Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1994, p. 24

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1P.igt, 24, Wiitby Froc Press, Wedlnesday, Deoembe 21, 1994 THFArIS W HAT I1LIy ABOUT CIIRJSTMAS Bells are ringing Children inging See the bright lighta In the dark night See that beautiful holl Santa is so jolly That's what I Christmas ily like about The Christmas bird lu a white dove Everyoiie'u filled te, the tep with love. Santa Claus lu reaily joily Ho juut gave a girl a doily! That's what I liko about Christmas Chantel J. Smith Grade 3 West Lynde Puli cShooi CHmIn<AS Christmas la fun, Even though there's hardily any sun. There's a ton of presents under the tree, Most of them are for me. Christmas la my favourite time of the year, I g et really excited when it's here. Te shopping malse are busy, When I go I get dizzy. Snow is always here in December, As long as I can remember. For Christmnas I want money, My mom thinka that's funny. Pavan Virdes Grade 5 F.M. Heard Publie Sohoci A9 Cfiifd2sI ôCfhristmase from thte students cf our I'1"Iit6y scfhoofs TE TM gr MS Cbriatmnas lu very imnportant because it lu the uchool concert. Megan Bradgley Grade 1 Pringle Creek Publi c hool SANTA CLAUS Santalso big and chubby. ¶hat's good. He bas a red and black suit. He loves children. He lu so nice. He givos toys te me, 'Tylor. Last yar ho gave my littlee mter a Brbie Doîll. Ho gave me a tool it. Ths yearlI think ho lu gong te give me one hundred cool cars. Ho is geing te give my sister lots of Barbis 7Dolls again. My Mom needs some malceup. My Dad needs paint because ho lu going te be a farnous artiat. I arn golng te see hlm at the mail and I amn going to ell.hlm I arnglng.to give hlm some milk ana coolies on Christmas Eve. Tyle Letes Grade 2 E.A. Fairman Publie Sehool C -MSTA If I was Santa Claus I wou get some money ta the wor again. Ho Ho Ho! Andrew Scatt MdDoeal Grade Dr. Robert Thente public Soho$ fIAS Why do people say christma xmas. Why do they talc. ai christ. Christmas isn't abou presente. It's about Jesui brhday.Jesus lu the reason fa. the season. Mlarissa Pidutt Grade 1 St. Bernard Sohoo BROOKLTN }~s~ TEE CHIUSTMAS THAT CHRSMASPCHRISTM&AS Christmnas, Christinas verywhore. Christmas, Christmas in the air. Christmas je a time of joy. It's net about your favourite tey. It's the day tbat Christ was born. And we are sad that ho lu gene. But w. wcn't bang are head'e in shanie. Beauso we lcnow tfhat the world won't always ho the saine. Meadoweest Public Sehool CHRISTMAS MOON Snow lightly fel i the evergreon forest where Moon made hie home. Moon was a white wolf with crimuon coloured eyes. Moon stared at two deers from a snowbank where ho was hiding. Hunting tImo! thought Moon, and leaped at the deer. The deer raced off inte, the iliver taintod forest as Moon charged after them. Moon's Vart pounded, teeth barod and snarling, Moon lundged at hls prey. But thon something bappened, the deer~s e yos glinted and their antiera ahane a gold-like s3himer. Thon the deer jumped inta the air and flew. O man! thought Moon. Why does this always bappen te me? Can't those reindeer just "ty at the north pale. And with that ho tratted off into the lightly anaw covered forest. Joshua Thoenpson Grade 7 Meadowrest Publie Sehool On a cold winter nlght baby Jesus was born on Dec. 25 in a manger. Mary and Joseph are Jesus' mom and dad. They rode a donkey, Mary packed extra food. Jeans was born in a stable. Emma Brett Grade 2 st. Lim Sohool On Thursday, Dec. 22, 7 p.m., Brooklin United Church wil stage the annual Christmas concert. On Saturday, Dec. 24, Broollin United Church is hosting a candllight church service at 7 P.m. All are welcoene ta help share i the servie. Battery.aperated candies are welconie. Weekly confirmation classes will bogin Sundaiy, Jan. 8, 9 te 10 a.m. (confirmation June 4). This wiilbo for those aged 14 te 17. Anyono interested ini learning more about the Chrstian faith lu welcome. Cail the church office at 655-4141 if interested. SANTA'S JOURNEY On Christmas eve Santals elves work hard at work. They wanted ta bave good toys for ail the kIds. It was ahnoet turne for Santa ta leave. At Santa'u first bouse the people, Jenny, John and Andrew bad been hiding bohind the Chriatinas tree. When Santa came in the people jumped eut at Santa. Santa ran uptairs but that faxnily ran up te, their roomu. Santa flew out the wlndow (You lcnow tbat Santa is magic, don't you). When ho landed Santa hopped in bis sleigh. Santa