Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1994, p. 44

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Pa*44~h~3j*,~ e~d~ Oc~ob~ i~: i~W'~ QUEFLAEFRRUE TREE CUT11NO & TRIMMING. Fuiiy insured. Free estimates. 433-7140. DRYWALL & FRAMING. Complete residential & commercial renovations. Taping & textured ceiiings. -Caîl Dieter for a f ree estimate, 430-1207. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive qualty portraits. Studio or in home. Babies, children, familles. Packages from $29. Also: weddlngs from $469, S christenings, groups, boudoir,. copy &restoration, anniversaries, promotional. No GSTI 427-9164. RE-UPHOLSTERING. Now is the timne to recover your furniture. Cali Custom Choice Upholstery at 433-0528. Free estimates. Serving Whitby for 18 years. HOME RENOVATIONS & restoration. Plans, Inspections, specItications, carpentry, plumblng, éeerical, Windows, energy conservation. Cail Jacques of Afl Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. STEAM CLEANING - carpet & uphoistery by Damrn . Murton. Serving the Durham Region for 10 y ears. Ca t ceaning a ny 5 rooms $79.§9; 'i., din., hall $34.95-, upholstery cleaning sofa, chair, loveseat only $64.9. Cali for a free estimate or book your a ppontment today. AIl workmanship guaranteed. Cali 666-8590. PROFESSIONAL CAR intenior steam 'cleaning by Darrin Murton. every Sunday at the Pickering Flea =Market while you shop. VVe will carnets, seats, doors & matts for only -$660 $34.95. Plastic seat covers are provided. Follow the Sgsto tenrhside (parking inside). Drive in a cleaner environment. Inquinies Cali 666-8590. SFA XYOUR ADI 668-0594 RELIABLE & expenienced daycare available in my home. Nutntious lunch & snacks. Lots of T.L.C.. Faliingbrook & Dryden. Non-smoker. 430-3361. CRAFTS, PARKS, meals, TLC & a fun environment for ail your childcare needs. Cali Debby 430-9655 (Brock & Manning). DAYCARE REQUIRED in myhome in North Whitby for 4 mos. old infant. Live-in/out. Non-smoker, references required. Cali 728-4744. MOTHER 0F 2 is availabie to p rovide rel jableodaycare. Large fenced yard. Lts of activities. ThicksonlRossland. 728-6404. LOVING MOTHER of 8 mos. oid would like to care for your child fuI/part-time or before & after schooi. Fun-Ioving, non-smoking environment. Meals p rovided Glenhili Dr. (Dundas/Thickson area). Reasonable rates. Calil 430-0345. Early Chiidhood For Peace of Mnd. Perry House Child Care Servces 129 Perry St., Whtby 668-9476 Ails rfsSngStol a Our dorvpny ncs. .0I O esnaionitedSaes 9:15m t 11I. a (VdA ___ pjThe Mutual ru S * 42-21 int"erliocking tone- retaiing walis wood fencing & decks 666-9690ýin FREE COMPETI TiVE ES TIAM TES Written Guarantee Derek Dutka si>Bda~ i . -gintxan eirm n Waterproofing 9. Up to 35 yr. warrantles *Poured concrete or block foundation *0% interest ln house financing Since 1921 Master drainage LiC 030 (905) 686-0011 (416) 443-0011 SHOVVROOM e MOBILE 5H0 SDURZHAM ' 0 WNDiOWS & DOOR m g<~ 57-9-222 CASEMENT . PATIO 00065 TILEHUG . SAY L OW W OW {AÇ ] - PORCH ENCLOSURE~ M *I . PCUR WIDOSSS* * IM- STOM 000 U I sNEW CONSTRUCTON * .GI.AS&S(R[EN E) FREE EFSTIMATS- -fJ eC C) WAYNE HUiCHINSON f696 lrý TINGSW «,. SALES SERVICE &INSTALLATION OSHAWA* ONTARIO 579-2222 511 2M 7OHS 1iISOIP- .OOHMOHS DAYCARE NEEDED before/after school for 7 & 9 year olds attendling St. Bemnards Scbool Whitby. Must be able to take and pick up from school. To startASAP. Please cal 430-3616 after 4pm. HOMECARE AVAILABLE for