Page 28, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. December 14.1994l Durham students above average The Durham Board of Educa- tion says its students performed «above the national average» in literacy testing of grades 3, 5 and 7 in September. Students were tested in read- ing, spelling, language expres- sion and study akills using the Canadian Achievement Test Second Edition (CAT/2). Durham students were coin- parýed againet national and regional norme for comprehen- sien, spelling and language expression. Individual resuits of the test were te be given te parents this month and in January. HENRY STREET High Sohool teaching assistant Larry Evans and his automotive class have organized a skate Dec. 16 to raise money for the Children's Christmas Are you having problems gtting inte, the Christnias spirit? If so, why not visit Anderson for the musical presentation of 'A Worldwide Yuletide.' ickets are available threugyh the music department for tho Dec. 15 show ($5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students). A $2 rofund is available at the door if you bring a non-perishable food donation. Congratulations te, the cast, crew and pit band of 'Brigadoon' for a the hard work they p ut inte their performances. The show ran for two woekends, and excellent reviews were heard from aIl who attended. Auditions wore held for ACVI's annual Christmnas assembly te be held Dec. 22. The teachers' sIt OAC skrit snd many mnuical umesare some things te look forward te. The studont council held a campaign te, raise awareness about abused women last week, in co-operation with White Rtibbon Weok. The winnor of last week's limbe contest was limber Ryan McAdam. There is a locker-docorating contest on for the holiday season, snd the winner will be announced. Dec. 22. "Christmas cards will bosent by each home room te our three foster kids. Thore was aise, an opportunity for studonts te sign carda te send ovorseas for Canadian soldiers. Ln January, thero will ho an Wish Foundation. The first 32 and staff %who register get out 0 1:30 p.m. and are eligible to worth of prizes. Photo by M"i ReesorWh intramural student-teacher badminton tournament, se sign up this woek. To the graduating studonts, a remindor that photos are this week, se, pay attention to announcements for times. Aise, university applications have been sent out. The first league game for the boys' basketball team was yesterday at O'Neill, with the next action Dec. 19 against Eastdale in our gym. Last Saturday, Anderson lest te Pickering in tho finals of the Wildcat Classic teurney at Austin. The Big Brothers Bowl.a.thon still noods participants for the Fob. 6 event. If you're interested, soe Ms. Correia: There wasj Thursday at Du students interei socurity. The fil who attonde< Camipbell, A Tenehta jalteri and Basil Elwaz The OAC, holding a nigh' writton by Performance ni Dec. 20, se 504 Mr. Trites for in Alse, the ney Bag Theatre,' h performance De at lunch. Rumoi time the storete Claus. Guest Epema and Crai >4 students Df sohool at win $1.400 ai" Stefanie Antunes ST. CHARLES GARNIER November, normally considered hitby Free Press the most depressing month of the year, is one of the best fer Charles-Garnier. ER 0 Se far, our 'Lynx on Ice have been takcing everything by storin, 9!j and have won their first twe gaines of the soasen. The team's J~~AT~ firet victory was againat Father Leo Austin, and the second, won va marsin o 1 was against (Jburg. Meep it up, boys. Our girls' junior voley 1 teain is alzoraring tego, and we'd like te tell thoso girls teo for it. Thanks teall the stuonts and in the gym office. teachers who corne te the gaines a woksho las tosupport our teains. ram wosh orlast t it snwlot it snow, let it arhm Cllge orsnow! The studont council has Bsted in law and vo lucky students planned a tobaggan outing on d were Chrjs Dec. 21 at Enniskillen, but there ulia Staneland, is one condition ... we need snow, rua Trvorsenorso ,ry for lots of that white drama clalate On Ficay, Dec. 16, our school I of one-act pays will~ host the annual Christmas the studonts. somi-formral. The student council ùght is Tuesday, has addod a little twist te this e the students or year's dance. H-int? Don't ent aformation. before you corne. Thanks te Mme. m troupe, 'Lunch Jordan for her help with the has its Christmas special surprise plannod for the