Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1994, p. 34

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Page 34, Whitby Free Press, Wecinesday, December 21, 1994 Ontarlo Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de l'Ontario At the requesi of fthe tolIowtng parties, the Minster of Muniia Affaira has referreci ta the Ontario Munciai Board under subsection 17(111) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.R. 13, portions ai 1h. Officiai Plan for th Regionai Municlpalfty of Durham (1991> as t hey eppiy Io the specific polcies or land use designationsMwihin the Plan Minlstry File No. 18-OP-0012 PART -A- - Munlcpalftv of Clarinaton <Map AI) Referral Na. 1 - 0MB File No. 0940118 re: ajo Open Space System designatian Referrat Nos. 6 and 37 -0MB Fila No. 0940119 M. and G. Tamina re: Major Open Space designation and Sec. 20. Referrai No. 10 - 0MB File No. 0940123 811461 Ontario Llmited re: Permanent Agriculture] Reserve designation Fieferrai No. 16 -0MB File No. 0940129 Mosport Park Limited re: Regionai Nade desîgnation Referral No. 17 -OM B File No. 0940130 168215 Canada Imc. re: «Hamiet desîgnation Referrai No. 20 -0MB File Na. 0940133 Eyman Estaies Limited re: Major Open Space Systemn designation Referral Na. 22 - 0MB File No. 0940135 841221 and 841222 Ontario Ltd. re: Major Open Space Sysem desîgnation Referrai Nos. 23 and 24 - 0MB File No. 0940136 James Lovekin re: Speciai Study Ares Referrai No. 27 -0MB File Na. 0940139 Braniatea Llmiled re: Population target for the Newcastle Village Urban Area set ofn Table 3.3.6 Referral No. 30 - 0MB File N. 0940142 6 51183 Ontaria Ltd. and Ray Abbot et ai re: Sections 13.3.5,13.3.8, 13.3.9.a, 13.3.10 and 13.3.21.hassthey pertain ta the Hanilet of Tyrone Referrai No. 36 -0MB File No. 0940147 Laldlaw Waste Systems (Durham) Limiled re: Major Open Space System and Permanent Agricultura] Reserve designations and related polîcies for Waste Management sites PART "B" - Plilies In the Officiel Plan (1991) Referral No. 3 -0MB File No. 0940148 Macktok Deveiopments Ltd. re: Section 16.3.32 in ih entirety Referral No. 8 -0MB File No. 0940121 The Aggregate Producers' Association of Ontario re: Section 19A.3.11 in ils entirely Referral No. 265-OMB File No. 0940138 The Metrontario Group, The Kose Group et ai re: Section 8.2.1. and Deferral No. 13 PART "C" - Town of Ajax (Map A41 Referral No. 7 - 0MB File No. 0940120 CCIL Lld. snd LCLL Lld. re: Living and Employment Area desIgnations and Audiey Rosd as a Type B Arteriai Roaci Referrai Na. 12 - 0MB File Na. 0940125 G. Tempiton for the Estate af Ernest Stroud re: Major Open Space System designation Referrat NoA13 -0OMB File Na. 0940126 536459 Ontario Llmited re: Ma or Open Space System - Watertront and Environmentally Sensitiva Ares designalion and Sections 2 and 14 Relerral Na. 14 - 0MB File Na. 0940127 368538 Ontario mc. re: Sections 2 and 14 as ihey apply ta the site PART "D" -Town of Whltby <MaR A) Referrai No. 4 - 0MB File Na. 0940149 James Dick Construction Limited re: M or Open Space System and Environmentally Sensiive Area designations Referrat No. 18-O0MB File Na. 0940131 Lebovic Enterprises Imc. re: Road Na. 36aover Highway 401 <MapB2) Referrai No. 32 - 0MB File No. 0940144 Cobourg Regianai Property nc. re: Major Open Space System designation Relerral Na. 33 -0MB File No. 0940145 Bs yGreen Oeveglopments Ltd. re: The Employment Ares designstion Referrai No. 34 -0MB File No. 0940146 Trowbridge Deveiopments r.: Major Open Spsce System designation PART "E" - Town of Pickerng MaR A4) Referrai No. 9 - 0MB File Na. 0940122 Richard Ward re: Living Ares designation Referrai No. 15 - 0MB File No. 0940128 Edbro Developments & Bondo Markets Ltd. re: Major Open Space System designation Relerrai No. 25 -0MB File No. 0940137 908127 Ontario Limited re: Major Open Space Systemn designation PART "F" - TwmlcfUbridge <Mac A2) Referral Na. 19 -0MB File No. 0940132 ' Lskeridge Resort Ltd. and Lakeridge Fsrms Lld. re: Major Open Space Systemn designalion - Oak Ridges Moraine - and Sections 2.3.14,14.3.4. and 14.3.5 Referral No. 29 - 0MB File No. 0940141 Wycliffe Foxbridge Group re: Major Open Space System designatian - Oak Ridges Moraine Relerral No. 31 - 0MB File No. 0940143 763706 Ontario Limited re: Special Study Ares designalion NOTICE 0F PREHEARING CONFERENCE The Ontario Municipal