Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Feb 1995, p. 6

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'Can't be bothered' To the Edtor: On Jan. 22, I telephoned the Durham Regional Police office (on a nan-ernergency lino) ta report an abandoned wornan's bicycle> that had been in front af my house since Jan. 20. It appoared that someone may have stolen this bicycle, took htfor' a jayrido and later dumped ht on the curb on the road in front of my house. When 1 returned that evoning, 1 noticed that a neighbour must have picked the bicycle up and placed ht agalnst the tree. I asked my iends whati 1should do about thsr bicycle and they suggestod that 1 should repart à ta the police who are always heiptul and intorested in theso mattors. To my surprise and disappointment, however, as soon as I1rnentianod the bicycle and bofore 1 could say 1 thought ht might have been stolen and abandoned, the police officer asked mne if I could bring the bicycle ta the police station. His tone of voice gave me the imrsion that ho had a "couldn't bebtered with" attitude; ho did not even ask me for my address. I suppose there must be a lot ot these trivial calis ta the police station, regarding matters that are not of an urgent nature. But what is a persan supposed ta do when ihmi sees samething that has ta be clone? lncidentally, I arn a senior and do not have a proper vehicle ta take the bicycle ta the police station. Another similar response took place last summer when repartîng ta the police that my golf clubs and cart wore stolen tram the garage. They said ta report the matter at the police station, as they don't have time ta make an an-site investigation. Is this the type ot response and service we expeot ta hear ftram our local uf inest?" Lewis F. Chow Whltby Areal letdown To the editor: Lyndle Marsh is a beautiful and wonderful place and the 21st Whftby Girl Guides are concerned about the plan ta turn Lynde marsh into a subdivision of homes. Hf the marsh is'destroyed, ht will lot clown many people, lncluding wo who enjoy hiking, and it will be destroying the homes af aur innocent creatures. Are we willing ta lot clown many Whîtby citizons and the animais? Colleon Mller Jennîfer Jollow Gomma Killlck Special place To the editor: The 2lst Whitby Girl Guides are concerned about our beautitul conservatiOn area, Ly nde Shores. If ht is Oestroyed, R will lot clown the 2lst WhRWb Girl Guides and many moreM pope.W njoy hikes,: exploring and skating. Someo f us even got aur wildflower badges. As you can seo, Lynde Shores is very specialta us. ra a mo Leanne 0ke Parnela OlI.y - Krsty Kopacz Page 6, Whltby Fee Pràse, Wednesday, Fobruar 1, 1995 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby resîdents for Whitby resîdents! MEMBER 0F: SONTARIO CANADIAN SCOMMUNITY DÉ,fLACOMMUNITY jfNEWSPAPER j+CJIPiNEWSPAPER - ASSOCIATION W ASSOCIATION CANADIAN ~ CIRCULATIONS CNA DIVISION AUDIT BOARD ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby,, Brooktin, Ashburn & Myrtie as weil as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,000 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLYj MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GST - Outside Canada $80 + GSI Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brook St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin rcin Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 200/% recycîed content using vegetable based inks. oAil written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit fine to the Whitby Free Press. *rithe eiwflrTL. To the editor: I read with great amusement Mayor Tom Edwards' quoted remarks in the front page article af the Jan. 25 Free Press, 'Taunton-Brock commercial area plan again dot erred.' Mr. Edwards apparontIy recalled that during the regionai counicil planning committee meeting held Jan. 10, Uxbridge mayor and committee chair Gerri Lynn O'Connor chaIlenged Oshawa regionai councillar Irv Harroll's contention that permltting develapmont outside the region's downtown areas is detrimontal ta existing businesses. She asked Mr. Harreil, i-low do yau justify the Oshawa Centre expansion?' and HarrelI said uh's. already a downtown area." Mr. Edwards was thon quoted in your article as saying 01 challenge anyone ta go ta Simcae Streot and tell those people thore how R (Oshawa Centre) helps the downtaw 'n." Thus, Mr. Edwards, Mny amusement. 