Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1994, p. 46

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Page 46, Whtby FreeProGa, Wecinesday, Oct"be 19,1994 - M- ijWNOUNUIENTSI \C..............~1 ... ...... -I-T-I- - - - - -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ VENDORS WANTED for Christmas Craft Sale' November 12 at West L nde Shool. Contact Lorraine PORCELAIN DOLL CLASSES - over 70 modem dolîs & 15 antique rerdctions to choose from. L=ie space available. Tuesday evening s & Saturday momnings. Phone Denîse after 6pmn 432-7900. yyyyyyyyyyyy v Ma & ra's. Country Store Wanted: Uniquellad-, v made Counby Craflfor consignnentY py Needed: MusfllBunis, V. FOIMM*Ë r M nd WoodenPî%ducà y374 Wilson Rd. S, Oshawa'- 576-4438 y outh ci Olve, Nodi of BI=r MISSING- boys 5 speed bike, briht green, make- Earthquake. Takefn from Pringle Creek School in the morning of Friday, October 7. Caîl 668-3339. LAWVN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seedlng, sodding. Fa l dean- upa. Renovations of gardons, rock gardens, planting, f Irewood. Free ostîmates. Dutchway Landscaping. (905) 649-3183. MOUNTAIN ASH LANDSCAPING 0 Book now for: SNOW PLOWING *eRaklng Leaves - Brush Removal **Patios - Lawn Cutting - Trmming * *Sodding - Interior Painting L w pn'ces .~ Quallty Work Cal Douge68-3086 or35-2399 PRAYER TO ST. JUDE. HoIy Saint Jude Apostle and martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, the faithful intercessor of ail who invoke your special patronage in time of need, fo you 1 have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg you, f0 whom GOD has given suc h great power, to corne to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petifion. In return I propose to make your name known and cau se your name to be invoked. (Say 3 Our Fathers, 3 Ha il Marys and 3 Glories). St. Jude pray for us. and ail who invoke your aid. Amen. This novena has neyer-been known to fail. This novena must be said nine consecutive days. Publication musf be promised. R. OPEN HOUSE IN HONOUR of WES SCHELL's 9011i Birthday on October 2th from 3 - 6pm a t the Bro oklin Legion. Best wishes only please. GADSDEN, RICHARD. The famniî of Richard'Gadsden wish to thank Whitby General Hospital, W.C. Towne Funeral Home, ail relatives and friends who helped us through our recent bereavement. Th~e Gadsden Family. ...I.__ _ _ _ __. IVB1RT....\...l........ HERVE - Doug and Karyn are I' leased to announce the birth of heir first daughter, Brittany Erin on September 12, 1994 at 5:I4am weighing 6lbs. 7oz. Grandparents 0Art and Bey Mcllwrick and Frank 0and Ruth Hervé are thrilled. Proudly 0watched over by brothers, Matthew pand John. Sp.ecial thanks to Dr. Norma Baker and the Ajax-Pickering Hospital Staff. PARISH - Hi! M name is Taran Michael William Iýarsh. I was bomn on Thursday, September 22, 1994 at 5:I7pm, at the Oshawa General Hospital. I weighed 7l1bs. 1Ooz., and I was 19 inches long. My proud parents are Ryan Parish and Melodie Caines. My proud g randiparents are Edward Parish of Aax, Patricia Panish of North York William Camnes of Whitby, and Yvonne Camnes of Oshawa. My prou.id g reat-grand parents are Margaret Peam of Bu rlington, Alice Camnes of Oshawa, and Georgia LeBlanc of New Brunswick. My two proud aunts are Kerry »Parish-Hart of' North York and Tracy Camnes of Oshawa. Everyone is. 50 -excited about my safe amrval. Many thanks to Dr. Braitwraite and ail the staff at 0. G.H. Ifor HappyBiutbday oreAmrnivsay.M i1wcclassifieds are a special way f to smd getgsl I Cail 668-6111 PRAYER TO THE BLESSED Virgin, neyer known to fail. 0 most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in necessity. O star of the sea help me and show me here you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of-Heaven & earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart t0 secure me in my necessity (make req uests)i, There are none t hat can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pa for us who have recourse f0tophee (3 times). HoIy Mary I place this cause in your hand (3 fmes). Sa y this pFayer for 3 consecufive diays and then you must publish it and if will be granted to you. R.W.' PRAYER TO THE BLESSED tVirgin, neyer known to fail. O most ibeautiful flower of Mount Carmel, rfruitfuî vine, splendor of Heaven, ilBlessed Mot her of the Son of God, rImmaculate Virgin, assist me in necessity. O star of the sea help me and show me here you are my Mother. O HoIy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven & earth, I humbîy beseech you from the tbottom of my heart to secure me in 1my necessify (make request s). iThere are none that can wit hstand your power. 0 Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times>. HoIy Mary I place this cause in your hand (3times). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive dlays and then you must publish it and if wiII be'granted to you. C.B. