Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Jan 1995, p. 5

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V'thby Fiee Prm, Wechiesday, Januazy 4 1905. Page 5 VIRUS AT FAIRVIEW A late-December, ear *anu- ary outbreak of Norwalk isease, a flu-like virus struck 80 rosi- dents and 57 s taf members of Fairvxew Lodge. Norwalk -- an infection of the bowels -- is flot a strain of influenza although it has similar symptonis. The dis- ease is not fatal, with recovery in a few days. Health officiais* tem- loaiy barred. visitors to the roraei orthe aged until the disease was contained. Visite resumed Jan; 24. iRASL4TRUCTURE Under the infrastructure agreement between the, Ontario and federal governxnents, it was announced in May that a $.- millio n- fire hall would be built on Taunton Road., Dundas Street reconstruction, Cassels Road bridge reconstruc- tion and downtown streetlighting upKading were aloo approvýed. e $14-mihonexPansion of, the Whitby Seniors A<tivity Centre had previously been anncunced. TAXES WJhitby- residents received a 0.1 per cent decrease iu taxes for the 1994 year. In PFebruary, Whitby council members approved a 1994 budicet that would reduce taxes by f.2 per cent. That foliowed a zero increase in 1993. The. Town tax accounts for 23.7 per .cent .cf the total tai bill*-. I May, the Durhamn Board cf Education and Durham separate school board each approved budgets that raised taxes by one per cent. Schooi taxes mâke up 55.6 per cent of the total tax. There. was no increase i the Region cf Durham tax which represents 20.7 per cent of the total tax. ÏMPCHARGED On Feb. 8, Durham Centre MPP Drummond White resigned from the gov erninent after being charged Feb. 4 with assault. >Tih. alieged výictim was WJhite's 14-year-old daughter. White sat as an independent member cf the legisiature until the matter was resolved on March 7 'when the charge was dismissed i provin- cial court i Oshawa. WJhile the charge was dis- missed, White agreed ta adhere to, the Pterms cf a voluntary 12- month recognzance. Fifteen fuil-time empioyees were laid off and eight temporary workers let go in January and February at the Durhamn Recy- cihig Centre due to a reduction hi th e amnount cf materiai coilec- ted for the recydling centre and a change.iu proqcessing.. INNUSHARE' Scm. c f the Davis Inlet, Labrador residents helpe b the Innushare, groupof Wt visited Whitby in February. ib Innushare hadfsent more than four tonnes cf supplies, including clothing and toys, totihe cam- munity where a mass suicide attempt was made by children i 1993. JON JENKINS Jon Jenkins, the first chief cf Durham Regional Police when the force was forrned in 1974 died on March 20. He had retired from the force in 1988. FURLONG Atanomination meetin in April, Oshawa lawyer Allan Fr long was acclaimed as the Liberal candidate for the Dur- ham Centre ridin, which in- cludes Whitby saut h of Taunton Road, in the next provincial elec- tion.' Later in the. year, Jim Fla- herty earned the nod -for Durham Centre Tories and current MPP Drummond White was acciaimed as NDP candidate. 75TH BIRTHDAY 1994 marked the 75th birthday cf Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, and the kickoif celebration, event was a pancake breakfast held MYhe 75th year also saw the start of a massive redevelopuient cf the facility which was rena-' med Whitby Mental Heaith Centre. In the. faîl, it was announced that 100 to 120 staff would b. laid off and 100 beds cut with a $4.7-million reduction in its budget over the next two years. But. in late October, the pro- vince postponed some cf the. budget cuts. But the unionrpe senting the hospitals'sworkers said it was expected there would stili be a $2.5-million budget-cut and that services and jobs wouîd be Iost. The union held a 'Save'Our Services' raily Nov. 9 in Oshawa, attended by Dennis Timbreli, president cf the Ontario Hospital Association. But Durham Centre MPP Drummond White said in Navember that no jobs or ser- vices would b. cut deapite the. budget cut. SENIORS'CENTRE It was announced in May that the Whitby eniors' Activity Centre would be expanded as one cf the Whitby roj.ects approved under the C anadOntanc In- frastructure Works program. The expansion is te b. completed by May, 1994. LIONESS CLUB The Whitby Lioness Club was namned «Club, cf the Year? and. DEATH wcn'three other awards at the Whitby ometrist Neil Mur- district convention in Peter- kar, a former Peter Perry award borough i April. winer as Whitby's outstanding citizen, <ied on Sept. 5 at age 64. AWARD Joan Stephens received the PETER PERRY 1994 Mayor's Senior Volunteer In November, Dr. John MeYKin- Award hi A r'. She has helped ney was nanied winner cf the seniors and supported seniors Peter Perry award as an out- activities for several years. standing citizen of Whitby. BRADFIELD In JulyP Jim Bradfield cf the WhitbyJaycees was elected pre- sident cf the Canadian Junior Chambe fCommerce. DR. HOMBS During the -summer, Dr. Ken Hobbsj received an outstanding service award from Rotary Inter- national for his volunteer efforts world-wide. ~Iow YOU ( AN FEED A FAMILY 0F FOUR FOR ONLY WHITBV DAIRY QUFEN 1003 unda St.E.

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