Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Dec 1994, p. 3

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Whitby Free Presa, Wednosday, December 28.1994, Page 3 Bowl for Milions in February Big Brothers of Oshawa-Whitby will hold its 1995 Bowl for M[illions on Saturday, Feb. 4 at Leisure Lanes and Saturday, Feb. il at North End Bowl -- a choice of five-pin or 10-pin or both. Many local celebrities will attend including mayors, Oshawa Generals hockey teain (Feb. 4) and Oshawa Hawkeyes football club (Feb. 11). Individuals or teams of four te six players can sign up by calling Big Brothers at 579-2551 te request a donation/pledge sheet te collect as many donations as possible. Big Brothers will give away prizes such as weekends fer two, dinners for two, TV trays portable cassette recorder and cerdIesa drill. Those under age 19 will have an opportunity te win a free ticket te an Oshawa Generals gaine, te meet the Generals at an autograph session or te bowl with one of the Generals or Hawkeyes. The Bowl for Millions goal is $36P000 for 1995. Crombie hearng FROM PAGEZ1 Last year, a representative from St. iary's visited the school and spoke te a class about the marsh. Their interest was piqued and the class made- a tripto visit the marsh. While there, students took pictures drew sketches and collected samples. Armnstrong remembers the tri?, well. It was very peaceful,' he said. After this trip, the group was hemn. Se far they have made up their own t-shirts and received lots of support from the school. They plan te continue te follow the hearings and continue te appeal te Crombie. During the speech they handed hum a Lookiet produced by their school class. Te title was 'Ducks are Limited,' an allusion te the wetland protection group., Dueka Unlimited. "It's a really good exemple ef hew young people cang et together te de (meaningful) thinga," said Candce Forest the groujp's academié resource teacher/menter, a Bowmanville resident. She said that it was her grop, the Port Darlingten Community Association, that firat drew attention te St. Marys attempt te divert a creek te complete their qu!arry. It is the creek diversion that is at the heart of the matter. Whenever a company wishes te divert a creek,, it must. get appreval from. varions gevernment agencies such as the Mfinistry of Natural Resources, Environment Canada, the Coast Guard and Department of Fisheries and- Whitby duplicate bridge N«taSuh Dec. 14 Chls Adair and Hoitha 01w 1%5D. Ahoit Knib nid Kail Wagn«r 16..Vannls Wharib and Lena Bird 1340, John Croon w-d Dlflvon dSn Berg 12,. Fia Chiiderhoésanid Ruth Towuen 130.. Big Hovden and Marion Mois Qo.o. BEI Gray and Frank Mackstr 11D.0. Jack Mole n"dRiih Mehven 1W60. Trudy Ruet and Goola Bavay =à,5 Doria Howes and Big Kerr 1015. Hnik IIodom nid Rénnie RoboIts 921. Doc. 21 Don and Daom Hoasa 90à. Fia Chidois and Frank Maclwy 89D. Big nid Olga Hw&%dn 89.0, tanidMaroin KnIbb 88.5. BI nid MaryGry8t5 Chisanid Ron Adair 802% Friý Herin an R, BrYt60»0. Eas-Wst Dec. 1x MnyWaimsey anid I4ka Rhada 122, J im Whan nind Maguerte Rosis 13. Maion Knib anid Ron Adal 1M02. M w«Wnigs anid 019a Ho#on 1W.8. hon. hd nam J oan Hnaka 1W.4. Gladys Mortagusanid Frank Hartng.1U5.%P Adrm anid Audrey Wiaon 156.7%.aMiwsà t>anid Art Bery 112..HOMPt Canwith anid MnyyGuay111Z RBerno0 Is ndBrruco Watts 1130 Jtiua van don - ni" B"l on 86.7. Donna Mcityre and Don Howea 742. Dec. 21 Ia nidBoat JrwwrY 10W.. John CQoe anid Big Ker 90. kilida Ricliaida aid Lema Bld 99.5. Jwis and AlisxHows 87..JoYce Honrdermon anid huay Burke 86». Kari Wagmr nid Marueie Rosais 7W. MilsJây and Rsemis Rbwte 6M. Ocean. SWAN wants the marsh saved at ail coBts. "Its important,"siud Didycz. "t01lwreck a balance in the ecosysta . In aepress release, Wrinkle said St. Mary's proposes te, build anether marsh that will be de'~ and hold more species than tghe original.m SWAN isn't fazed. They say Westside Creek should be saved. SWAN plans te hand eut petitiens te other schools. "If y ou want te win an hing,you have te win over teublic," said Armstrong. Theyr are confident that Crombe's report will support their side. However, they stress that he can only make a recommendation te