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, OCT. 21 AT 5:3Opm 3 MILES EAST 0F Little Brtain on County Rd. 4 The estate of Mr. & Mrs. G.P. Murray of Kingston Rd., Toronto plus other consignors 9 pc. oak diriing roomn suite in good condition, walnut tea wagon, walnut Victorian' parlour chairs, walnut coffee & end tables, walnut g ate le g table, walnut what-not stand, 8i place -setting Royal Bayreuth, set community plate silverware, 5 caned bottom chairs, round pine table & 2 chairs, hang ing, larnp, walnut magazine tables, spititt desk, mahogany vanity & stool, 4 pc. mahogany bedroom suite, washstand, 4 poster bed, walnut vanity, round oak split ped.estal table, 6 matching press back* chairs, walnut plant stands, mantle dlock, table & floor lamps, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf coffee table, chesterfields, milk cans, plus a large quantity of good quality china & glass including Wedgewood, Spod, Cranberr, Crystal,' etc. Plus a large qty. cups & saucers, silver dishes, linens, bedding, 2 hand crochet table cloths & small electnical applianoes. This is a good quality sale. DON.& GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1, Little Bnitain 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 @ 5:0OpmI at the Isiander Banquet H ail on Scugog Island. Small estates from Whitby & Toronto with added consigniments. Some antiques. Good appliances. furniture, freezers & much more. Viewing from 2:OOpm. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 905-655-8073 MacGREGOR & WEST AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES COLLECTABLES & HOUSEHOLO EFFECTS Auction located in our new winter location at Ganaraska Leather Crafi & Trading Post, 115 Hw north, 20 km north of 401 or1 10kM north from Orono watch for auction signs Auction features a varied selection of antique & modem furnishings plus rare & unique collectables & g eneral household articles. Partial list includes wardrobe, oak desk, selection of old dressers & chests of drawers, blanket & storage boxes, misc. tables (kitchen, parlour, wiork, etc.), chairs & rockers, military Memorabilia., milk bottles, old Coke tray, mirrors, imited edition & decorative art prînts, quality selection of glass & china (Shelley, Depression, Fiestaware, Carnival Bowl, Willow, etc.), 10e pay phone & original stand, freezer, stove, oui amps, buggy seat, old advertsement boxes, 1922 coal oil stove, plus many more articles still to be unpacked due to moving to our new location. NOTE: This lst sale at-our new winter location should prove to be an enjoyable sale for one and al Caîl for ail your auction needs or directions to new location. MacGREGOR & WEST AUCTIONS Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 AUCT1ON SALE. "Kahn Country Auctionsu - every Wednesdayjat 6:30 p.m. located on Brok d., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. #401 (take ext #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furnishings, glass, china, collectables, primitives and other unusuals. So loin us ever Wed. and participate ln one of Ontarlo's ntrueu auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. Terms: cash, cheque (with pOroper l.D.) or Visa. Preview trom 1:00 p.m. .Consig nment,& estate selling our speciatty". Caîl us tday - Kahn' Auction Services - 683-0041. BANKRUPT SALE WED. TO SAT. lOam - Gpmn 1545 Dundas St. E., Whitby <Thickson & Hwy. 2) 50% off aIl Hallmark Christmas cards, greeting. cards, gifts, invitations, wra pping paper, etc., toilet paper $10 a case, paper towels $15 a case, train sets $15. PLUS MUCH MORE! So corne in and browse. 'TiI Saturday. «CLEAN AUCTIONS& LIQUIDATIONS OCTOBER 21 at 6:OOpm Viewing at 5:OOpm 405 Lakeridge Road S., Whitby Used tools, dining rooâm suites, bicycles, living room suites, fridge & stove, bedroom set, cribs, TV convertors & large consignment of household goods. WHITBY AFFORDABLE AUCTIONS 666-2800 c9nnectidns 24 hr. DATELINE Ladies seeking Gents 970 a day eWin a Splsh Phot y otlTub. Poob:J.D.W. RentaI! Photography Cali FREE! 430m 7060l ENGLISH. LADY, late 60s n/s, is vi1sitingý this area Dec./Jan., and would. like to meet lad/gent *for sightseeing and* evenin9s out.- Whitby Free Press, P.O.' Box 206, Whitb6y, ON LIN .5S1, attn. Box ~ATE~ PR:f J OR O (Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $7.50 for 25 words; ($7.01+ 490 GST)-1 150 each additional word;, (140 +10 GST)* $1050 for 25 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional Word; PLUS GST M.1~N $1 .02 per agate Une 101/.offf o pepamnto (Ads wîth borders,*. pictures or graphics) Regular display rates apply - $1,.08 per agate line (14 agate lunes per inch) Minimum size. 1 column inch $1 5.12 CONTINUOUS RUN DISPLAY ADS 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no changes). GST is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day, of publication. The Whitby Free Press wilI not be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject al advertisements. [Avèriig o

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