j, ,,,~. - - Page 10. Whitby Free Proes, Weckwsday, January 4,1995 BOAT LAUNCII After coMplaints by Town council in May about an.un- necessary delay in the opening of the new boat launch in Whitby harbour the province gave approvaf that resulted in a -uly apeming -- about. a year after it was scheduled t. open. The delay was partially due t. ministry concernes about possible. con- taninants in the material on which the launch was built resulting in the installation_ ot drains ta prevent water runof from re-entkina the lake. 1FlêTHRGIL Tlhe 111-year-old Fothergill House at 1011lDundas. St. 'W. Was tom down in May t., make way for a new devebopinent. Des- pite efforts by local conservation- iste, a new owner could not be found before a May 1 deadline, so the current owner, Few-Pet Ltd., was free t6 demolisih the building. ick Jackson of Whitby was one of two men recomrnended for a civilian commendation after pulling a taxi driver out of hi. burning cab in downtown Taranto.. CANADA DAY The response was much grea- ter than antîcipated for a Canada Day parade organized by the Whitby Junior Chamrber of CommerceJaycees. There were many participant. and a large crowd watched the firet annual event. TRAL Work began durinýg the -sum- mer on the *1.3-maillion water- front trail section (five kilo- metres) through Whitby. It i. schedcqed, 'ta be corpleted inithe spring. DEATE[ Whitby, lawyer Louis Allore, 63P died in a traflic accident in Toront. on u.1-- Max Renpe was elected national ]presýfident of the Kinette Club Of Canada, in the 75th anniversary year of the organiza- tion. THE IDEAL SOLUTION TO... RRtSP INVESTING Any money that you manage to save for retirement is harderndaptlTemoy in your RRSP is flot money you want to risk. And because building capital is a life-long activity, you. wanta method of RRSP investing that is easy for you to manage. For many individuals, mutual funds are the ideal RRSP solution. They offer the benefits -of professional management, investment selection, diversification, and ease of administration. On January l4th, 1995 Durham's Iargest RRSP Financial Forum will be hosted by TPA Investment Centre. The location of this event will take place at the Oshawa Holiday Inn starting at 9:30 a.m. TPA manager Donal d Dasti, a financ 'ial planner since 1982, said investing is a matter of individual taste and comrfort. Thisfree financial forum is specifically> designed to allow investors to gather information on the investments choices available in the market place today. Investors will be able to meet with over 14 mfiutual funds representatives, 8 financial planners, and -attend, 12 continuous seminars throughout the ail day financial for:um. Dasti says "with previous financialforums attracting over 370 people, reservations are reco mrended." For investors unable to attend, complete the coupon located on this page and TPA Investment Centre will mail you a complete RRSP Seminar.KiGt to your home. For reservations or additional information please contact: TPA Investment Centre at (905) 666-0896 or 1-800-265-9294. Il Sorry I'm unable to attend Mi o w your -1995 1lnvestment and Mi o * RRSmP Seminars, please sendDoad asiMnge me a Seminar Kit. IPA lnvestment Planning Centre' * 228 Brook St. N., Suite 200 Namne Whitby, Ont. Li N 4H6 1 Address F666-9 4 1 City Prov. Psa Codei Telephone (Residence) Business -OSO SRDB Are you a client of TPA My financial advisor is: ATRI!VARKI LYes Do _______ MUTUAL FUNDS : 110W TO. rNTrR: Whitby Courthouse Thieatre HARLEQUIN n advertisements in this week's and 3 CHA CES T WINevery week's WHITBY LDraw every week for 2 tickets to the opening performance FREE of Breezeblock Park- Feb. 9, 1995 at Whitby Courthouse PRESS., Theatre. This week's winner is Bey Allen who entered at Color Take the ad -to -Mi s sae . the imerchant along with the coupon below. (or reasonabie tacsimîle). No purchase neoessary. ADDRESS:.