Bc. 19 in room 107 dance. )ur has it that this This weeks tribute will not be eller will be Santa aimed at only ono person. This stars are Mir. week's extra special people dg Armnstrong. consist of five young mon, only Chesea Balzan HENRY ST. H.S. Mei the season ... for volleyball, bketball, wrestling, skating, dances, food drives and muchÉ more at Henry. Last week the midget boys' basketball teain won four gaxnos ln a row te win the Exeter teurnament. The junior girls' volleyball teain aise, participated in a.tournament Menry bands perlorm Henry Street i-gh School will peore by the Senior Concert p rosnta Christmas concert, 'Do Bad oSmr Stage Band, Junior You Hear What I Hear,' ln the Concert Band, Henry Street cafeterium tenight (Wednesday), Singers, Henry Street Brass and 7:30 p.m. Fabulous Flautists. Tickets are $3 for adults, $2 for Holiday musfic will be students. Childiren are free. and lest two, in the 24-team teurnamont in Toronto. Henryls wrestlers did vory woll at the Durham Classic Tournament on Dec. 3. Our wrestlers captured three gold, three silver and two bronze. On Dec. 9, 500 wrestlers and 50 coaches took over Hnrs gyms for a teurnament. Thanks te al those who made it a auccesa. Our annuel food drive bogan on Monday. Students are encouraged te bring in non-perishable food items, clothing and now, unwrapped teys. The top three homerooms will win prizes but, more impertantly, your homeroorn's designated family will bave a botter holiday. This Friday promises te ho a busy one for Hawks. Don't forget te, buy your tickets for the Skate Extravaganza which will take place on Friday. Proceeds go te, the Children's Christmas Wish Foundation, and thore are many prizes te be won. Aise on Friday, rumeours have it HAC is planning an obstacle course in Eh gym at lunch. Talk te, a HAC member for further details. Student council will host a Christmas dance on Priday botween 7:30 and il p.m. n the new gym. ickets are on alethis week at the student council office. t will ho a MuchMusic video dauce, and if that isn't incentivo te buy a ticket, thon what is? Studont council is aise soelling Henry bats. They cost $12, se, buy one for that speclal Hawk in your life. They make au excellent Christinas gift. one of whom is stili, at our echool. They really do lead extraordinary lives. These young nmen happen te be our members of the Oshawa Genorals. Stephane Yelle, who now plays for the MIL teamn Cornwall Aces, attended aur school while playing for the Cenerals. els grades were exceptions] conmidering the number of heurs each week these, young athletes must dedicate in order te pursue their dreain careeer. Every day of their lives they practice and practice. Usually, for three hours a day, theyre at the rink either weight training or doing whait they love doing most ... playing hockey. They aise do varieus charity work and were among the many people giving a helping hand at McHappy Day te maise money for the McDonald's children's chanity. Tr-ue, there are some drawbacks .te leading a life in the public eye. They live away from, their families, away from their old friends back home. They have an 1l p.m. curfew except when they have a gaine (then it's midnight), regardlesa of their age. Perhaps t he worst part ef playing for the OHI is net knewing where they'll be from one minute te the neit. The possibility of getting traded is always there which means Ieaving new-found frienda, girlfriends, billets, and having te start ail over again. Recently our achool lest Joël Gagnon in a tirade with the North Bay Centennials. Joël had been with us nearly three years,, and it was somewhat of a shock te see him go. Nevertheless, we're ail cheering for hlm and we hope this helps his career as much as possible. Among other GeneraIs who have been at our school, Stephen Souilliere was aise recently traded te the Sarnia Sting, and Robert Dubeis was traded te the Sault-Saint-Marie Greyhounds. We have only one Oshawa General left at our achool, and ho goos by the naine of Denis Gaudet. Ho was just recently traded here, se, I hope overycrie wilI holp make hlm a little more comfortable. Hle bas seen two of our Generals get traded within a month, and perhaps he needs te seo how much we like our Generals. Don't forget te go te the gaines and support hlm. To our CaneraIs ... we miss you. A la prochaine. Janis Leering ANDERSON C.V.I.