Page 18, Whitby Free Prms, Weclneday, FebMray 1. 1M9 Fundmg given for 'culturaliy sensitive' counselling Catholic Fainily. Services df Durham will receive $43,000 annually from the province. ta provide 'Icuiturally-wenmtive" counselling services. The -servces are for women and Timefor Save an extra 40 %i taxes on your RRSP contribution this year Working Ventures Canadi an Here 's an exmpe Fund is a Iabour-sponsoredexm . investment f'und that invests Investmnent in Working Ventures $5,000 primarily in smail and Tax Savings - $2,500 mediumn-sized Canadian -RRSP tax deduction businsses.(at 50% assumied tax rate) " Such investments offer the Federal Tax Credit (20%) - $1,000 potential for.above-average Provincial Tax Coedit* returns but involve higher (20% wheoe applicable) - $1,000 risks tlian many other investments. Your Net cost $ 500 " An investment in Working Yu oa avns$.0 Ventures requires a long-termn commitment and'cannot'guaranteè any speci fic 'rate of- return or any return. Redemption of shares of Working Ventures is subject to certain conditions. " Attractivýe tax cr edits ava ilable to investors in.Working Ventures provide immediate benefits and are intended to offset these risks. Important information about this investmnent fund is contained in its-p'rospectus. Obtain a copy frora a securities dealer fully qualified and icensed to dismnibute these securities and read it carefully before investing. Share value and investment retura '<ili flucuate. *The extra provincial tax credits are available to investors resident in Ontario, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. r- ICRUISI' UROPE Those who have been ta Europe know how expensive it can be. These days most visit friends and relatives, in order ta reduce the cost of accommodation. Imagine staying ini a five-star hotel, eating gourmet meals and enjoyin the ambiance cf Europe. Ths fcourse, cornes at quite a high price, considering a five-star hotel wil mn you at least $200 pe night. A-cruise roils ail wishes mnto one package, starting at about $3,000 per persan. A cruise offers many variations of ports in Europe as weil as a variety of broadway-style shows. Ta sec Europe ini style, a cruise is your value vacation choice. Indulge i the bistory and romance of seemn nmny diffuaeit cultures. Compare prices between a matorcojach tour,' a fly-drive prograrn and a cruise. Be sure £0 compare apples ta apples (ie. five- star hotels, ail mç'ats'and entertainment). Do yourresearvh sa that your Buropean vacation meets ail your expectations. their chldron in Durhamn Regon, from ethno-cultural backgroundsZ who have beon sbused. A $20,000 grant aiea bas been given ta the agency ta address current waiting lista for counselling for any women who have experienced or are experiencing abuse. An advisary conunittee mnade up cf people from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds, wiil be set up by Catholic Fmily Services ta provide advice in developing the service, and assist in getting information about the service ta variaus ethnic communities. "Often'these women have feit lsolated, because cf language or cultural barriers, and hvâno corne forward for assistance," said Oshawa MPP Allan Pilkey* "They will now be able ta find and caring they need in agencies serving ' their cultural cornn-unities. Catholic Fanil Services. of Durham is at, 67d King St. E., Oshawa (725-3513). E B-4 A Tli> EU RO P E With,ý Love Boat Savers* youw can take So eone special to 1 Europe for 500 off.* Book by Feb. 14, 1995 and get our best fare guaranteed,. Choose from the.only 5-Star fleet in Europe, the celebrated Royal ýPrincess* Pacific Princess, the original Love Boat' and her twin, the the Island Princess* And select from a wide variety of 12 and .13-day itineraries including the Baltic, North Cape, Western Europe, Mediterranean;--" Black Sea or the Holy Land. Visit places like St. Petersburg, Paris, Venice or Istanbul. Cail today. 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