Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1994, p. 14

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Page 14, Whitby Free Press, Wodnesday, Deoember 21, 199 sANTA GET" STUCK It was the night bofore Christmas. I was boing se very quiet you could hear a tueuse. My fouur seters were squisbing me because they would not go te sleep until tbey saw Santa in lus sleigh. 1 would net go te sleep because if I did go te sleep they would stop on my face and I wouId net like that. Se I stayed up until twolve o'cleck but they were se tired they could net stay awake. But I could.1 I thought for a minute. I said "Sty UP'and thon I thought aot te sang Santa Claus us Coning te Town. "Ho sees yeu when youro sleeping, ho knews when you're awake." Whoa, I want presents I thought se l stay awake with my eyes closed. Ae, Mallory and Shayna were sleeping at the foot of the bod and Caroline was at the head of it. I cloeed my oyes te protend- I was sleeping. Ail of a eudden bolle wore ringig Thon I was super quiet. I eard a thump donstairs. Thon cerne thumpa cening up the stairs. Suddenly Santa camo in. Ho shook me like mad. I opened one oye and thon the ether. I said 'IHI Corne downstairs and bave cookios and milk." 'No thank you," said Santa, I do net want te get tee fat but I guess a littie wouldn't hurt." Se ho bad a littie and a little more and ate until ho was a little tee fat. Ho said, "New you go te b.d and lil see yen next year." Se ho came inte my room and said good night and left eight presenta in my room. Thon there was a tmng a ling and poof ho was gene. I knew ho was at the chimney bottemn. Ho went up the cbirnney and ail of a suddoen ho said 'lIelp!" Ho was stuck in the cbimney. I man downstars and teld hlm te use bis magic: and ho said, "Thank you." And thon ho was gene! Se frorn thie day on nover give Santa tee many ceekies or milk on Christmnas Eve. Emdly Jouoee Grade 2 Pringle Creek Publi c hool CHRISA One night at dinnor, Santa said, "I think 1 need a holiday!" "Why'?" asked Mrs. Claus. "Because l'ai tired of hanin around bore. And Fin tirod. need a rest." "Ilil lot you go, but firat you bave te decde where you'ro going, te be going, the timo, and how you will get there." The next day Santa got up vory early te decide on the desfnation.i Suddenly Santa tripped on coe bells for the reindeer. That woke up tho whole house. Mrs. Claus came running down tho stairs 'Tvo just made rny decision." "Okay," said Mrs. Claus. "Can I hear it?" asked Mrs. Clauis. "rYes," sad Santa. "Ilil use the sleigh and reindeer te got there. lJIl go teday and corne back tomiorrow-' "And where will you b. going7' asked Mrs. Claus. .111 go te Santa View Lo)dge." ropeated Santa, over and ovor agairi. At the end of the day, Santa wont home. On the way borne tbey got in a traffick jam. "Hlow arn I going te deliver ail the prosonts! Santa wondered" "After al, it'u Cbristmas Eve." Suddenly ail the. reindeer startod te, neigh. "We con do it." they said. Se Santa jurnpeo ut of the sloig with bis parachut and juat by luck ho landed in bis own backyard. Meanwbile ... Rudolph scarod the people eut of the traffic jam, and thoy deliverod the presents safely. Lauren Dyck Grade 2 E.A. Fairman Public SehOci I love the wbiteness of falling snew. I love the ceund of ringing halls. I love ... the sameil of roast turkoy. I love ... the love that Christmas bringa. NatahaTayl1cr Glen Dhu Pblc hoci A4 C/iif&sI I Christmnasle Jrom the studertts ofjour Whf4fjtfy scfioo(s CMRSTMAS Tu ME There's a party geing on, 0n epe are dancing. Thoirs 'e efrowne or yauns, they are ail prancing. The cbildren giggle, with funny faces. The aduits play the fiddle, and dance with fast peces. TheWe' laughter in the air, Everytbing glistens. Ihis sert of peaco l rae, but bey, it's Christunas! Now the party gets lim as the 25th cernes near. The lights got ail dimi, iàsten if you can, wbat do you bear. A jingle of halls a jally Ho He. There's net much te ttel of wbat you already know. Promn bouse te, bouse ho gives gifts. As quiet as a mouse, as fat as quick drifts! Ho gees down the cbimnnoy of ail difforent places. Frorn Zimbabwe te Sydney of ail difforonce races. After a wbile ho leaves Mes night eut, leaving boind a trail of light and thon ho ahauts eut '"érryCristmas te ail and te al The cbildren arise fremn deep sleep te agreat surprise under the tree. Thore's a buncb of toys for good littLle girls and for b.baved little boys They are sure te alune diamonda and