- I ---H------ I tOnentryersn weekly draw. 1 H P LOLALLY t ENTER EVERY WEEKI The Taste, ofthe Month Restaurant: gmat food, great valuef 'Iliere's no doubt about it. If you're looking for tlle best value inlitaltan food in an atmlosphiere îlîats relaxed and flnndly. Grisanti s Casuial Italian Restaurant is tlie place bo go. And since tlieir menu is wtdely varied. you'il find yourself stopping in for lunch or dinner again and agiin. Briglit. airy. wartm and modern, Grisanti*s features windows along tliree walls. coniforiable boothsç and abundant greeniery that nmakes every visit a s1îecial one. ThIis location feattures -a private luniction moont which miakes accoinîmodating large groups easy. *Ilie food is as delighitul as tlle decor and thle menu includes wines mlatched to each dish tia price anyone cati alford. Most meals include unliited Tuscan-style garlie bread on a canUle-lit warnîer svîth a zesty niarinara dipping sauice and tossed salad prepared at your table. Imagine lattce. tommates. black olives. carrots. parsley. red onion. miushroomns. and ionme-rnade croutons. ail topped off ilt a zeslyfitalian dressing. Now. lîts a salad! Thlose with large apipeities will also appreciate ilIe liitless Cacsar salad. Oin thtetmenu. you'll ftnd Stone Hearili Pizza froin $6.75. Classic Pistas ranging fron Spaghietti and hotue-mlade Meaibalîs <$8.95> lo Meat Ravioli <$995)-. Oven l3aked Speciallies - liome- miade Lasagna $995) and Manictti <$1095):;notlîvatering combos suchi as Lasagna. Chicken Parmiigiana and Matticotti ($1 3.95) and succulent seafood inIlltîe fortil (if Salmon Limione $1395). Grisanti*s is not just for adults eithter. Fauiliies will appreciate tîteir daily lutîchecon specials. and for a Iiited ime youi receive a free gifi wlien thie Maitîa's Table Special is ordered. Grisani*s will bc featuring a Sutîday Brtth i&alytictea buffect. Bey Mont & l)ad - flow about liatttbino Niglit? là acli Mon. and Tues. cverling. two cilildren under 10) years eat free Iront the Kids Menti wiîh thle purcilase (if one oir tmo*re adult enîrecs. Seniors receive 15% off ail dinners front 4-6ptni. Si' corne on dowtî tii ri al t161.5 l)tmnidasçSt. 1. Wlitb hbv Mal I atnd eiov an uinheatable combitîatîit: great food. varieiy. affvordable prices attd tîte fricîtdliest dlittiîlg ttiiiospltLre iround! Phune <905) 576-9857. 11615 Dundas St. E., Whitby (Whitby Mail) Vour Financlal Heaith Derek Dutka RRSlPs - &he basioe Over the nextht weeks, I will discuse; many different aspet of RRSPs. Tkuclumn will go over the basics. ageeral, anyone who i. aged 71 or youner and han ere"income can contribute to an RRSP. Earned income includes salary, business income, rentai income, alimony, dbility incarne, profit-sharlng plan allocations, research grant. and royalties from work or invention. You are allowed t. contribute 18 per cent of your previous years incarne up t. a maimum of $13,500, minus your pension adjustment - the value given t. your pension plan (if you have one) coembimnng your contributions and contiuon of the employer. Your allowable limit i. indicated on your 1993 incarne tax assessment. You may have a very large limit for 1994 if y ou have't been able t. maximize contributions in the last few years. Sinoe 1991 y ou have been able t. "carry forward". unused RBSP contributions. This canî be espe*îly advantageous If you have been out of work, or received, an increase and are now in a higher tai bracket. The tax deduction is a nice incentive beéause. it put.s ome money in your pocket right away. Especally for younger people, an even more important feature is that it compounds tax-free until you withdraw It. This feature allows an IRRSP to, grow to a very large size much quicker thanta non-tax-shelter investmnent.-*,' : I oeil them Registered Savinga Plans, because many of my clients have "cashed in" their RRSPs before' retire Ment! They withdraw the money to fund an unpaid lbave fromi work or to, fund their childrens education. Wlule- working they eujoy the generous tai rebates of the RRSPs, then cash t1iem in on their year off when they have no other incarne, so theypyavr low rate of tax. Spousa1 plans work well if you neede =frafiuns t. cover universitycsts - ut this is only advantageous if the spouse hias a low icorne or is not working. RRSPs can be purchased from mst financial institutions, life insurance agents,, stockbrokers and Il nancial planers. Many different investmnents are eligible for RRS9Ps. e vary from completely guaranteed aoeounit. such as daily. interest accounts, ternu deposit. and government. bonds,, t. mutual funds, stocks and foreigri securities. Your choice of investinent. can have a dramatic impact on the size of your "nest egg.". Even one per. cent more per year, for a person starting at age 30 through t. age 65 putting aside $1,000 a year, could mean an additional $200 000 avail a:e for retirement. Without a doubt, R1à Ps are Canada's number one tax shelter 'and should be used by Most people. If the governiment changes the rules there may be otheir options. B ut until then - maximize your RImps. Derak. )Dcta is an M dedmt financia) planner iWth FiYnancial Concept Group in Oshawa.