Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1994, p. 20

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Page 20, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 19, 1994 LIBERAL MEETING The Pineidge-Haliburton Liberal Association public meeting will ba held Thursday, Oct. 20, at Port Darlington Marina, Clarington, 7:30 p.m. W (exit 432 off Highway 401). Topic: Canada's . Criminal Justice Systam. Paddy Torsnay (MP Burlington), Federal Justice committee member and chair of the Federal Liberal Women's Caucus, will ha the guest. The Pineridge-Haliburton Liberal Association is composed of six federal ridings and fine provincial ridings in Durham Region. It. meets the third Thursday of every month. The public is always wrelcome. FOSTERFA.MILY During Foster Family Week Oct. 15 to 22, the Ohildren's Aiâd Society of Durham Region is recognizing the contributions of its foster families. There is, however, a need for more special- ized foster homes. The Societye is creating a committea ta ook00a recruitman t plan. For more infor- mation, cail 433-1551, ext. 2250. LEARNING DISABILÎTIS Learning Disabilities Oshawa Chapter will nieet on Thursday, Oct., 27, 7 ta 9:30 p.m., at Dr. Emily Stowe Public School, 71 Sandringham Dr., Courtice. Ouest speaker Bill MeMaster. of Sagonaska Demonstratian School will discuss 'Association Method of Language,, a multisensory teaching-ýlearning- strategy. It includas use of auditory, visual, tactile and înotorkinesthetic eues for learning. For more information cali Nancy 436-7706. REACH TO RECOVERY Reach to Racovery, breast cancer support group for patients,, family and fiands, meets Oct. 20, 7 ta. 9 p.m., at. the Family Trust building, southeast corner of A SPECtI' Bayly and Finley, Ajax. For more Activity Ce information eall tha Cancer Theatre in Society, West Durham unit at p.m. Eric J 905-686-1516. to Charlie SOCiUi SEcURI¶'Y be thé feaE A Social Security Review Cathy Mu. Forum will be held at the Refreshme Durham Collage lecture theatre seniors ar 0113 between 1 and 4 p.m. on 668-1424. Sunday, Oct..- 23. Information booklets can ba picked at Dpurham riding MP Alex Shepherd's office, 1240 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. FALL The residen CIIILDBIRTHEDUCATION Place will holè The Childbirth Education bazaar on Sati Association of Durham will pre- a.m. ta 3 p. sent Trganc y Changes' on Monday, Ot 24, .at the Ajax Place, 100 G Public Library, 65 Harwood Ave. Whitby. Hoi S. Ail welcome. Caîl 905-4'20- and tea/coffee 3890 for more information. Will be a large baked goods,1 EUCIIRE white elephan The Royal Canadian Leg c raw for thei Ladies Auxliary will hold -their p.m. monthly auchre on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 8 p.m., 117 Byron St. S.., CHIL.DkABIf Whitby. Cost is $2 per persan at October ig the door and includes lunch and Prevention Mo cards. Everyone welcome. purple ribbon( launched byt PARENTS Children's Aid; The Children's Seorvices Couin- the Durham the program, 'Pregnancy support groI Changes,' on Monday Oct. 24 7 dealing witt ta 8:30 p.m., at the Âjax Pubýic personally or Library, 65 Harwood Ave. S. sibling, will m The program will provide an p.m., at theaH, understanding the normal 91 Kings Cr* physical, emotional and social informationc changes. For more information Cancer Sociel call 905-420-3890. Unit at 686-15 AL CONCERT supporting the Whitby Seniors' entre building fund wi Il be held ai the Courthouse n the Centennial Building this Saturday at 7:30 James (above, Ieft), former musicial accompanist ,Chaplin, and, Phyllis O'ReiIly (above, rig ht>) will atured performers. Whitby mayor Tom Edwards, urphy and Andrea Akers will also perform. ints are included with the $10 ticket -- $8 for ind children -- which are available by calling Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press L BAZAAR rits; of Providence