Board will conduct a prehearing conference respecting thia mater. If yau do not attend the prehearing canference, the Ontaria Municipal Board maypraceed in y ur absence and yau wIll nat be enthled ta any f urther notice of these proceedînge. TIME AND PLACE OFPREHEARIG CONFERENCE A prehearing conference wili b. held ai: COUNCIL CHAMBERS REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST TOWN 0F WHITBY on: MONDAY and TUESDAY, the 30TH and 3 ST day cf JANUARY, 1995. ai: 10000CLOCK in the forenooin PURPOSE 0F PREHEARING CONFERENCE The conierence will deai with preliminary and procedural matera, including the foliowing: *Identiication cf parties - these persona have the right ta participale throughcaJt by preaenting evidenice, quaslioning witneasea, and making final argumenta. In order for th. Board ta determine your statua for th hearing, you or your representalive ahauld attend the prehearing conference and ask ta be added as a party. Groupe, wheher incorporated or not, who wish 10 becomne parties should namne a representative. Parties do not need ta ha represented by iawyere. - Identification of participants - persons who do not wish la paricipale lhroughoul th hearing may attend th. hearing and make a stalement 101th. Board. Such persans ahould aiso attend th. prehearing conerence. * Identification of issues. " Consolidation o matera. " Start date and duralion of th hearing. " Directions f or pre.filing ai winess lista, expert witness stalements and wrifien evidence. " Possibility of seuliement of any or al af the issues. " The h.aring af mtions. " Such further matera as the Board cansiders appropriae. Everyane preseni should came prepared 10 consider specific dates for proceedinga in Ihis matter. EVIDENCE Evîdence or tanmai staiements may alec be heard at the prehearlng conference In an atiempt ta sotie the maltera In dispte. Note Ihat aven If no settienient la reached the Board niay make a final decîsian an the evldence ht has received. Ail parties or their representaives should atten d the prehesrlng canference. Pour recevoir des services an français, veuillez communiquer avec la Division des audiences au (416) 326-6800, au moins 25 jours civils avant la date fixée pour l'audience. DATED ai Trno this 101th day cf November, 1994. SECRETARY NOTIE, PARTS "A' and 'B" will be h.ard on MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1995 PARTS 'C", 'D", 'E and'" 'wîll b. heard on TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 199. EXPLANATORV NOTE Th. purpose af th o rehaaring conference is ta deal wiih th Rferrala la the Onaria Municipal Board respecting the Durham Regionsi Off iciai Plan (1991) For the purpos. ai th Preh.arinrg Canference, aach Referral has been grauped under the ares municipaliiy in h. Regian in which the subject af the Referral relaes ta. The f olaowing as a brief explanalian af th. subject of each Referral. PART "A" - Muniplalltv of Carinu Mac A) Referral Na. 1: Requestîng Living Area dasignatian. Part ai Loi 30, Concession 3 (Darlingian). Referral Nos. 6 and 37: RequestinQ matai and restaurant develapmireni and referral ai the severance implemnentafian palicies. Part of Lai 26, Cancessian 2 Referral No. 10: Requesting Living Aras designatian. Part af Loi 26, Concession 2 (Clarke). Referral Na. 16: R.questing additional uses in Regional Noda J, - Mosport. Referral No. 17: Requesiing th cluster of Brownsville b. recognized asas Haml. Referral No. 20: Raquesiing Living Aras designatian. Part af Loi 26, Concession 3 (Dsrlingian). Referral Na. 22: Requesting urban désignstians ta implement the Part Darlingion Secoridary Plan. Referral Nos. 23 and 24: Requesiing Special StudyArea designstian. Part cf Lais 32 - 35, Concessian 1 (Clark.). Referrai No. 27: Requesting increase ta th populatian iargel cf 17,500 far h. Newcastle Villsge Urban Area as set cutlin Section 3.3.5. Rferral No. 30: Requesting residenlial dev.lopment inftha HamIet of Tyran. and referral cf the policies relsling develapmnent in hamileta. Referrai No. 36: Requesiing a wasie management ile and relerrsl cf palicies relaiing 101th. establishment ai waste disposaI sites: th. dacommîssianing cf lands praviously used for industrîi purposes, prior 101th. red.velopment cf such lands; th. requiremnent for th. preparalian cf an environmental impact study for develapment applications; the