pearis. GIRL GUIDE COOKIES Girl Guide chocolato mint cookies are avoulable until Dec. 31. To order, eall 430-4977. ORNAMIENTS In an annual fundraiser beld by local Big Sisters, the firat four in a series of ornamonts repro- senting the Twelve Days of Christmas are available for p tr- chase at the National Ban k of Canada, 701 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby. Fer more information, caîl 436-0951. FUN FLY The WVhitby Aero Modelers annual Pmu Fly le Jan. 1, 10 a.m. The flying field is lacated at the north end of Hehar Down Conservation Area (south on Cochrane Street off Highway 7, one mile west of Broklin. Hot coffee will ha available. Everyone welcome. AQUATIC PROGRAM Registraton is underway for the arthrites aquatic program at the Whitby Civic Recreaton Complex. Classee will ha beld on Wednosdays from 3 te, 4 p.m., starting Jan. 11. The fee is $35 for the 1O.weok session. For more informnation, caîl (905) 434-7221. TREE SALES let Whitby Scouts will con- tinue te soul Christmas trees in the parking lot of Jerry's the Dru g Warehouse, Brock Street North, Whitby, until Saturday, Dec. 24. The ceet la $16 for any size of scotch _pine, epruco of balsam troc. Proceeds go te scoutng activities. For more in- formation. cail 666-3247. SPANISH CIHRISMAS The Spanish-Canadian Cul- tural Society will precent a Christmnas concert at Henry Street High Scheel, reom 211, on Thursday, Dec. 22, 6:30 p.rn. Studen ts of the o anish language regram wf sing Spaih ristmas songe and play Moican pinata. For more information about the concert or Sganish pregranis, cali 905-579- SUNRUSE BINGO Sunrise Youth Croup will hold a $5,500 monster bingo (plus $2,000 super jackpot) on Menday, Dec. 26, 10:30 p.m., at Oshawa Bingo Country, 5 Points Mail. Proceeds support recreational progranis fer yeuth with developtuental handicaps. NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE Knights of Columbus Council 4895,will bold a New Year's Eve dance at the hall, 133 Brock St. N., Whiitby. Cost ia $40 per couple. Featured are a live ceuntry and western band and bot and cold buffet served at 8 p.m. Fer more information, contact Deug at 430-9621 or Martin at 666-1071. NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE The Whitby Lions Club willl hold a New Year's Eve dance at Heydenshore Pavilion, Water Street, Whitby. Cost is $30 per persan and includes party faveurs, dance priZes, bot and cold buffet served after midnight and DJ music by C.B. Sound Explosion. Dancing fromn 8 p.m. te 2 a.m. For tickets and information, cail Garry at 666-1630 or Harvey at 668-0172. like Their parents are gleaming of how their cbildren are ac bright. And te see how tbey weren'I dreaxning of Santa's arrival during the nigbt. Now al la well and done. The yuletide carols are still being sung. And Christmas baandt yot dano lt has only bogun! Carolyn Saew Grade E St. Bernard Schoo CHRISA Christmuas may b. a littie ol fashioned But it taiks about sorneone ver special Farnily and fiends are proudc hlm Josus we ail love hlm. The bulbe ce red The ligbta ebine bright 0 the tree se, full tonight Cause tenigbt la the night There ho je Old Saint Nick Hlis sleigh is full with tons of gifts bis heart filled with love and laughter. Snew la falling each with a different face individually hitting ita ow special place. Robert Fletchi ROUm R.A. Sennett Public Seho TEMED UP SANTA i, my naine is Eden. I would like 0otell you how Santa got togr b. ail MIXED UP. It ail startod at laat year in 1993 when Santa was M at the North Polo, the day before Christmas Eve. Santa was bi outaide changing the reindeer's a naines. It was weird. Ho called Pl thern Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, w Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and ho called Rudolph ti Days e thot thoy wore noat naines. Rudolph had a green nase. Oh h yay there was woeks te. Thats'V wvhen it ail started. Santa Claus i was niixed up. I didn't lcnow what m te do. I didn't want te tell anyone. IA Net even mny best friend Claudea. o Somethin, wrong bad happened. a Bu eiSanta was starting te get the teys inte bis slay.d Christmas was airnoat bore. Thon g Santa started tallcing te himself.b And thon ho started answeningv himself. That's when I knew thats Santa was todily MIXED UP.c That qestion corne te my hoad agaln. Wam zIgoing todo? Ita was Christmnas Eve morning anda ho was calling Mrs. Clauis Goe. I was very confused. Ho sta t calling the evels Santa Clauis. 