Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Feb 1995, p. 34

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Page 34, Whltby Free Prose, Wecfresday, February 1, 1995 l'ila big Brother!e .Mazer: My name is Matthew, and I am happy ta, annoiunce the safe arrivaI af my new baby I~ brother John Andrew. Hoe , Was bomn at St. Joseph's ~ <~Health Contre on cjSaturday December i7th, r~i1994 ati12:32pm. L.JHo wighod 7l bs i 2oz. My mamn and dad O(Stephanie and Adam)o Baba e andpigiandNan Baadvery hapy tana~ [7, and Grampa and everyano else- in aur family had an extra special Christmas prosont LJthis year. 1 want ta thank L. Dr. Simms, Nurse Yvonne S and Dr. Baglieri for < helping my mom. Happy New Vear! I~~ Cla.sifcation Anniversaries Announcments Atiques, Arta doectibies Aparment or Rent Appliaces Aricles frSale &AVoeleMotates Auctions Auto/imcs for Sale Bis Boais & Supplies Busiess Opporinities Busness Services Cal a Prolessionai Card oThaiks dareers dhild dae Services doming Events Commercial Space for Rent or Sale DacekIsrctin Deahs Educationat Services Empoy¶nent Wanted Farms/Areage Farm Supplies & Equipinent Financial Servies For Reft Garage & Yard Sales Happy As Hep Wanted Homes forRent Hones for Sale n Memoim Insuranoe Landsoepng Services Legal Lost & Found Losidottages Milestones Moetgages Molorcycesiv's Personals Personal Servies Petsitiveslodc & Supplies Real Etate Regitation Resileritial Servies Rooms tor Rent Sliared Accommodation Storage Tenders Tbanks Training Services TraveNacations Vounleers Needed Wated RnnoRABECK(, LORNA CATHERINE MARGARET. 0f the E.J. McQuigge Ladge, Canniftan and formorly ai 255 George St., Belleville. At the E.J. McQuigge Ladg o on Tuesday maming, January 17, 1995 in hor 87th year. beloved wife of the lato Morley D. Rorabeck. Belaved daughtor ai the late Emost and Cora Ridley.Loving mother ai Catherin unand her husband Richard aifR#5Campbellford and Joan Richadoan her husband Paul of 811 King St., Whitby. Loved by her grandchilIdren Robert Young and his wife Maureen ai King stan, Joanne Hall and her husband Scott ai Bawmanville, Androw Richardson ai Whitby, Ellen Conti and her husband Paul af San Francisco, and her groat 9 randdaughter Alyssa Young. rdcased by her granddaug hter Karen Richardson. Dear sister ai Roy Ridley ai Guntor Lake, Clare (ike) Ridley and his wife Hilda af Oshawea. Betty Sullivan and her husband Hugh of Belleville. Predeceased by her brothers Amold, Dan and Har. Friends g athered at the BU RKE F EA oME (613-968-6968) Belleville from 7-9pm Thursda, January 19. Funeral Service wasýield in Bddge Stroet United Church, Belleville on Friday, January 20, 1995 at 1l :Oam. Intorment Belleville Cemetory. The family would appreciate that an y expressions af sympathy be donations to the Canadian Brain Tissue Bank, caro ai the Burke Funeral Home, 30 Moira St. W., Belleville, Ontario K8P 18S2. NOVENA TO ST. JUDE. May the Sacrod Heart of Jesus be adored g lorified, loved and preserved troughout the world now and farever. O Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Judo, Worker af Miracles, pray'for us. St. Judo, holper of the hopeless, pray for us. Sy thîs rayer 8 times a day. By the ighth day your prayors will bo answered. It has nover ben knaw ta fail, nover. Publication must bo promised. Thanks ta St. Jude far prayer answered. S.W. MAY THE SACRED HEART of Jesus be praised, adored, gîarified, lovod and preserved thraughaut the world naw and farevor. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Judo worker of miracles, pray faor us. St. Judo helper of the hopeîess, pray for us. N.E.DC NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F WILLIAM ERIC GREENE Ail persons having dlaims against the estate of William Eric Greene, deceased, late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the Srd day of October, 1994, are hereby natif led to send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 1 Oth day of March, 1995. Ater such date the assets of the above-named estate will be distributed among the persans entitled thereto, having regard only ta dlaims of which the executor shaîl thon have notice. DATED at Whitby this i 6th day of January, 1995. SCHILLING, EVANS Barristers and Solicitors 330 Byron Street South, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Solicitors for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS AIl dlaims against the Estate of Henry Emnest Lade, late, of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Mumicipality of Durham, who died on or about the lSth day of September, 1994, must be f iled with the undersigned personal representative on or before the 22nd day of February, 1995, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only ta the dlaims af which the undersigned then shall have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 2Oth day of January, 1995. THE EXEÇUTOR OF THE ESTATE by his Solicitors MACKEY, BAI LEY & KORB Barristers & Solicitors 400 - 22 King Street W., OSHAWA, Ontario L1 H7L9 THANKS TO the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Judo & the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours received. P.M.C. (Cash, VISA, cheque received bof ore deadlino) $7.50 for 25 words; ($7.01+ 490 GST) 150 each additional word; (140 + 1 0tGST) BILEDWODAS $1 0.50 for 25 words; PLUS GST 15o each additional word; PLUS GST AUC...... S $1 .02 per agate Une (Adsowitf bors ptre s ormgaphics Rgrdisplay raespl $ %1 offper v atun (14atunes rprich> Minimum size 1 column inch $1512 CONTINUOUS RUN DISPLAY ADS 20% OFF ater 3rd insertion (no changes). GST is extra on ail ads unloss othorwise indicated ...E .... ..........N..... Monday noon prior ta Wednesday publication. 