requiremneni la have ares municipal off iciai pans include palicies and designalions for former and active waste disposai sites; ragionsi structure palicies as lhey f aillao racognize waste management iles; h. palîcy parmiting the coninuation, expansion or enlargemnent of usas which do not conform 101the Plan provided certain crileria are salisfied; and Sections 12 -Agricultursi Areas and 14 - Major Open Space System as th.y relaIe la the referred aras. Part cf Lot 12, Concession 3 (Carke). PART "B" - Palcles In th Off icIai Plan (1991) Rferral No. 3: Referral ai Section 16.3.32 which requires a Regionsi Off iciai Plan Amendmanl ia .stablish gas stations andior gas bar in agricutural areasa and th. Major Open Space System. Referral No. 8: Raierral cf Section 19A.3.11 which permits resource extraction crn agricultural land il agriculturai rahabililatian of the site is carried ouf and subsiantially th. samne acreaga and average sout capsbility for agriculture are restored. Referral Na. 26: Referral of Section 8.2.1 relating ta urban davelopmnenl policias insoar asaitaffects the Taunton Cammuniiy in th. City ai Oshawa. PART "C" - Town of Ajax <Map A4 Referral No. 7: Requesling h. maintenance of th. Major Opaen Space Sysem designalion for those landsa assi of Carruthers Craek, betwaan Taunton Raad and Highwsy Na. 2 and t h. ralerral of Audiey Road as a Type B arteriai on Map B2. Referrai No. 12: Requesting future urban ares. Part cf LoI 1, Concession 4 (Ajax), Part of Lo 35, Concession 4 (Whiiby) and Part cf Lais 1 and 2, Concession 1 (Ajax). Referral No. 13: Rlequesting Living Ares deignation. Part ci LoI5, B FC. Referral No. 14: Requesting residential deveiapmnent and h. deletion cf h. requirement to davelap a marins. Part cf Lots 9 and 10, B.F.C. Iliait th. foct cf -srwaod Avenue. PAFrT "D" -Town of Whftby <Mac A« Referral Na. 4: Requesing s r.ady-mix cancrete plant. Part of Lot 21, Concession 4. Referral No. 18: Requesting the daletion cf th overpass of Regional Raad No. 36 (Hpkins Sreet) over Highway 401 as shcwn on Map B2. Referral No. 32: Raquesting Living Aras designalion for that portion cf h. prop.rty wesl ai Lynide Creek. Part of Los 31 and 32, Concession 3. Referrai No. 33: Requesling commercial uses. Praperiy on the north sida ci Champlain Avenue, immediately eas cf Durham Collage. Referrai No. 34: Requesting Living Ares designalion. Part cof LoI 19, Concession 4. PART -E"- Tomn ai Pickering <Mac A4) Referrai No. 9. Referral of lands in Part aI LoI 30, Concession 2. Referral No. 15: Requesting indication aI future urban ares. Part of LOs 7 - 11, Concession 6. Relerral Na. 25: Requesting Major Open Space Syslem designalian and a cemnelery devalopmirent. Part cf Loi 9, Concession 6. PART "F" - TownshiR of Uxbridae Mac A2> Referrai No. 19: Requesting expansion of ski hîlI and referral cf pclicy requiring an environmmenlal impact sludy and policies requiring the Reglen to prepaire a sudy for the Oak Ridges Moraine and requiring an amendmenita h. Plan for recrealional usas in h. Moraine. P art cf Loti7, Concession 8 <Uxbridge). Referrai No. 29: Requesting s golf course deveiopment. Part ai LoIs 23 - 27, Concession 6 (Uxbridge). Referral No. 31: Raquesting Living Ares designalion. Part of Los 31 and 32, Concession 6 (Uxbrdga). A preliminsry mneelingcf ail parties and participants prior 101the Prehearing Conferance has bean schadulad for Thumsday, Janusry 19, 1995, commencing ai1:00 a.m. aih. Council Chamnbars, Regionai Headqusrters Building, 605 Rcssisnd Road Easa.,Whitby. Onario. For additionsl information about the matera belore th. Ooqttria Municipal Board respecting 1h. Durham Regionai Officiai Plan (1991), contact Kai Yew, R. g nal Municipality ofl Durhm Planning Depsrtmeni, 1615 Dundas Streea ssi, by, Ontario, 1LIN 6A3, Telaphone (905) 728-7731, Toronto Lina (905)686-1661, FAX(90) 436-6612. This Notice is pubished in compliance eih the directions pravided by h. Ontario Municipal Board.