Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1994, p. 33

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Whlty Free Press, Wednesday, Decmber 21.1994, Page 33i 00!1C ~ .OR .. .. L..B F0.RS.......... ~; LE~AL~' I I'AUc1~~N$.I EMERSON MICROWAVE, new, $60; new, gray loveseat, pink & blue flowers, $300; old crock $30; new solid birch harvest table $275. Cal! 683-6619. THOMAS ELECTRIC ORGAN with bench & beginner's sheet music, $250. Caîl 4;30-1583. CRIB WITH MATTRESS & bumper r ads $20; change table with bath ub $15; child's telephone Walker 5, white junior bed with mattress b«(has side rails). 436--1433. MOVING SALE - EVERYTHING MUST GO! 3 pc. living room suite, dinin room set, bedroom fumiture & lotlos more! Caîl 725-3351. FOR ALL VOUR EYEWEAR NEEDS. 2 for 1. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 10 aIl our customers, and ail the best in '951 Tiley Opticians 102 Byron St. S. WATKINS WORLD-FAMOUS products availablef Spices, extracis, personal care, healthaids cleaning products and more. Cali Independent Representative for free catalogue. (905) 725-3016, Whitby. Leave your phone number. FIREWOOD. Excellent quality hardwood. Maple & beech. Extra Iony g ure fully seasoned, very dry, split. Honesi measurement. Free delivery. Kozyheat Firewood. 905-753-22,46. WELL SEASONED FIREWOOD for sale. Dry, hardwood, kçindling, haIt face cords, face.cords, bus h cords. Pick up or deliver. (905) 649-3183. JUDY'S BRIDAL RENTAL- affordable weddlng gowns to buy or rent. Large selection of sizes and sye.Fr ap Intment cal! Judy at OLD PORCELAIN TOP TABLE, white & red, has one drawer, 2gpull- out leaves completely refinished, asking $12ý. Cal! Michael 666-7287. mattresses & much more McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 725-51931 MFA XYOUR'AD!I 668-0594n CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. Mobiles, heated pools, hot tub, jusi 20 minutes to beaches, NHL hockey, Blue Jay basebaîl, horse & dog tracks. Children welcome. Less than motel. 683-5503. W ANTED.............. 1989 CHEVROLET CAPRICE, V-8, auto, PS, PB, AMFM, air cond., A-1 condition, 90,0130 miles' certified, $6,500. Cali 905-576-4823. 1984 CHEV CELEBRITY, 4 dr., auto ne rust, $1 ,850 certif'ued. Also 198â VW Jetta Turbo diesel $2 250 certified, o.b.e. Cali 725-5852 after Spm. TOP D)OLLAR FOR SCRAP cars& trucks plus sniowmobiles, motorcycles & machinery. Free pick-up. Caîl anytime 571-2429. S-10 SNOW PLOW, new, 1 only $1395. Wilde Sales 655-8010. THE PARENTS 0F TRINA MARIE SURRIDGE and JAMES ARTHUR SHEARER are happy te announce the forth-coming mamrage of their children. The wedding will take place on Saturday, the 2-Oth of May, 1995, at the home of the brides parents. 60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. The family of Charlie & Jean Roberts cordialîy invitey ou te a drop, in on Saturday, ecember 31st aI the Corinthian Cllub between 8-1lOpm. Best wishes only. * CAR OILING * M:_.__._._.__._M r_6- 36 1 K C DEISTEFPFfl ma Need a car- Coedit Probtems? "'We havle ase tak-overs (repossessions) " Lease tocimn any make or model *Cash for trade -*Càlnow forftee quotas LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 683-6230 - Gary FUD MOORE DOUBLE TRAILERS with shield $895. We aise rent. Wilde Sales 655-8010. COMING EVENTS Cai 668-6111 PRAYER TO THE BLESSED Virgin, neyer known 10 fail. O most beautiful flower of Mount Carme!, fruitful vine, spîendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in necessity. 0 star of the sea help me and show mie lere you are my Mother. 0 HoIy Mary, Mother ef iGod, Queen ef Heaven & earth, I humbîy beseech you Iroin the bottom of my heart te secure me in my neces sity (make req uests). There are none that can wi thstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse 10 thee (3 limes). Holy Ma7l1 place this cause in your hand (3 imes). Say this prayeer for 3 consecutuve days and thn you must publish ià and il wiIl be granted to you. S.W. THANKS TO ST. JUDE & the Sacred heart ef Jesus for faveurs received. May the Sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the wortd now & forever. 