Page 30. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Docombor 14,1994 Ontario Municipal Board ~ Comisiondes affaires municipales de l'Ontario At the request 0f the foiiowing p ailes, the MInister oi Municipal Affars has referred to the Ontario Munciai Board under subsection 17(l11) 0f the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, portions off te Officiai Pian for the Rqegionai Municlpalhty 0f Durham (1991> as they. appiy to the speciflo poliles or land use designations wthIn the Pan MInistry Rile No. 18.OP-0012 PART "A" - Municlpalltv of Caringon Mac A&0 re: Livn and Empioment Area designations and Audley Road as a Referrai No. 1 -0OMB File No. 0940118 Type B AdellaIoa Ktngsberry Properties Referrai No. 12 -0MB File No. 0940125 re: Major Open Space System designation G. Templef on for the Estate of Ernest Stroud Referral Nos. 6 and 37 - 0MB File No. 0940119 re: Major Open Space System designation M. and G. Tommea Referral No. 13 -0MB File No. 0940126 re-. Major Open Space designation and Sec. 20 536459 Ontario Llmited ReferaiNo. 0 -0MB ileNo. 94023te: Major Open Space System - Walerfronf and Environmentaliy ReferalNo.10 -OMBFil No.094123Sensitive Ares designation and Sections 2 and 14 811461 Ontario Limited Rfra o 40BFl o 902 re: Permanent Agricultural Reserve designation 36858 naio. 4 Mc ieN. 902 Referrai No. 16 - 0MB File No. 0940129 re: Sections 2 and 14 as they apply to the site Mos port Park Llmited re: Regional Node designation PART "0" - Town of Whitbv <»RpA4) Referral No. 17 - 0MB File No. 0940130 Referrai No. 4 - 0MB File No. 0940149 168215 Canada Inc. James Dlck Construction Limited re: *Hamlet' designation re: Maljor Open Space System and Envronmentaily ReferalNo.20 -OMBFil No.094133SensitIVe Area designafions Rya Errateo.20-M ile N. 013Referrai No. 18 -0MB File No. 0940131 re: Major Open Space System designation re: oad No. p6oerHighay41 Mp 2 Referrai No. 22 -0MB File No. 0940135 efRrad No. 32-0MB FHile No.40144apB2 841221 and 841222 Ontario Ltd. eerlN.3 OBFeNo0914 re: Major Open Space System designation Cobourg Regionai Property Inc. g ReerlNs 3and 24 - 0MB File No. 0940136 re: Major Open Space Syste designation Rae err i N.2 Referrai No. 33 -0MB File No. 0940145 re: Special Study Area Bay Green Developments Ltd. Referral No. 27 - 0MB File No. 0940139 re:. The Employment Ares designation Bramalea Limited Relerrai No. 34 - 0MB File No. 0940146 re: Population target for the Newcast le Village Urban Area Trowbrldge Deveiopments set ou tIn Table 3.3.5 re: Major Open Space Sysfem designation Referrat No. 30 - 0MB File No. 0940142 PART "E" - Town of Pickering <Mac2 A4) 651183 Ontario Ltd. and Ray Abbot et aileerlN.9-0BFl o 902 re: Sections 13.3.5. 113.3.8, 13.3.9.a. 13.3. 10 and 133.21.h as they Richard al o M ildo 902 perlain 10 the Hamet of Tyrone Reivigar adeiaio Referral No. 36 - 0MB File No. 0940147 Rer iin real . 5-0MBiNo . 902 Laidlaw Waste Systems (Durham) Limited Rfra o 5-OBFl o 902 re: Major Open Space System and Permanent Agriculturat Reserve Edbro Developments & Bitondo Markets Ltd. designations and reiated policies for Waste Management sites re: Major Open Space System desîgnation PARUT "B" - Polies ln the Officiai Plan (1991) Feferrat No. 25 -0MB File No. 0940137 908127 Ont ario Limited Referrai No. 3 - 0MB File No. 0940148 re: Major Open Space System designation Mackfok Developments Ltd. re: Section 16.3.32 ln ils entirety PART "F" - Township of U jlg (Map A2) Referrai No. 8 -OM B File No. 0940121 Referrai No. 19 -OM B File No. 0940132 The AgQregate Producers' Association of Ontario Lakeridge Resort Ltd. and Lakeridge Farms Ltd. re: Section 19A.3.11 in ifs entirety re: Major Open Space System designat ion - Oak Ridges Moraine - and Sections 2.3.14, 14.3.4. and 14.3.5 Referrai No. 26 - 0MB File No. 0940138 Referral No. 29 - 0MB File No. 0940141 The Metrontarlo Group. The Kose Group et ailylteFxbîg ru PR SeC"Tow.1 nd feraiNo. 