© ELVES ON STRJIIE One day in Toyland, a inysterious thing happened. It was lile notbing that had ever happoned before. mhe name is Cane. Detectivo-C. Cane on case number #224.» It all started whon the eýves teld Santa they weren't being paid enough. The chief elf, Louie, made a petition for ail the elves te sign. Ail of them signed it and Leule gave it te Santa. Santa made a, big announcement the next day and he said that he wasn gï te give the elves a rais.. Se t¶%"e¶ves went on striko and they teek al the toys and bid them se, Santa ceuld net toucli them. .Santa was totaily helpiesa. Ho had ne toys te give te cbildren and ho would be fired if ho did net de bis job. I went te check eut the workshep. It was - dean. Ev erything had beon takon from the shelves. lhe deils, stockigs - evorything was gene. The place wa llterally swept dean. moen I wont te, Santa's cottage and found bim sitting on bis rocking chair, puffing on a pipe and the cheery face was turned upsi de down with a worried frown. I talked te Santa. Ho said that ho didn't want te give the elves a raise becauso ho thouglit that the lves liated Mmn. Ho was aise said because the elves bad nover given him a presont for Christmas. A.fter listening te his aide of the story I went te talk te Louie. Ail of the elves had signs and niarching areund in circles. Louie said that ho thought that Santa hated thoîn. But ho said that lie and ail the other elves would work if they get a rais.. So I went back te Santa and told him te givo the olves a rais. becaus. they thouglit that'lie hated them and that ho sheuld talk te Louie. So Santa talked to Louie and Santa agreed te givo thomn a raise and Louio premised te give bim a gift. They lived happily ever after. And case #224 was efficially closed. DàannaDoWsra Grade 6 Leslie MeFarlane Publi c hool SANTA'S SECRET It was the last week of November and everyone was busy in Santa's castle. The elves were deîng ail their special jobs. Some elves were at the computera that controllod ail the. toy making mnachiines. Other olves were washing the teys and the rest of the elves were putting the toys into tlieir boxes. Soon the liead elf rang a belland voiled "Break, tme go te bed." fimmediately al the little elves ran into their little roems,'jumped into their little beds, pulled up their little covers and went te sleop. The next morning Santa wasn't in Mas roem ho wasn't in the castle ho wasn't even in the North Polo. When thi. elves were back from searching for him tloy reported that they didn't find Evan Chance Grade 3 E.A. Faniman Public School A4 Cfiifd/s' 1Chirstmase frm tI~ SstudentsOf our W 4-fit6y scliaofs JACK FROT Jack Frost' is nipping at your l'ose, Jack Froet is freozing your tees. Jack Frost makes bis ewn snowflakos, Jack Frost rofrigerates bis own cakes. Jack Frot nover forgets ho That he starts is winter storms in December. Jack Frost lias blue eyos and red cheelts, Fo reezing people is what he seeks. Tasha Cough1a St. Theresa Sehool SANTAS SURPRISE It was almosto Christmas. Santa was in bis hous with Mrs. Claus and thore deg Snowy. Mrs. Claus was bisey hanging hoily and wreths ail over the houe when thoy hord a lowd bang. Santa ran te, the widow te, see what it was. Whon Santa gt te, the window ho saw Dacer waildng around with the feeding bucicits on bis antlers. Santa walked outside and called Judy the elf that was incharegeý of the Rindeer. Judy came running out of the stabel. thon Santa said, 'Why is Dancor waWkng areund with buckits on his atiors' Judy said, "two new Reindeer came out of the ferist today. thoy have been buging the othor Reindeer and they icked thoso buckits on Dacer"' "Hhnim,"' said Santa, they look like pretty strong deer. I tbink Fi lelt them stay. 'What!" yellod Judy. "they have been buging me tee. Wheil said Santa, you will just have te, get uested te, them. Lets tbink of names for thom." They watched the tee Reindeer for a long time when Hormoe came. He wanted te see what Santa was doing. Santa tolde him that they where trying te, tbink of naines for the new deer. Then Hormee said, "why den't we eall that one Ponder bocause ho is ponding over the snew and why don't we cail that one Bonder because ho bonding acreàs the snow." Then Judy asked, '"What place are Pounder and Bounder going te, go in on »Christmas eve?'" I gess they will go after Comit and Cupid befere Donder and Blitzen." said Santa. The noxKt day they had a test run because they wanted te niake shere that Reindeer stopod quiotly on the roof tops se nene wiil wake up on Christmas eve. Prancer and Vixen, Cornet Cupid, Pounder, Bounder, Dender and Blitzen. The end. Shauna EL Grade 3 St. John the EvangeHst Sdsool

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