0 Sacred heart 0f Jesus, pray fer us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for-us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say thisp rayer 9 limes a day.. By teeighth day your prayer wiI be. answered, regardîess ef how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must be promised. D. E.C. N. THANKS TO THE SACRED Heart ef Jesus and St. Jude for faveurs received. Publication promised. B.C. Shepherd pups for sale. Firsi shots, tattooed, & vet checked. Asking $300. Cal! 666-1641. HORSE STALL available immediately. Pnivate barn north ef Brooklin. $150/month. Cail 655-8979. TOO MANY KI'1EtS? WANT A PUPPY? Check the classifieda for that speciai pet, or to find that specdai home. 668-6111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS AIl dlaims against the estate of Muriel Florence Rewe, late of .the Town of Whitby, who died , on th'e 201h day 0f November, *1993, must be filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before the Ilst day of February,. 1995, after which date the Estate wilI bedistributed having regard enly 10 the dlaims of which the Executor then shaîl have notice. Dated at London, this 28th day of November, 1994. DAVID PATTISON Executor, 128 Dearborn Avenue, London, Ontario *N6K 2W5 tJGýl s [Nlavi MacGREGOR & WVEST OUTSTANDING BOXING DAY, ESTATE AUCT1ON -SALE _ ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES, HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS FOR TH E LATE AGNES"& TED WOODYARDý (former Reeve of Clarke :Township) BXING DAY, DEC. 26th 1 1:OOaim (veug10:OOaM) Auction locataithe Gnaraska Leathericraft Building, (101cm north of Orono), take2i 401 Mwyto 11 5135 Hwy & north 20km, on ea$t side of Hwy or 2 km south fronî35 Hwy (Watch for slgns), Partial list 10 include 9pcs. dinin roomn suite, large leather top desk desk (c. 1920 s), oak hall seat, exceptinl7'gadfather dock (c. 1800 s1, 5 & 3 pcs. bedroom se ts, several rare & unique dressers & chests of draWers (original & in paint), oak book shelf, 8' harvest table, fainting couch, jam cupboard, misc. tables (partour ' kitchen drop leaf, pnEastlake, Duncan >'hyfe, etc.), wastn ds, blanket boxes, exceptional offening of chairs, (Vcrian, parlour, wicker sets, rockers, etc.), 2 old TVs Admirai 8 Philco, Predicata, MOL-4654, 4' Westing-house clock radio combination (rare), sessions mantde ck, old lamps & fixtures, rugs, books,' paers, oil lamps, jeweller- linens, dlothing, kitchen & householdc collectables, quality offenrng of estate glass & china (unable to list due 10 p neor packing), couch, Lazyboy chairs, frid e, wood stove, washer, dryer, RCA clour TV, misc portables, etc. (plus many treasures, still to be uncovered). This holiday estate sale should - prove 10 be an excellent opportnity 10 one & al 10 purchase artile that you would normally see a I the auction (some, exceptional pcs. of fumîiture). Due 10 the large number of articles from the estate, a second sale wvilI be held Sunday, Jan. 8th with the contents from the g arage, basemnent & attic. Have a ag holiday & cal! for aIl youir au ion needsl MacGREGOR & WEST AUCTIONS Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 - n'm l - omi U s S U B Paper Products, including newspaper, comprise 36 per cent of the garbagle placed at curbside for - pickup each week. Ail of it i5 recyclable. I;-- PRETTY WOMEN Asiatic, Black, Mulatto, from West Indies, want, love men from 18 10 69 years aId. URGENT: Miss Kim LEE, B.P. 59 St-Sauveur JOR 1 RO. 24 hr. DATELINE Ladies seeking Gents *Men from 970 a day (Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $7.50 for 25 words; ($7.01 + 490 GST) 1 5o each additional wo rd; (140 + 10 GST) ....... ...... ...... $1050 for 25 words; PLUS GST 15o each additional word; PLUS GST (Mds with borders, pictures or graphics) Regular display rates apply - $1 .08 per agate line (14 agate lines per inch) Minimum size 1 column inch $15.12 CONTINUOUS RUN DISPLAY ADS 20% OFF ater 3rd insertion (ne changes)._ G.S.T. is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated ............. M..da..noon.pr.o..t..Wednesday.publication pubishano r or tographicersdin publication.n h ceai of the space ooeupied by the errer up te a maximum cost eft1h. insertion. The Whitby Fr. Press reserves th. right te classify or reject ail advertisements. - - - 1 1 7- - --- - - ý - , , -", . ""ý , , -ý je

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