1I was in the slay when ho was startingit up. I knocked on bist head.HL said "On Dasher, ont Prancer, on Viclcsin, on Cornet, en Qupet 'on blisten and light up your noue Roudolph. Merryi Christmas everyono.1 Eden Jeffrey1 Grade 31 St. Thorosa School CHRIS'lT«S My Christmas lighte are up. I am going te got y Christrnas tree this weekend. Ilike Santa Clauis. I am going te wear green and red bows. Amanda Falzon Grade 1 Beliwood Publi c hool THE NIGUT BE FOR CHRIUSTA On Christmnas eve night Santa was in the thin air and sudenley poof Santa fell down. And Lotide the tree with gifts off I go said Santa but Santa skçiped a bouse and ho or bis reindeer nover nediste at aIl. The next morning Santa7s elves said I think wo cid >good this year. t In the morning at the newells 1house the id were se, excited but wben they handed the presents eut there were nono froni Santa they did net have a YTurkey but there naber envited 1theni te dinner. Sudenley Santa camne back wben tbey Got homo they were se se se happy. The end. E Dale Grade 3 Dý%RobrtThoruton Public Sohool Id 5 >01 AN EF" NAMED SLEIGH Once upon a time there was a r-eod elf nazned Sli h who lived Ît the North Pole with Santa and MIrs. Claus. Sloigh had blue eyes with brown hair with a hairy face and awhite beardl. Ho wears red panta with beils around bis wrists andbis ankies. After a doliclous dinner ail of tho elves would say, "That was a reat dinnor Mrs. Claus." But ail ieigh would say is you could have made, a much botter dinner. WJhen the other elvos offerod te ielp Sleigh make toys, Sleigh Areld ay gomaie your own twoye,.d = o doit by myseif." Se the othor elves would walk away Tris year Santa was ng te do sometbing special. Kwas going te make a list of bis beat hielpers and on Christmas Day, be would pick bis bout holper te, get an award..Tho next day, Sleigh checked the list. Ho was 43rd. 'Who cares iflPm not the best elf." said Sleigh. Probably the stupid anglwill get it ho thought. The next day Santa was ready te, pack bis sloigh for the big event. Tédaj was Christmas Eve. Sat aled te al of the elves te help, hin pack bis sleigh. Al tho elves man te help him. Sleigh just stayed behind. The olves started te pack the sleigh. There were dolle, trucka gloes, plastic bats and spiders, book, stffdanimal s, puzze1s, building blocks, and a dnosur modelling kit. Counter, the elf, counted 84 of oach toy. Sîsi h just sat by the window ail byhirself. Th& next day, Sleigh was the firet one up. Today is Christmas, ho said himeolf. Ho jumped out of bed and went te seo whe, was the best elf. Angel was first. Sleigh was 4Oth. Who cares if Fin not the beut elf. After all the elves wero up, they gathered around the Christmas tree. Thon they al openod their presents. Sleigh got an elf stuffed animal fromn Angel. "Thank you, Angel," Sleigh said. 1Everybody stopped. It was the firat tirne in Sleigh's life that ho had said thank you. And that Christmas, Sleigh learned that Christmas was about caring about each other and he was first on theolist. Everyone at the North Polo lived happily every after. KristaLegauit; Grade 2 Glen Dhu Public School CHSA Christmas is lovely. Christmnas is swoet. Tho lambs and the sheep, go, "Bleat, bloat, bleat." BayJosus issound asloep. They .veLlim their wool that gives Sara Bellivoau Grade 1 St. Mark the. Evangoat Sehobol ~EE-OBIUARY-*1 BERNABD THEMANN Bernard (Ben) Thiernann of Wbitby died on Saturday, Dec. 10, 1994 at Whitby General Hos- pital. Ho was 76. He was born la Humboldt, Sask. on Aug. 4, 1918, son of Mr. and Mre. Paul Thiemana. Mr. Thiemann, who worked as a carpenter for Ontario Hydre befere retiring, was past grand kn,îght and honerary lufe nuembor Of t11 Whitby Knights of Cal- umbus. Ho wasalase a longtime memn- ber of Whitby Branch 112 of the Royal Canadian L-egion. He is survived by luis wife Mena, daugbter Barbara (and ber busband Ray Liddiard) and son Deug (and hie wife Elaine); gcrandebldren Terri, Stacy, Grog, Bryaa, Paul and Tedd; groat- grandelldren Jonathan and He was predeceased by Rose, Joseph, Mary and Betty. The funeral service was held at the W.C. Town Funeral Cha- pel on Monda, Dec . 12, Rev. Andrew MacBeth conducting. Interment at Resurrection cerne- tery. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust " Faniily Monuments *Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 669-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appointinents gladly amrnged

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