13 re: Major Open Space System designation -OiacRtdges Moraine PART"C"- Twn f Aax MacA41Referrat No. 31 - 0M B File No. 0940143 Referrai No. 7 - 0MB File No. 0940120 763706 Ontario Llmted CCIL Ltd. and LCLL Ltd. re. Speciat Study Area designation NOTICE 0F PREHEARING CONFERENCE The Ontario Municipal Board wili conduct a prehearing conference irespecting this matter. If you do not attend the prehearing conlerence, the Ontario Municipal Board mayproceed ln your absence and you wil not be entitliod 1 any further notice of these proceedinga. TIME AND PLACE OF 1PREHEARING CONFERENCE A prehearing conference wiil be held at: COUNCIL CHAMBERS REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST TOWN 0F WHtTBY on: MONDAY and TU ESDAY, the 30TH and 31 ST dy of JANUARY, 1995. et: 1000 0'CLOCK in the torenoon PIPOSE 0F PREHEARING CONFERENCE The conference wviif deaf wiith pretiminary and procedural maters, includinig the followving: *Identification of parties - these persona have the right to participate throughout by presenting evidence, questioning witnesses, and meking final arguments. ln order for the Board to defermine your statue for the hearing. you or your representative should attend the prehearing conference and ask to be added as a party. Groupe, whether inicorporated or not. who wish to become parties should name a representative. Parties do not need 10 be represented by iawyers. - Identification of participants - persons who do not wish f0 participate throughout the hearing may attend the hearing and make a statement 10 the Board. Such persons should aiso attend the prehearing conference. *Identification of issues. - Consolidation of matters. " Start date and duration of the hearîng. " Directions for pre-fiing of witness lisîs, expert witness statements and written evidence. " Possibilily of settlement of any or ail of the issues. " The hearing of motions. *Such further matters as the Board considers appropriate. Everyone present should coma prepared fa consider specitic dates for proceedings in this malter. EVIDENCE Evidence or formai allatements may also be heard et the prehearIng conference In an attempt 10 settie the maltera In dispute. Note that even If no settiement le reached the Board may make a f inal decision on the evidence Il has recelved. Ail parties or their representatlves should attend the prehearlng conference. Pour recevoir des services en français, veuillez communiqiuer avec la Division des audiences au (416) 326-6800, au moins 25 jours civils avant la date fixée pour l'audience. DATED aI Torono this 101h day of November, 1994. SECRETARY NOTE PARTS "A" and «B'wili be heard on MONDAY, JANUARY 30,1995 PARTS «C. «D,*E and 'F'will be heard on TUESDAY, JANUARY 31. 1995. EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose of the p rehearing conference le 10 deat with the Referrels 10 the Ontario Municipal Board respecting the Durham Regionai Official Plan (1l991) For the purpose otIhe Prehearinq Conference, each Referral has been grouped under the arsea municipalily in the Region in whîch the subject of the Referral relates to. The following is a brief explanation of the subject of each Reterral. PART "A" - Muncipallly of Clarnglon <Mag AI Referral No. 1: Requesting Living Ares designation. Part of Lot 30, Concession 3 (Darlinglon). Referrai Nos. 6 and 37: Requesting motel and restaurant devefopment and referral of the severance implementation policies. Part of Lot 26, Concession 2 Referrai No. 10: Requesting Living Area designation. Part of Lot 26, Concession 2 (Clarke). Referral No. 16: Requesting additional uses in Regional Node J' - Mosport. Referrai No. 17: Requesting the cluster of Brownsville be recognized as a Hamiet. Referrai No. 20: Requesting Living Area designation. Part of Lot 26, Concession 3 (Darlinglon). Reterral No. 22: Requesting urban designations to implement the Port Darlington Secondary Plan. Referral Nos. 23 and 24: Fequesting Specal Study Ares designation. Part of Lots 32 - 35, Concession 1 (Clarke). Referral No. 27: Requeeting increase to the population target of 17,500 for the Newcastle Village urban Ares as set oui n Section 3.3.5. Reterral No. 30: Requesting residential devetopment in the HamIet of Tyrone and referral of the policies relating development in hamiels. Referral No. 36: Requesting a waste management site and referrai of polîcies relating to the establishment of waste disposai sites. the decommissioning of lands previously used for industriel purposes, prior to the redevelopment of such lande; the requirement for the preparation of an environmentai impact study for developmenl applications; the requirement to have area municipal official plans include policies and designations for former and active waste disposai sites; regionat structure policies as they taîl 10 recognize wste management sites; the poicy permitting the continuation, expansion or enlargement of uses which do not conform 10 the Plan provided certain criteria are satistied; and Sections 12 -Agriculturaf Areas and 14 - Major Open Space System as they relaIe 10 the referred area. Part of Lot 12, Concession 3 (Clarke). PART "B" - P ln lan e fficiai Plan 11901% Referral No. 29: equesting agolf course devebpmenit. Part ot Lots 23 - 27, Concession 6 (Uxtridge). jReferrai No. 31: Requesting iving Area designation. Part oi Lots 31 and 32, ConcessionS6 (Uxbridge). j A preliminary meeting o aIt parties and participants prior to the Prehearing Conference has been scheduled for Thumsday. January 19, 1995, jcommencing ai 10:00 a.m. ai the Council Chambers, Cional Headquarters Building. 605 Rossland Road Easst., Whitby. Ontaro. For addiional information about the matters betore the Oftario Municipal Board respecting the Durham Regional Off iciai Pan (1991), contact Kai Yew. Reional Mniialio Durham Planning Department. 1615 Dundas Street East, Whit y, Ontaro. LIN 6A3. Telephone (905) 728-7731, Toronto This Notice es pubished in cornpliance with the directions provided by the Ontario Municipal Board. 01 Lynde Creek mars h FROM PAGE 1 and wouid not comment "on that specific proposai. But Hampton did concede that if the proposai were te come forward now, it would be subject te the policy. A.dopted in 1992, the pohicy establishes guidelines for allow- ing develepment near an environmentally sensitive area such as a class one wetland like the marsh. Essentialy, the policy recom- mends at least a 120-metre sepa- ration between development and the area in question, unlese it can be demonstrated that ne harmn wiil occur. The proposed buffer zone width in the Lynde Shores plan varies from 55 metres te 200 inetres. Town ceuncil has consistently stressed that ail supporting evi- dence te date indicates that this is sufficient te protect the marsih. In an interview, White said ho prepared hie question after con- sulting with the Save Lynde Marsh (SLM) citizens' group that filed the 0MB appeal. "My concern - is protection of the marsh, not creating a park," said Whiite. "That would be good, but. the the niarsh are my prime con- cerna,» ho sad. (Save Lynde Marsh has called for creatien of a 2,000-acre nature sanctuary ini the Lynde Creok area. The waterfront trail ie the 275-kiloineter walkway from Burlington to Trenton now under construction.) The SLM committee had hoped that White would have ben âle te present its nature sanctiiary petition ini the legisiature last wkbut ho was unabie do so. Tegroup wants the govern- nient te «swap» Ianid wfth the Rose Corporation which owns 146 acres- immediately east of the marsh, te allow for creation of the sanctuary. The province, throuEh the Ontario Reaity Corp., Durham Region and Rose are the thre principals behind the project. Roses proposai calis for a pro- dominaiilylow-densiy 560-unit subdivision east of the marsh, south of Victoria Street and weSt of Jeffrey Street. The province hopes te build a 1,255-unit, muixed-de>nsity sub- division south of Victoria and east of Jeffrey. Durhamn Region wiii build