Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Jan 1995, p. 1

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111 Business boom ing By MMke Kowisig What a way Wo bring in the new yar AcCrding to. preliminary figures,"the value of building Pemita lssued by the Town ci Whiby n Dcemerwas almoat When added Wo the total for the previous il1 months, the value of lust years peýrmits was nearly obe tato 193., AMIhouh final figures were, stili W ble tabuiated, 1994 was shaping up as a banner year for development in Whitby. «I expect that by the end of the last working day of 1994, (we) will have issued about $60-mil1- lion worth of buildin g peri4ts fr the month of DàýUr," Mayor Tom Edwards said in a pres release. "This wiil bring the. total for the year Wo about $196 million worth cf building permits, as compared with about. $109 mil- lion for 1993," said Edwards. Although developmnent cf any kind means jobs for construction workers, wliat was'«particularly apelin-»ý about December's ttalia t nearly $12 .million came from the non-residential sectors, Edwards noted. "Obviously the commercial, in- dustrial and institutional aspects provde more -lasting jo-bs than desI residentiai building,» he said. "So, $12 million of an issue cf $60 million is a simeable propor- tion, and this will provide several hundred jobs for resi- dents cf our community." I recent weeks the Town has issued permits for a varietyof non-resîdlential buildings, inèiud- in§ the following: a $1-million expansion cf DeVille Produce on Brock Street North. This will allow for the addition cf 60 new jobs, doubling the current, number ci' employeer; *P construction cf a $800,000 suE PAGE 8 LYNDE. SHORES DEVELOPMENT. O pponents angr.y, overý 0MB date By Mike Kowalski An Ontario Municipal Board hearing later. this month has opponents of the proose Lynde Shr housing develoment cr- iig foui. TheSave Lynde Marsh (SLM) citizeris committee is upset with the municipal board (0MB) for having scheduied a pre-hearing conference into the contoversiai project.on. Jan. 25. Used primarily for the -purpose of expediting procédurai and other matterg prior Wo a formai 0MB, hearing, the pre-hearing conference wuli be heid in the Whitby council chanibers, begin- ning at 10 a.m. Hiôweverý, the 0MB: panel con- ducting the -pre-hearin.g sess ion has the authority to hea evi- dence that day and then make a, ruling if it se chooses. That possibility infuriates SLàM memibers. "We're behind the eight ball,» spokesperson Johanna Tito ac- lcnowledged Iast week. "We have a planner, but we, rieed biologists and a iawyer," she said. "That's why- we've béen spend- ing most of our time fundrais- in " LM has appealed Town coun- cil's approvai of subdivision plans for a proposed community of 5,000 people and a neairby industrial park east of the environmentally sensitive Lynde Creek Marsh. The Rose Corporation, the pro- vne(throug the Ontario,' Realty Corp.) and* Durham Region are the principalsbehind the three different components of the Lynde Shores project., Wile it has opposed the deve- iopment for some time, the Janu- ary date cau.ghit SLM unpre- *pared,-Tito admiitt'd. It may not allowl SLM suffi- cient tie WUpepare its case should'the 0MB'panel decide tW hear evidence at theý pre-hearing conferenoe, she said. (Former Ontario environmient minister Ruth Grier exempted the development from an environmental assessment hear- 1992. (But SLM does flot believe that an environninental management plan, prepared as a condition of Town council support, prvdes adequate protection for t h e cla one wetlancL) Although an 0MB officiai, Wld her the panel is not likelyi to Make a decision on Jan. 25,'SL cannot risk it, Tito said.' "We have ýý,the Canadian Environmental, Law Assiociation giving. us summaiy advice, but we'dhke tW get our own lawyer Wo represent us," she explainedL. «And ail the. biologiste we've SER PAGE 2' MaveickMP won't back awayfrncotves By MikeKowaiski The traditional rule of thumb in poltica*i that new Members of Parliaoment are usually seen and not heard. This ls particularly true if the MP happens Wo be a member of the ruhing party. .Criticize your own government too often and any chances for advancement soon go out the window. Dan McTeague however, does not believe in tiis tradition - -especialiy when it conflicts with his perception of an MFs role. Thie Onitario riding representa- tive is quickly becoming known as ofte of the more outspôken aniong the group of rookie MPs sent. W ,Ottawai .the October 1993 election. The a1-year-old former public relations .,officer- does not,.h away from espousing his views, even when they may be- at odds with his own Liberai goveri-. ment. For example, in recent months, MeTeague has: accused his party of trying Wo muzzle him and other Liberal MPs. when they were prevented from questioning Justice Minis- ter AI an Rock over a proposed law that -would protect homo- sexuals from hate crimes; *' voted for fellow Liberal MP John Nuniziata's private- mem- ber's bill that would _prevent a irst-degree murderer from being eligible for parole after serving 15 years of a.life sentence (al but one cabinet ministet voted agait the bill which passed firs reading in- the House of Gommons); *been th'e recipient of a'death threat because of his advocacy of tuhrgun-control measures (the threat was considered seri- ous enough for McTeague W be DAN. MoTEAGUE under police protection briefly. The perpetrator later left a mes- sage of apology on McTeague's answering machine);. * calledl for a review of the decision. allowing cable television companies to charge more for speciality channels their custo- mers now receive, by including them in packages with new chan- nels. Perhaps not. surprisingly, the terni 'maverick' is one- being appiied more frequently to McTeague, the first Liberai MP Wo represent Ontario riding since 1979. (The riding, one of Canada's largest in population termes, takes in Whitby- south of Taun- ton Road, plus Ajax and Picker- inI politica. one hans to be accustoÎmod tlabels," MfTesgue conceded during ani intervriew held in his. Ajaxoffice shortly after Parliament was recessed for the Christmas break. 'Tm' not sure if maverick would describe it, but if it means m aking thing like (MPs') pen- sion reform andlstening Wo your constituents paramount, I accept it," he said. "Yf that m'akes me a maverick rd hate to find out what arbe WieMcTeague agreed «there outspo en, he insisted that he han neyer been pulled auide by the prime'niinister nor anyone else and chided- for his outapok- enness, Ini fact, -McTeague said he is but one of a number of back- bench Igberal ýMPs who have SFXFA<GE 14, Journey's End strike over Page 2 RFinfigette team wisgold Page 16- Fresh air at -Town hall À

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