Id their annual fal turday, Oct. 22, il m., at Providence iemade soup. bun efor $3.25. Thera eselectian of crafts, plants, woodcrafts, nt table, etc. The raffle wilha at 2 ýE PREVENTION is Child Abuse [Dnth In Ontario. A campaign bas been the' Greater Matra 1Societias, including Region Childran's T'he genaral public ?d ta wear a purpla gOctobar ta, rai se bout child abuse. e obtainad from the d Society offices in ,ffidtawn Mal], 200 in Ajax at 200 e. S., Sui te 202. rorganizations can ions for distribution 33-1551, ext. 2250. igh scbool student r.FJ. Donevan stitute and Henry ,h School, ara ribbons ta their sta wear as part of WITH CANCER hf Cancer children's )up, for children hf cancer aither -with a parent or ,neet Oct. 24, 7 ta 8 Joly Trinity Church, es., Ajax. For more call the Canadian ety, West Durham 516. FINANCIAL FREEDOM Talbot Stevens, author of 'Financial Freedom Without Sacrifice,' will conduct two free workshops on Thursday, Oct. 20. The noon workshop is at tha Oshawa Golf Club, 160 Alexan- dra St., and the 7 p.m. workshop at LeGala, 65 Sunray St., Whitby. Stevens says by simply understanding the impact of taxes, ana can get guarantead returns of 25 ta 56 par cent instead of settling for Canada Savings Bonds and GICs paying l'ess t han 8 par cent. The work- shops are organizad by TPA In- vastmant Planning. Call 666- 0896 for reservations. WELLNESS SYMPOSIUM A Focus on Wellness sympo- sium, shawing natural, holistic ways ta achieve and maintain wellnass, will ha held on Sunday, Oct. 23, 8:30 a.m. ta 7 p.m., at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. There will ha many speakers, including registered technologist Joyce Bishop of Whithy, and reprasentatives from Whitby's newly established Taoist Tai Chi Society. Tan per cent of proceeds go ta Simoca Hall Settiement Hause woman's wellness centre. Passes for the day are $39 at the door, $35 in advanca. Registration forms ara available at local health food stores and ibraries, or by calling 721-1887. ]PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Photographic Club will meet on Monday, Oct. 24, 7 p.m., at Henry St. High Sehool. The meeting will feature a workshop session on 'Harvest' (bring camera and equipment). Entrias for the first print and slide clinics of the year are due. For further information eal] Peter at 430-0823. FUNDRAISING DANCE The Oshawa' Durham Rape Crisis Centra will hold the third annual fundraising dance on Friday, Oct. 21 at Woodview. Community Centre, 151 Cadillac St. N., Oshawa. Tickets are $7 per persan and can ha purchased by caling (905) 725-2241 and laavmng a massage for Dawn or Marja. Entertainment by MirrorlMirrar. Money raised is for a prograin for those aged 2 ta 16 wha have been eexually assaulted (the centre recaives funding for thosa agad 16 and older). CIIRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW A Chistmas craft show will ha held Saturday, Oct. 22, 10 a.m. ta 4 p.m., Port Parry Hligh School and R.H. Cornish Public Schoël, faaturing more than 150 'craft displays, tea room and babysitting. For information cal 985-9605. FREE-NET Fundraising has hagun this month for Durham Frea-Net, a proposed information natwork oýr the ragian, that will go on- ine ta the, public naxt year (post- paoned from Octahr this yar). usinasses are being asked ta provde usd equipment and in)ancial support for campaign, cantered on the sponsorship of 450 Alex terminaIs donated by Bell Canada. Voluntears are also naeded ta help with fundraising. For more informnation caîl John Norman at 725-9633. BAZAAR AND AUCTION St. Mark's United Church 2th annual, bazaar and progressive auction will ha hald on Saturday, Oct. 29, 9:30 a.m. ta 3 p.m., at 201 Centre St. (at Coîharne Street), Whitby. There will heaa "Leap By A Loon' progressive auction with an abundanca of items, from sweater and woadwork ta catered dinners and swimming lassons, going ta the highast bidder. In addition, there will ha a haunted hausa for chiildren of ail ages. 