By Mike Kowalski Provincial funding of Whitby General Hosital will remain at current levels in the coming year. The hospital will receivo just over $11.5 million from the Minisr of Health for its 1995- 96 fiscal year -- the same amount it received in 1994-95. Whitby's allocation is part of a $7.28-billion funding package for Ontario hospitals which was announced by Health Minister Ruth Grier last week. Her announcement that Whitby's transfer payments will not change was termed "some- what of a relie" by hospital président Elizabeth Woodbury. In a prepared statement, Woodbury said anything lesa than "fiat lining» (no change) and the financially "constrained"hos- pital would have encountered problems. uGiven the high growth we've witnessed in Durham Region and the fact that health care dollars have not flowed this way as they lining is, the, bare minimum we coula tolerate," she said. Although the announcement Whitby General "some sta- ItYto restructure,» it also maEs the need for funding real- location l«much more imperative," Woodbury said. "We hope that the Ministry of' Health is not going te corne back months from now with a roll- back,» she said. Ou iese- de t-ordr unhe 1390 HOPKINS STREET Unit 7, Whitby 666-9395 "We've just spent the last year dealing with the soMal contract. We have te, make sure the government does not falter on its commitinent te flat 1nn ota service and quat* of patient care are not compromised.' In her press release, Grier notes that between 1993 and 1995 overail health spending will Ëave declined by just under one per cent. But at the samne time, spend- ing on comrmunity health, public health and Ion g-terni care will have increased by more than 12 per cent. «Iniproved services in the coni- munity means patients are spending far less time in hospi- ?Wejve improved service for Ontarians without the 10 per cent budget increases that, for 10 years, seemed to be the natural order of things.» Il OIar..ioa..o... Based on incorrect information given to The Free, Press, there was an error in an article in the Dec. 7 e<ition. In the article, details of management's offer te prevent the closing of the Oshawa Times newspaper contained wrong in- formation. Aý spokesperson for one of the unions involved in the recent striké incorrectly stated that the 18 emffloyees hired back under TOOTH TALK H4al" HoCWù(ys! As we approach the holidlays, one of the lasi things on your mind may be visiting the dentist. However, the end of the year may also mean the year end of your dental plan. Hence, patients who have dental work that needs to be completed should take advantage of this year's maximum allowable benefits and get some of the work done before the end of the year; and the rest done next year. by r Grish Hattay. the revised offer would have had their wages reduced by 18 per cent and that all six composing room workers would lose their jobs. I fact, no wage cut was pro- posed and three composing rooni employees would have kept their jobs. ThAe company's earlier offer of a three-wage freeze stili stood, but the majoity of the 75 union workers would not have been retained. DRi GIRISH HTY IS 110w accepting new patients iii ii his Practise of- famdly dentity ' please cali 666-0244 FOR AN APPOINTMENT " Insurance plans accepted " Days, evenings & Saturday appointments availabFe '1' " Emergency catis accepted (ditrinig o/jice hours) 701 ROSSLAND RD, E. SUITE 207, (Rossland / Garden Plaza) WI-ITBY Take Me Home For Christmas Sale We invite you to explore the endless possibilities of Christmas gift giving at Rousseau's. Take advantage of outstanding savings on ail accessories throughout the store. P.S. -If your gift choice is flot perfect, you rnay exchange it after Christmas. /Ai E 4e HERITAGE HOUSE imiied Store I-ours: Mtirday-Wednesday I 0-6.n thrsday-Frid.iy 10-9 Sa.turdiiy 9:30)-5:30 <Closci Sunday) 216 Mary Street East - Whitby - (905) 668-348-3 Toronto Une (905) 686-0061 - 1-800)-387-0242 SERVING WHITBY SINCE 1959 QUALITY AUDIO & VIDEO SALES AND SERVICE Tum yu home entertainment system into a home theatre wîth surround sound proclucts from... 1380 HOPKINS ST.LLOfY UNIT 3, WHITBY 6MI377I1I=- 1- Wliitby Free Press, Weckiesday, December 14, 1994, Page 5 Whtby Gener al receives same funding as last year 4 r