668-6111 Please check your advertisemnent for errors on the first day of publicaion. The Whitby Free Press will flot be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occ *upied by the error up toaa maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the rlght ta classlfy or reject al advertlsements.- SAT, FEB..4 0l1Oam BANKRUPTCY AUCTION at McLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY On instructions from James R. Yanch, trusteo in bankruptcy we will seîl the assets af ROGERS CARPENTRY, OAKWOOD 1993 Palanis 440 Indy snowmobilo, 1992 car mate enclosed drive onioff double snowmobile trailer, l3hp Honda 2 cyli liquid cooled riding lawn mowor,26 highway trailer, 14' job traiter, fax machine, office fumiture plasternng stilts, spectra-physics EL-f olectronic leveller, laseiline laser iku,(bath liko now) Makita ssal Ma3kita 2 speed hammerdnhl, air compresser, loader forks, power sandor, shop vac, Millwaulkee h.d. rîght angle drill, Craftsmnan 7112" radial ami mitre saw, electric chain saw,'router, cordless drill, extension cords, hand planer cernent mixer, mortar mixer, Rockwll-Beaver 6" jainter, Bostick power nailer, pressure. washer, frost tooth, cut off saw, etectîic matais, hand toals, q. smaîl items, doors, tnim, same bullding supplies, assortment af itemns for carpentry trade. Also selling for Alan Lawson Fisher Inc, trustee in bankruptcy: a 1986 H4onda spree scooter, alsa 1972 Motoski, 1988 Jeep Wagoneor Ltd. (Ioaded), '93 Hyundai Sonata G LS, tilt, PS, PB, cassette, PL, PW, PM, cruise, auto, 250klm., '80 Chov Blazer with plow, '78 Jeep 4X4. YJ, '87 Maxda 323, 1990 Ford F250 4X4 pickup with plow, '82 Honda 750 motorcycle. Open at 9, sale lOam. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONEERS BARRY McLEAN auctioneers 324-2783 Lindsay 1. Caîl 1-800-461-6499 ta ist your sale AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES& HOUSEHOLO EFFECTS SUNDAY, FEB. 5, 11:OOam (viewing 10:00) Take 401 ta 115135 hwy. & north 20km (watch for sîgns) This Sunday's auctian features a vanied selectian of quality articles. Partial list includos: uncan Phyfe table & 5 chairs, combination china cabinet & desk, pin baIl machine, misc. partour tables, new 6' pine harvest table, kitchen tables & chairs, blanket boxes, misc. dressors & chost af drawors, desk, argan, omatoly carved settee frame, ail lamps, namned miîk bottles, aId tools & hardware, gun books, aId coins aid tin signs, animal traps, TNs, bod, lamps, glass & china etc. Auction features something for everyone. Caîl f or ail your auction needs MacGREGOR & WEST AUCTIONS Miko MacGregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 AUCTION SALE SAT. FEB. 4th at 1:OOam 870 Taunton Rd. E. Whitby We are solling an estate from Whitby, antiques, etc. plus new fumituro, incuding: antique drap front desk Ieadod iglass, parlour tables, china cabinel dressers & chesi of drawers, wardrobe, rocker glass top tabnle, ino, 2 modem 4 WE DELIVER FLYERS The Whtby Free Press 668-61-il CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAVI FEB. 3 AT 5:3Opm 3 miles east of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 THE PROPERTY 0F THE late MARY W. BROWN of Lindsay plus contents of a Markham condominium the propert0 f MR. ROSS STSRRFO Walnut cining room extension table, 4 carved walnut dining chairs, double & single box sprîng mattresses, mahogany chestl of drawers, 2 single bed chesterfields, two 241n console colaur TV's, walnut sideboard, 6 Pc. modem bedraom suite with 2 single beds, chesterfields & matching chairs, walnut plant* stand, modem dressers & chests of drawers coffee & end tables, bridge set, table & floor lamps, antique chests of drawers,* parlaur tables Lazy Boy chair, wooden kitchen chairs. bed chesterfield, qty. postcards & stamps, cracks, plus a qty. hina, glass, househald& collectable items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR#1, Little Britain 705-786-2183 KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS - every ýWednesd ai t 6:3Oprn located #2699 Bdrack Rd.N. Pickering, 3 miles narth of hwy. #401 (take exit #399). Featunng every, Wed. an excellent selectian af atques, fine fumishings, glass china, collectables, primitives, and other unusuals. Sa loin! us every Wed. and partici pate in one of Ontarios "true" auctions with no. buy-backs or reserves. Ternis: cash, choque (with proper l.D.) or Visa. Previews from 1:0Opm biConsigriment & Estate selling aur specialt. Caîl us today Khn Auction Services 905-683-041. MAN, TEACHER, independent, 56, many intoresis & accomplishments is interested in meeting teacher lady or prfessional gentîelady for a lasting relation shi.l1offer hanosty, respect & dedication & ask for the same. Oshawa & Durham Rogian, 8 Midtawn Dive, Box 130, Oshawa. A.B.S. - l'm an întensely private persan. I need indefinite time alone with you! Healing process, enlightenmient, living and ejyn life. Family life: ontiré focus! Honesl onough? Lots get togetherl BILL - sweet, but only memnones. Thanks for unforgettable new one. Inspiration? We share dreams. Can't hurry love? Can't caîl. Yaur denial frustratos me. Love, Maggie. 11E S S 1D E c9nnectidns 24 hr. DATELINE *Free to Ladies seeking Gents 970 a day *Win a FREE Splish Splash P ..t...... Hot Tub ph Rentaîl Cali FREE! 430u 7060 -~ k. - - -~~wJ~ ~ ta th#le (3 times). Holy Mary I.place ths case in your hand (3 Mimes). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and thon you must publish it ana It wII be grantod ta you. R.W. r- n 1

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