Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1994, p. 34

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Page 34, vWhitby Free Press, Wednesdiay, Deoember 7,1994 .... . ....... . .. ....... .. ............... .............. ..... ........ ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... .. ~1 I AUOTiONS I Craft Sale in century home Weekend Dec. lOth & 11lth lOam - 4pm 8940 Baldwin St. (Hwy. 12) Myrtie, Ont. CRAFT & GIFT SALE, Saturday& Sunday, Deoembsr 10 & 11. Open 1lOam -7pm. Cranberry Pines 18200 H% .2 north of Manchester. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. Mobiles, heated pools, hot tub, just 20. minutes f0 beaches, NHL hockey, Blue Jay basebaîl, horse & dog fracks. Children welcome. Less than motel. 683-5503. FLORIDA, GULF COAST, fumished mobile $200 US weekîy. Safe, centrai, Port Richey near beach and amenities. Cal 709-583-2407, fax 709-583-2382. FLORIDA WATERFRONT GuI! Coast jlorgeous private home & dcbdrooms, ail amenifies. Fishlswim from your backyard. Select Deoember/JanuarylApri weeks available. $350 USlweek. 905-666-4663. - ,~,-M'me, me,., Paper Products, including i *newspaper, comprise 36 per! cent of the garbage placed Sat curbsîde for -~ i pckup each ;week. A Iof ;it is recyclable. WESTCOTTI- Dave and Dense (VanDoewerd) are pîsased f0 announce the birth o! "Heather Ann", weigI inig n et 8Ibs. 7oz. on Fniday Dénber 2nd. Proud frst time grandp rents Alan and Barb West5fottof Columbus and Bey and Tony VanDo1pweerd o! Whifby. Great grandparents Mrs. Beft Westcofto! Engîand, Mr. David Schmidks and Vemnon and Dorofhy Moore of Whitby. First time uncles Steve Westcott and Dean VanDoleweerd o! Toronto. Special thanks t0 Dr. Shafer and staff o! AjaxlPickering Hospital. I........ THANKS TO ST. JUDE & the Sacred heart o! Jesus for favours received. May the Sacred heart o! Jesus be adored, glorified, Ioved & pserved throughout the worid now arfirevr.o0Sacred heart o! Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker ot miracles pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeîess, pray for us. Say this p rayer 9 times a day. By thyeighth day your prayer wilI be answered, regardless o! how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must be promised. D.E.C.N. PRAISE AND THANKS TO Divine Infant Jesus, St. Jude and HoIy Mary for prayers answered. G.M.L. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS AIl dlaims against the estafe of Muriel'lorence Rowe, late of thet ToFn of Whifby, who died on the 2oth day of November, 1993, must be filed wif h the undersigned personal represenfative on or before the i st day o! February, 1995, affer which date the Estafe wil be distributed having regard only to the dlaims of which the Executor then shall have notice. Dated at London, this 28th day of November, 1994. DAVID PATTISON Executor, 128 Dearborn Avenue, London, Qntario N6K2W5 EVERYBODY READS THE ~<WHITBY FREE PRESS ~ 68-6111 GOING OUT 0F BUSINESS LIQUIDATION Pianos, digitais, grands, upnighfs aj artment size, keyboards, new and1 used, bo~oks and accessonies. Everything mnubt be cleared f0 the bare watts. Up f0 50% off.* Shop eariy for the best selection. THIE PIANO SHOP 71 OLD KINGSTON RD. AJAX, ONTARIO LIT 3A6 905-427-5051 CORNEUl'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, DEC. 9 at 5:3Opm 3 miles east of Litte Britain on County Rd. 4 New grandfafher dlock, 6 pc. dining roomn suite, 5 pc. bedroom suite, pinie drop leaf fable, modemn dressers & chests of drawers, dining extension table, 2 Persian rugs, spooied cabinet, 4 g unstock chairs, Duncan Phyfe do leaf table, coffee & end tables, chesterfieids, antique dresser Smith Corona portable personal word processor, chrome kitchen suife, rocking chair, washstand, single box spring & mattress wicker chairs, qty. crocks & co-oil lamps, Renfrew cream separator, box stove, 1983 Ford Ranger certified, qty. china, glass, household & collectable items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1 Little Brifain 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, DEC. 15 10:30 amn 10,000 sq. fi. warehouse office tumniture, new merchandise at property o! ROSS VERNER WHOLE9SALE, 124 Robinson St., Peterborough. REAL EASTATE - only 15 years old, 10,000 sq. fi. warehouse or storage building 3,000 s q. fi. basement, heated spninkled, conveyor, 3 loading doors, 20' ceilîngs,1/2 acre lot ýapprox.) 