the varieus government agencies, he has ne realpower. eut he wiIl report his findinga te the general public,, via mailing list te mnnstries and ether interested parties. At the end of her speech, Didycz summed up the greup's3 intentions. "We voice d our opinion, because this has great m elp usr protect our promise te nature." JUSTIN AITKEN and Lindsay Brown have of the meent Science Olymplos at Henry a littie trouble getting a bail ta stay on their Street Hlgh Sohool. straw bridge durinq the enaineering portion Photobv ý Reesor, Whltby Fr.. Ness Whitby needs a hospital To the oditoni A big concern of Whitby residents is whether there will be adequate emergency services in this area if and when Whitby General Hospital is cenverted inte a rehabilitation centre. The boad Gf the Durhamn Region District Health Ceuncil thinlcs se and apperently will go ahead with its recemmendation te make this change without taking inte consideration the.concerns of the people, as well as taking inte eccount the unfavourable happenings in local hospital services., A few months ago, it was reported that a patient was taken te, Whitby General Hospital by ambulance but was refused admission because of a Iack of a bed in the intensive care unit. (ICU). After alse being refused admission by Oshawa General Hospital and Ajax-Pickering General Hospital, the patient was finally admidtted te a hospital in Scarborough. An islated case, you might ask. This apparenttly is net se, because there may bo other cases that we have net heard about. On the morning of Nov. 27, a 76-year-old war veteran had a stroke and was unconscieus and was taken from his home te WMhy General Hospital by local ambulance aftr resuscitatien was given by menubers ef the. emergency team and tfire department. As reported by his wife, she bas ne complints about the service provided by the staff at the emergency contre. As a matter of fact, the attending physician was very helpful. However, the hospital could net admit him because there was ne vacancy in ICU and inquieste Oshawa General Hosital d Ajax-Pickering General Hospital were of ne avail because they, tee, did net have any rom in their ICUs. Finally, after about three and a half heurs, eround mid-afterneon, he was transferred te, Toronto East General Hospital. Unfortunately, after two weeks, he nover regained consciousness and passed away on Dec. 10. If NWtby General Hospital cannot provide the required accommctien now, nor can Oshawa General Hospital or Ajax-Pickering Genera] H sptal, what is going te happen if7an when Whitby General Hoopital becomes a rehabilitation centre? Will patients be continually pushed te Toronto when time is ef the essence in adnitting emergency cases? How many more of these unfortunate occurences will take place before the Durhamn Regie District Health Council and the Ontaie geverninent realize that it is imperative that Whitby General Hospital retains its acute care services, and they stop playing politica on people's lives? .Le.wis F. (Jhow Cemetery cafr Whitby Leio Who are theylil To the oditr. I would appreciate being able to read a list of the naines of the board memrbers (16 in ail) of the Durhamn Region District Health Counicil, their position on the future of the Whitby General Hospital, and the naine of the niunicipality in which each reside. Is it a phantom group with which we are dealing? Surely the board members have naines and addresses. J. Gordon Neai Whitby Emotions Anonymous sup- port group meets Thursday, at 7 p.m., 110 Ash St., Whitby. For more informa- tion, eal Marge at 728-6484 or loria Lt576-4769. HLSTORICA.L FEATURE in the Whitby Free Press 1. What native of Myrtie was commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police from 1931 tili his death in 1938? 2. Whitby tire department's 1924 Reo tire truck belonged to what tire department before it became a showpiece for parades? 3.When was Whitby harbour f irst declared a port of entry with a customs collector? 4. When were Whitby Town and Township amalgamated as one mixed urban and rural community? Answers on Page 27 This feature provded by L-ONà CýXIC: 1 To the editor.,,,,

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