a 185-acre industrial park north of Victoria, between Jeffrey and Gordon streets. SOGffpresentatin denied FROM PAGE 1 in the Ontario legisiaturo. SOGH collected 30,000 names on a etition which demande that Witby General romain an active treatment, full-service hospital. A special committee of the health council is, expected te make its recemmendation shortly on the future of the 25-year-old facility. A 'discussion paper' released by the committee lest May -pro- poes that Whitby Genoral be converted into a rehabilitation treatinont contre serving ail of Durham Region. Although the committee's final report has not been completed and wiil not be discussed tonight, SOGH hed hoped te use the occasion te convoy its position once again, Prout said. "We d be speakingte a dif- forent group,» she said.. «Tho acuto care steoring coin- mittee is not nocessarilx com- prised of the sanie people. The health council is a 16- member publicly-funded body which aavises the Ontario Minis- try of Hoalth on local issues. Some of its menibers are nominated by other agencies, but the. government can roject the nominees. (Whitby councillor Marcel Brunollo, for example, reprosen- ted Durham Rogion on the health council until hie terni expired on Nov. 30. (The health council has asked regional council te reappoint Brnelle te another terni, but that decision bas not yet been made.) The health council, in turn, selected the 15 steering commit- tee members based on provincial criteria which stipulated the committees makeup. 350 sec local banUds About 350 people attended an ail-ages concert at Hoydonshore Pavillon in Whitby Dec. 2. The show and ettendance were described as a success by one of the orgenizers, Chris Bruckmann Of Brookiin. Some of the proceeds of the show by five local bande went te Denise House and the Salvation Army. There are plans te hoid anether show in the spring, but probably at a different venue with botter acoustice. taFord c-hir E ufetandosi tashboardardt Je anda towicz aresmemb eanof h see- toing ar c m mee. o hese ingeuittieSGe akd eb herdutenight becase the stua tien as angh edse the group- sumtditnhs 10-pagn e rie -one of boute t 15 receie by the. oftaering25cemniitte - inthe spering cmite -i h Upjlntwould -be easy te lose the input from ours,» ehe eaid, 'And when ;we made it, we didn't have 30,000 names. That's why we felt it was important te, got on the agenda.» Prout »was «somewhat» dis- appointed by council's decision. 'New we have te, go through more of the procees te attempt te, be heard. We will net give up,» she proniised. Council chair Dr. Amny Goldwa- ter confirmed that SOGH was teld te, put any commente or requs on paper. e3We prefer te, have it in writ- inq te digest it properly,» she said. While any group or individual can ask te, address council Gold- water said council wanted te, be fair te, ever-yone. "We tried te, do this on a level playing field. A lot of people have different angles on this issue,» she said. Goidwater said council will not likely decide how te seek public comment on the steering commit- tee's final report until it actually receives the document. She did net knew when the relert wili be ready. I hope it's fairly soon,» she added. The steering committee's in- itial discussion paper was based on a consultant's study which recommended the rehabilitation contre proposai. Patients recovering frcm seri- eus ilinese, surgery or trauma weuld be treated in the propoed contre, the study says. Services asseciated with a gonerai hospitai would ne longer boffered in Whitby. Residents in noed of orner- gency services or surgory would travel te expanded heepitals in Oshawa or Ajax, the study sug- geste. Although critice dlaim the rehabilitation centre preposai, was instigated by Queen's Park and is a foregone conclusion ministry bureaucrate and govornment politicians reject this accusation. Health Minister Ruth Grier insiste an y decisien on Whitby General Hespital wiil be nmade locally.