3 washrooms, offices, neated ' centrai air, 200 amp. service. SeIUingsubjecf f0 10w reserve bid. Tes: $10,000 at sale balance 30 days. PROPERTY MUýT BE SOLD. DON'T MISS THIS ONE. View sari y f0 arrange financing. 10:3Oam office fumiture & merchandise. I1lam real est ste. Cali McLEAN AUCTIONS & LIQUIDATIONS 745-5007 Peterborough or 1-800-461-6499 FURNITURE & VEHICLE AUCTION SALE SAT. DECEMBER lOth at lOarn 870 Taunton Rd. E. We are seling an estate, new furniture, plus a lot from storage, indluding: new sofas, recJiners, wing back chairs. bunk beds, dressers, 5 pc. pinstable & chairs 3 pc. chesterfieîd, Honda 350d5 generafor, cunio cabinets, bedroom suite, fnidge & stove, loveseaf, computer', piano, toys*, barber chairs, rocking chairs, freezer, Cadiliac Fleetwood, '91 Sprint Conv '90 GMC 1 fon dual wnh el PU, 'ৠCelebnity wagon '89 Omni, '88 Lincoln Town Car '86 Tempest '87 Monte Carlo, '8ý Firebirc '8P Reliant, '86 Topaz, '84 Sunbird(, '84 Dodge Co)nv., '81 Dodge PU truck, '75. GM sort ifn rck,'62 Thundeprbird, SUNDAY AUC11ON THIS SUNDAV, DEC. llth at 12 noon, preview 11:30 At the Knights of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock St. N., Whitby 9 pc. Carved 'V~alcolm" dining room suite, pin. wardrobe, oak desk, oak dressrs and chesis, pins bedroomn suite, pins entertarnmient centre, medicine cabinet, Deacons bench, bookcases, stools, benches, tire screen, jam & jelly cupboards, sideboard, china cabinet, calendar holders, curlo shelves aÎ d stands, asst. Iamps droo leaf t bls, spice; cabinet, cedar cest, qtlits & quilt racks, doorstops, kettles, stoot seats, oak bo lass chinà cabinet,' Oriental carpet s uncan Phyfe dining room table, wash stands, pins dry sink, corner cabinet, g lassware,. china, weathervane, tames, pnints, pictures, loveseat, shaving stlands, planter stands, rocking chairs plus 100's of other unlisted articles. Terms: cash cheue ISAMIC 3% e. bid aiFs. eIieryavaila e. AUCTIONS UNLIMUTED 519-34-2426 TREAT VOURSEIF to a ful-body massage b y maIe student. Fniendly & personable private & discret. Please calI 125-9168 afler 4pm. Student rates available. THANK YOU very much f0 the two individuals who kindly retumed my n arcels at Eaton's on Tues Nov. 59. Good citizens like you make me very proud f0 be Canadian. Mms. Georgie Marshall. MALE US SEEKING femnale cmain 25-40, white, physicall Em.o sense of humour. Catil A.B. - can't afiord ads anymors. Hurtin', yeah weI ... Can we get past that now pleas, finaîly? I love you f00, isnf it obvious? Thank you for beautiful, oving thoughts, words and songs. PRETTY WOMEN Asiafic, Black, Mulatto, from West ndies, want, love men from 18 to 59 years old. URGENT: Miss Kim LE E, B.P. 59 St-Sauveur JOR 1 RO. cypnnectidfns 24 hr. photoj Dy: .U Photography Call 430 DATELINE a Free ta Ladies seeking Gents - Men from 970 a day - Win a $~FREE V. RentaUt Il FRIEEI .m7060 (Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $7.50 for 25 words; ($7.01 + 490 GST) 150 each additional word; (140 + 1 0 GST) $1 0.50 for 25 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST .~$1 .02 per agate line (Ads with borders, pictures or graphios) Regular display rates apply - $1 .08 per agate Une (14 agate uines per inch) Minimum size 1 column inch $15.12 CONTINUOUS RIJN DISPLAY ADS 20% OFF ater 3rd insertion (rio changes). G.S.T. is extra on ail ads uniess otherwise indicated Monday noon prior to Wednesdlay publication. 668-6111 Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wili not be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for fypographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up f0 a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or relect ail advertisements.

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