went on te hie second hause. Tlhe people were hiding bohind the Christmas tree, just like the lest house, but when Santa was net looing the people quicly happed inta Santa s seigh. So Santa finished ail the ether homes without seeing the people i the sleigb. When Santa was back at the North Pole the people jumped eut of the sleigh. "Oh goodness!!" said Santa, "?ow did you get in there?' " Weil at yeur second house wben you were net booking we jumped i," said the family. Santa made those people become elves and get ail the tays ready for next year. Andrew Dyment Grade 2 Meadowerest Publie Echool AChi(ds' 1Chiristmase from the students Oajour CHRISTMAS Long long ago, there was a lady who was called Mary and a guy who was called Jouep h. And one. day this persan tald Mary that uhe was golng te bave a baby. So uhe teld Joseph. Sa Joseph said bet' g o the neareut inn. Se they traveiled for several days until they came te an inn. They lcnodked on the door. The Inn Iceeper said we don't have any roomn for another guest but you can stay out side in the stable and tbat's how 1 thirîk it bappened. Ryàn Kerr iG4- 2 St. Lao S2boeie HOSHOP HO In 1992 I heard sometbing downstairs say," Ho ho ho!"I thaught it was Santa. I was afraid te go down ta look in case ho didn't lave me a present. Bryan Szwarz Grade I Pringlo Creek Publi c hool CMfUSTMAS EVE It was Christmnas Eve. The excitement was in the air, but for me, I was a little too excited. So much I wanted ta meet Santa Claus. Yes sure, there are the ones at the mail, but I think there's only one SÉuta and tbat's the one that lives up at the North Pale. Evey Christmas I tried te meet the real Santa but uanally I felI asleep. This time, bowever, I made a plan that couldn't fail. I bought a taop of the lino security alarm like the ones mn the stores I installed the alarin right in front of the fireplace. That night the alarm went off. Sa I ran downstairs as quick as I could but Santa had already left and left a lot of presents. Oh well. There's always next year. James Treadheli, Grade 7 MleadowoeS" Publi c hool WENT ALL WRONG Hli, rFm Sleepy and this lu My friend Weepy, we are two of Santa's bout elvea. We would 1k. ta tell you about how last years Christmas didn't go as Santa had planned. It was the lest week before Christmas, Santa was checklng over his Ilut cf the bad and good girls/boys. Weepy and I were rushing around trying te koep thinge in order when the lunch horn blew, ail the elves ruuhed ta their little cabins te catch a quidk bite before the back ta work horn blew. Weopy and I were eating and looking over the instructions of a new garne, this gaine was called wltches and wizards. Weopy and I were playing the game when I utarted ta notice that there was no way ta wln, I tald Weepy tegoteilSanlta. Santa aid, "that game is a game that half the ida want and they will ho disappointed if it doesn t work, we will have te malce the gaine botter." I teld the other elves what Sant.a wanted them ta do and tbey got iright ta it. On Chriutmas ove one of the other elves came up ta me- and said, I think yau. should tel Santa that the tey machine bralce and that we're not done the new board gamnes." I said in a loud voie back, 'Mhis can't ho happening te poor Santa. W. wilI have te fix it ourselves. Santa already bas enough ta do other than fix some silly tey machine." Afler an heurs work on the tey machine, it stil wouldn't work. It was getting late and we didn't have much time ta work on it. Weepy came in and saad '"W. b ave te get te work on the new gaines we only have nine hours Ieft.' I asked hlm how we were going ta do this with the tey machine broken. He uaid, "We will have te make them by hand." He told them te get te work and to get it done fast. Santa was finally ready te go when the elves were flnishing off the last new gaie. We brought the gaines ut and put them in Santa7s bag. Santa thanked us for ail the bard work we had done and teok off. Se as you can ueo last year's Chriutrnas didn't go as easy as it should have but I guese it turned eut okay. Bye fromn Sleepy and Weepy and ail the other elves from Santals workuhop. Kriston Fitzsimmoeis Grade 8 Meadowerest Public Sehooi CHIUSTMAS Christmnas, Christmnas everywhere. Christmas umeUi n the air. Christmnas lu net about a toy. Your relatives corne ever in pairs. Moet of tbem bave grey hairs. So bave a nice Christnmas toalal. Jey Lankin Grade 7 MeadoewreSt Publie Schodl

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