Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Oct 1994, p. 29

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Whitby Free Press, WolnosdaY, October 12, 1994, Page 29 Music students are -raisîng funds Students at Anderson CVI.wbo are enrolled in the music program will be participating in four fund-raising avents. The first avent, already underway and continuing until Oct. 14, is a wrapping paper sale. Students- are canvassing tbeir neighbourhoods witb a catalogue containing ail-occasion papar.and assorted decorative items wbicb most familles use during the boliday season. Deliveries will occur in late November. Ail items are supplied by Sunsweet Fundraising of Concord, Ont. The next three fundraising avents will include an orange and spice sale, a jewalry sale and a cheese sale. Proceeds will supplement tbe music prograxn s instrument supply. Hare's boping you didnt gt too "stuffed" (oucb) on the wekend well, moving right along. Congratulations te the junior girls' baskatball tearn who continued their winning ways last Monday by defeating Dunbarton 84-16. This win only reinforced tbeir stranglehold on first place. Last Tuesday the Junior boys' soccer teaxn had a bard fougbt gaine against Denis O'Connor. Henry walked away with a 4-1 win. Henrys cross-country runners bad some tough competition at the lSth annual Oktobarfest cross country meet on Thursday in Kitchener. Up te, 400 compatitors in each division miade 'it a challenging meet for Hawks. Congratulations te the entire teani and aspecially the tep finishers, Im Ambler, Tammy Cabrai and Chris Middleten. Also on Thursday, the senior boys' volleybail taam defeated St. Mary's in threa straigbt gameés, 15-11, 15-4, 15-3. Students are raminded te sign up outside tbe newgy for floor bockey intramurals. Sig up on the sheet with your bouse colour. More details will be announced. The music departmant will be selling candy in the student council office alI year. The proceeds go teward their trip te England later this year. So if you need a sugar fix, buy some candy. On Friday we will bave an assembly courtasy of Henry Students Against Impmired Driving (SAID). If you have travelling blood in your veins, are getting good marks and are between age 16 and 18, you could be eligibie for the one-year Rotary excbange. If you are interested, bring a parent te, the information night at Sinclair at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 18. For more details cbeck in at the guidance office. I'm curious as te how many of you will be congratulated and how many of you will ba grounded because of yesterday's interim reports. More good news on that front, temorrow is Parents' Night. Good luck te ail Henry students and parents. Please keep in mnd that tbesa marks wil most likaly change. Just wait until Novamber. EXCHANGE STUDENT Celine Loiset will go on a cross-Canada tour once the sohool year ends. It will mark the completion of her year-long stay in this country under the Rotary program., Photo by.Mark Reesor. Whitby Free Press French student in Whitbyon Rotary exch ange SBy Jillian Barry A sports-mindad visiter freni Sautren, France is in Whitby on an axchanga progrmte increasa bar knewledgiofCanada and of the EnglishClan.ga Calma Lisa , a 1yaar-oid Grade il studant, is attending Henry Street High Schoel for the duratien of tha schooi yaar. «Canada is vary mnuch bigger than France," says Loisal, whosa visit is made possible by the Rotary Club axchanga pregrai. «Many things ara différent in F'rance .lika sports," sha says. «Canadian footbali is like soccer in France, wa hava ne football as Canadians play it. Wa bava ne baskatball or ica hockey. f"I hope te purchase a shirt fromi the new basketball team (Toronto Rapters) and show it te my brother when I raturn home. «I would very much iike te sea Toronto ice hockey (Maple Leafs) wban I am hera,» says Ljoisai, echeing the cemments of North Amarican fans whe aran't seeing National Hockey Leagua action due te a standof betwean tha owners and players. Aside from having a full course load in school, Loisel is raquired te, attend varieus Rotary Club functions, te introduca ber te other people in Whitby and other parts of Canada. Barry Vail, chair of student exchanges for the Rotary Club of Whitby, says tiare are many avents that give students an opportunity te get te know each otier and te speak about their Canadian exper.iences. Sha and Rotary axchange stu- dents from other areas h ad a racant weekend meeting in Allis- ton, Ont. whera they aise took part in the Tarry