'You are pushing developer's interests by having the Town apply ta the Region ta create a new, unneeded, fourth- shopping area at BrocklTaunton (which, by the way, is approximatoly one hait the size of the entire newIy renovated Oshawa Centre), ail the whilo stating that this new commercial area wilI have no dotrinriental effect on downtown Whtby 'or BrookIin. At the same By Drummond White In recent weeks, several people have sald they would like me to take a more active role when the Lynde Shores Plan cornes before the Ontario Municipal Board. So wouîd I. I have already taken an active part and ave off ered the highest level of provincial assistance in resolving the problem that exists. Within our province, there are safeguards to protect judicial bodies or tribunals tram any political influence. The Conf loct of lnterest Act and the MPP's Integrity Act state that no MPP should become involved with a case before a judicial body. A tribunal could be unduly lnfluenced by my position, especially iitrports to parliament: through my own minîstry.:' The province has a quasi-j udicial body to 1wtých appeals of municipal planning decisions can be macle -- the Ontaria Municipal Board. We need ta know thea al precautians under the law have been undertaken and that provincial planning principles have been addressed. It is important ta recognize that while the province sets the rules, it is the raIe of the municipalities -- local and regional -- ta make the decisions an land use. And the province is also subj oct to rules for which it must answer. Since aur governrnent passed the wetlands policy and put it ta work, Rt is now possible for the Ontario Municipal Board ta decide whether the local municipaiity has fallowed this policy in making decisions on developments such as Lynde Shores. Those yardsticks are being changed. Local planning must now ensure protection for wetlands and marshes. I arn a member of a party that has a tradition of standing and fighting for the enviroriment. As a long-time environmentalist, I share many of the concernis about the preservation of aur natural surroundings. As an MPP, I have been a part of a government that has created the highest standards in North America for environmental protections. I took a lead in pushing for the wetlands policy. 've personally beon active on behaif of public access and protection of the Whitby waterfront which includes the area now before the Ontario Municipal Board. Indeed, the development of the waterfront trail in Whitby gives the public greater access ta the waterfrant. h is one of my proudest achievements as MPP for Durham Centre. Although I would like ta become mare involved in a situation like this, bath sides have the right ta an impartial hearing. There should be no political interference in the operations of the Ontario Municipal Board. We must have assurance that an independent and unbiased judgment has been reached. Drummond White is MPP for Durham Centre riding which includes Whftby south of Taunton Road. To reach his constituency office, cail 430- 114 1. time, you are sgetn that the Oshawa Centre has had a major detrimental effect on downto7wn Oshawa. hl seems ta me,- Mr. Edwards, that you know very Weil the hardships this 'new -commercial area would have on downtown merchants, but you' insist on pushing for the big building* permit numbers each monthý regardîess of the consequences. I must remind you that not everything can 'be measured in dollars. Sa me of us '(taxpayers) would j ust like to hold 'on ta the sane 1ffestyle healthy downtawn Whhby and Brooklin cari offer, a place that gives you a feeling of pride and, of beionging ta a community, not the- cold impersonal atmosphere of a regional mail. Mr. Edwards, sametimes people make mistakes and even though they know they are wrong, they insist on upholding their original mindset. You, as mayor, have an opportunity over the next three ~ ars ta set a new pace for Whftby influencing tho type and location of deveioprnent and redevelopment for this region. I urge you ta set an example for the other community leaders1 by being first ta put a stop ta the insane competitian- between Durham communities for new greentieId deveIopment. The downtawns of Durham Region are dying at the expense of this competition. Dare ta be diff erent ... If you do the saime thing over and over, you get the same resuits. Don't be trapped by tradition -- let's keep Scarboroug h's lifestyle in Scarborough and keep the utown" in the Town of Whitby. William D. Little Whltby Take a drive To the oditor:.,, Re:- Lyn 1de Shores Development Stop the -hausing development we need more open areas for future generatians. Support. , a 2000-acre federai-provincial park -- we have lots of other lands for housing use. Help make our area unique instead of another overdeveioped wasteland. Don't rely only on the comrplaints of concernied citizens. Drive on Victoria Street and Bay1 Street tram Pickering ta Wýhit bY. thon drive the same distance along a developed area of the lakeshore anywhere between Oshawa and Hamilton. Can y ou then justify a decision against Lynde Marsh? Mrn: Bow Whltby A To the aitr. Dare to be different

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