'Soup and sandwich lunch served from il a.m. ta 1 p.m. Cost is $4 par persan ($2 for children under 6). For mare information, contact Becky Fyfe at 430-2867. DANCING WITH MOOSE The Women of the Moosa Lodge will hold, a country-style danca, Sunday Oct. 23, 2 ta 6 p.rn., at 731 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa. Music by Shades of Silver Band. Thera ara prizes and bot food available. Admission $4 per person. Non-members welcome. For more information caîl 666-1449 or 728-5630. MfARIAGE ENCOUNTER Thera wilha a 'Warldwide Marriaga Encounter Weekend' Oct. 28, 29 and 30 at the Flying Dutchman Hotel, Bowmanvilla. This weekand is craated exclusivaly ta expand and deepen speýusal relatianship, through a series af talks (guaranteed ta, ravitaliza marriaga). To register, caîl Carl and Rita Wels (905) 668-8327. TUBKEY SUPPER A turkey supper will ha held Saturday, Oct. 22, with sittings at 4:30 p.m., i5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., at Westminster United Church, 25 Manning Rd., Whidtby. Tickets ($10 adults, $4 for ages 5 to 12, free for preschoolers) are available by calling 576-8218, 576-2615 or 728-0417. There cauld be saine at the door but ticket orders recommended. PREGNANCY SEMINARS Two pre-pregnancy seminars for couples, sponsored by the Durham Region Helth Department, have been planned for Nov. 9 and 16, from 7 ta 9 p.m.,. at the Ajax Pickering GeneraI Hospital conféence room (ground level). Dr. A. Gardner &com Oshawa General Hospital will address the tapic of ganetics. Dr. L. Panara from the haalth department will discuss environmental hazards ralated ta preconception. and pregnancy. The decision involvad in becoming parents will be prasentad by a public health nurse. On Nov. 16 guest presentar Jan Silverman fromn Women's Collage Hospital will speak on fartility awareness. The importance of healthy eating will ha addressed by Milly Ryan-Har-shman, public helthM nutritionist. An Addiction Research Foundation representa- tive will discuss alcahol and drug use. Admission is frea. Register in advance by calling the health departmant at (905) 723-8521, ext. 2111. ' CAR RALLY A car rally will ha held on Sunday, Oct. 23, in Whitby and Oshawa to raisa funds'for tha Children's Aid'Society of Dur- ham Region's child treatinent and protection ý (from sexual abuse) fund.'Tha rally bagins at 1 p.m. at the Durham Ragion haadquarterslcourhouse buildting at 605 Rossland Rd. E. and ends at Tailgate Charhies in Oshawa where there will ha door prizas, raffles and a grand przaa pat of a celebratian. Enitryfewhich includas driver and navigator T- shirts, is $55 for 'Round the Region for the Children of Dur- ham.' For more information cal Mary at 905-433-1551, ext. 2273. NATU1RALISTS Durham Field Naturalists will meet on Monday, Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m., at Northview Public Library, Ritson Road and Beatrice Street, Oshawa. Earle Keatley will speak about the humpbak whala. Keatley is a naturalist and a professonal photographer wha bas photographed the humpback whala in bath the, Guif of St. Lawrence and 'Maui, Hawaii. Everyone welcome, admission is free. EART & STROKE Durham, Regian chapters of the Heart & Stroke Foundation will hold a 'Woman, Haart & Stroke Breakfast Symposium' on Thursday, Nov. 3 at Lo Gala in Whitby. Ouest speakers w-ill ha Dr. Michael Fr-eeman, senior researcher and cardiologist at St. Michaals' Hospital, andl Corinne HoAcdsn, from the corporate financial future will ha given on Monday, Oct. 24, 7:30 ta, 9:30 p.m., at the Whitby Free Methodist Church, Founders Hall (use the back door), 1916 Rossland Rd. E. There is no cost, no sales promotion. For mn«ore information caidl 725-1280.

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