Fox Maratben of Hope Run. The avent gava students a cbance te learn about each othar's bomelands and te make naw friands. Upcoming is the Rotary clubs' district conféence at whicb Loi- sel wiil aise taik about bar home uThroghout bar schooi yaar, tbe bost famiiy that Caiine is staying with is enceuraged te intreduce bar te as many things in the city as tbey can,» says Vail. "They ara ncouraged te taka her te, eventÉ like the theatre, hockey games, any other avants that sha may be interestad in.. "Ceiine lovas animais, se thare is a trip te, the Metro Toronto Zoo planned for the near future," says Vail, adding she likes skiing and will go te Dagmar Ski Resort tbis wintar. When the schoel year is fmn- ished, Leisai wiil have the o ppor- tunity te be oe of 86 students who wilge n a cross-Canada tour next Jui)y. During the 30 days of sight- seeing, students will have the opportunity te go te the Calgary Stampede, participata ini a wbale-watching cruise and tour Ottawa. Students -wiil meet with MPs and Prime Minister Jean Cire- tien. Award for C-hronicle The Durhamin College student newspaper, The Chronicle, won second place . for advertising excellence in tbe Ontario. Community Newspaper Association Competitionre cently. The win represents the eighth consecutive year the paper bas earned an award in the competition. "This win is indicative of the expertise, commitment and bard work of our students," says Bill Merriott, instructor in the advertising administration program. They salI the advertising space, work with their clients to prepare tbe copy, create and design the ads, and analyse tbe effectiveness of tbeir ads." The Chronficle is published by students in the two-year Stucen-sA. t Students .from 'Henry Streat High Scbool and Anderson CVI recently gthered* at the flag- poles at thair schools to pray for their scboois and their schooi boards. 'See You At Thea Pole' started as a grassroots movement in Texas wben a group of students decided te et together and pub- licly pray for their scbools and their nation, says Bob Chambers staff advisor for Inter Schoof Christian Failowship ý(180F) at both.Henry and Anderson. Last year an estimated 30,000 students across Canada pârtici- pated,' three million world-wide. "Every year students, staff advisors, principals. and mamn- bers of tbe community are, more than welcome te, join in events like these.» 'Sea You At The Pole' is ce- ordinated by Steve Sparling, who works with Vision 2000. "Sea You At The Poe 'con- tinues because of students,» says Sparling. "It is student-initiatad, studant-organized and student- led. «"Each year more peopla are supporting this avent, but it realiv belongs te, the teenagers." journalismn and advertising programs, as a hands-on lab, experiance e vary. second, week during the scbool terni. The editerial content iq written' by journalism students and advertising is sold and craated by second-yaar advartising students. Cen tre rooms can be used for meetings The Durham Board of Educa-' tien is planning guidalines to make roonis in tihe new Educa- tion Centre in Whitby availabie to, the community. Board staff have proposed wavigthe usual room fées to prooi e afree meeting per community group from Nov. 1 tbis year to April 30 next year. The guidelines will specify con- ditions and time limitations for groups using the centre. Essay contest Grade 10 students from Whitby high schools are invited te, participate in the 'Unity in Diversity' essay contest. The contast is sponsored by the Bahai Community of Whitby. First prize is $100, second$7 and third $50. Essays must be submi tted by Nov. 1. Entry forms are available at the principals office in each scho. Murdier .mystery, at sohool The Whitby Sunrise Rotary Club wili hold a Murder Mystery Night at Trafalgar Castla School in Whitby on Oct. 22. Professional actors will assist with tbe event. Cost of this evoiit is $150 par couple which iw*4ades dinner and, show. Tickets are available 'from any Sunrise otar Club member or cahI Dan Revel t 668-7788. Theyre born'equal. Afrer that~ they need every break they can get.:. Sylvan Leamning Centrerm is now holding registration for our Sehool Readiness Program. Ensure that your chitd is fülly prepared for sehool. Our program teaches 4 & 5 year olds basic skills necessary for kindergarten and Grade 1. Classes beginning Mon.. October 24th~ 2-90 minute sessions per week. Cail for more information. Iimited enrollimnent, please register no later than October l9th.

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