, the Ontario Miityof Consumer and Cor- porate Reations busiess prac- tices division completed an ini- spStien that revealed that a shortge cf $200,000 in two trust accounts cf Ho/Max Realty Plus Ine. cf Ajax. T he Durham Regienal Police fraud squad and the ministry investigated from November 1991 ta, April, 1993, and allegeâ that more than $2 million was illegally disbursed from the two trust acceunts from March 15, 1990 ta July 31, 1991. Police sas, the mcney consisted cf consumers' down payments for real estate transactions, and was placed at risk when" used as general corporate funds. Ho/Max Realty Plus Inc. closed in early 1992. 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