child 1-4 years fuli-time or part-time. ,Outingsdýail ~ to library, Y-Pace, parks, Culien Gardens, etc. Reasonable rate. Includes breakfast, lunch & snacks. Cali 666-5452 after 3:3Opm. iBabysitters- You need to Stimeteyf be home. Learn the basics of babysitting from the pros. "What Every Babysitter Should Know' teaches you child care, basic first aid and to how handie an emnergency. You'Il get a neat certificate too. Cal/ St. John Ambulance for détails, or ask about the course ot your school. ~.s.668-9006 St Joh RnTAmulnc THORNTON/ROSSLAND - bnight, clean 1 bedroom basement apt., carpeted, kitchen, stove & fnidge. Non-smoking working persons. $565/mo., utilities inciuded. Cal evenings 725-7474. MARY/ADELAIDE, OSHAWA - smait 1 bedroom aptavailabie immediateiy includes frid ge, stove, utilities & parking. Suit mature working single. $550 & $575 neg. 668-3640. NORTH OSHAWA (north of Oshawa Centre) - 2 bedroom quiet & dlean apt., hardwood floors & carpet. $545/mo. Cali 430-0643. BASEMENT APT., private entrance, parking, seif-contained, private 4 pc. bath, suit gentleman, avail. imméd., semi-furnished, $400 monthiy, first & last. 728-9737. DOWNTOWN WHITBY -1 bedroom apt., avail Dec. 1/94. Fridg, stove, ail utilities included. $525/mo., first/last. References required. Cal <905) 623-1013. TWO BEDROOM APT. FOR rent. Stove, frid ge, washer/dryer. Over 1,000 sq. ft. Close to 401 & GO train. Cal i 905-723-0670. WHITBY - CLEAN ONE hedroom apt. iocated in quiet, residential area. Suitabie for single person, non-smoker preferred . Available immediateiy. $495 + hydro. Cali 668-3011 days or 668-6818 evenings & weekends. BROOKLIN - 2 bed. apt., $650 + utilities & 1 bed. apt. $450 + utilities; parking included. (416) 868-0413 or (905> 649-3073. ROSSLAND-THICKSON - New one bedroom apt, partialiy fumished, pWiate entrance, utilities inciuded. NON-SMOKER. Suitabie for mature person. $120 weekiy Cali 430-6727. - DeiverFler e- .8-11 LARGE, FURNISHED room in quet, dlean home. $375 monthly. Parking, air conditioned, share kitchen, laundry facilities. Professional preferred. Available Nov. 15 or sooner. 430-0385 leave message. FURNISHED ROOM - cable TV, laundry & shared facilities. Close to aIl amenities & bus route. $400/mo. Cali 668-1708. PAY TELEPHONE SERVICES . A cost wiII be incurred. CRAFI SHOWS AND ANTIQUE MARKETS. CatIl1-900-451-4046 tor listings in Ontario. $2.00 per minute. Calers must be 18 years +, 1-800- 895-5892. BUSINESS OPPORTUN ITIES DEALERSHIP AVAILABLE - seli speciality lubricants ta Farms, Trucking and Construction Indus- tries. Mechanical and direct sales expenience a plus. High income, will train, minimum investment. 1-800- 363-6457. ESTABLISHED PET FOOD COM- PANY requires distributors. Devel- op repeat routes with incredible ongoing earnings. Prime territory available. Minimum investment. Earn 3K P/T ta 12K F/T 905-738- 0141. CAR EER TRAINING BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR.. .with aur great home-study course. Cail for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267- 1829. The Sheffield Schaol 983-38 McArthur Ave. Ottawa, Ontario KiL 6R2. EARN A LIVING PREPARINO TAX RETURNS. BASIC AND COMPUT- ER courses by seît-study. Free brochure. Cali 1-800-563-EARN; Fax 1-204-949-9429. Jacks Insti- tute, 902-167 Lombard, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B3 0V3. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Sauthwestem Schaaî ot Auctianeer- ing. Next Class: Nov. 19-25. Infor- mation , contact: Southwestern Ontario School ot Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woadstock. Ontario N45 7V9. (519) 537-2115. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE - Ages 18-30 with agni- cultural experience ta live/wark with tamily in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan. Costs/detaits - 1- 800-263-1827. #206, 1501 - 17 Ave., 5.W. Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2. FOR SALE GREAT CHRISTMAS STOCKING STUFFERS. arder now. Individual cookbooks on saups. Itatian, seatood dinners, coftee, snacks. $4.90 each, postage $1.40. Phone (519) 749-3850, 24 bours. Cheque. VISA/MC, Elgin House Kitchens. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED REPORTER/PHO- TOGRAPHER required for award- winning newspaper. Send comptete resumne with reterences ta: Michael Hayes, Editor, The Record News, P.O. Box 158, Smiths Faits, Ontario K7A 4T1. ~ eron. NO DRUGS/NO MOKiNG. -Kitchen & laundry facilities,' private entrance, cable, near ail amenities. Firstllast week. 430-0404. DOWNTOWN WHITBY - dean, quiet, fully fumnished roomi in private home. Privileges include. kitchen use, cable & parking. Suit mature, working maie. -$90' weekly. First/last. 668-3640. SALES HELPWANTED. $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ make a lot af money selling chocolate bars in your area in your spare time. Nothing ta pay in advance, tast delivery i1-800-38-DELUX MISCELLANEOUS POETRY CONTEST-$24,000 i n, prizes yearly. Possible publication. Send one original poemn 20 uines or less: National Library 0f Poetry, Box 704-1365, Owings Milîs, Md 21117. TELEVISION SERtES seeking let- ters, diaries, photos from Second Wortd War. Cati 1-800-524-3528 or send to No Price Too High, 95 Penetang St., Orillia, Ontario, L3V 3N4. PERSeNALSý GOOD SEX for seniors. Overcome ail erection problems caused by aging, medicatians, surgery, dia- betes etc. Get the tacts: Perfor- mance Medical, Box 418, Vale- mount, B.C., VOE 2Z0. 1-800-663- 0121. SINGLE? Discover haw thousands have met, tallen in lave or married through TOGETHER. Cali us today and get a great relationship Togeth- er! 1-800-667-0117. WHAT MAKES PEOPLE TICK? Find out! .Buy DIANETICS: The Modern Science ai Mental Health - AS SEEN ON TV - $39.59. Cail 1- 800-561 -5808. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'ii take it! Ameni- ca's largest, aldest resale clearing- bouse. Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cali 24 hours a day. 20 ACRE OCEANVIEW AND WATERFRONT LOTS, at Bodega Beach Vineyard, on Galiano Island near Vancouver. Fully serviced, dritled weîls, easy terms - From $199,000. Gene - (604> 537-,139. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - QUONSETS 25*x30' $2.179.00, 33'x36' $3,741.00, 35'x50' $6.037.00, 42'x56' $7,157.00, 45'x66' $7,894.00, 48'x80' $10,588.00, 50'xlOO' $14.970.00. Many ta choose tram. Ends aptianal. Future 1-800-668-8653. STEEL BUILDINGS. YOUR CHOICE ... Straightwalls with Quon- set Root or High Sidewalî Quonsets. Factory Direct - No Middleman. Example: Straightwall 30'Wx4O'L now $4,899.00. Ends aptional. Oth- ers. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. *t t's Afferdable - ts Fast ' Is Easy - One Bill Does It Al -Northcern O)ntrio $63 - Eastcern Ointario $91I *Western Ontario SI 62 - Ce ntral Ontario St 68 - Ail Ontario S380) J: CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country' Il 1

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