Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Sep 1994, p. 28

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Page 28, Whitby Fiee Press, Wednesday, Soptember 21, 199 HOME RENOVATIONS & restoration. Plans, Inspections, specIfications, carpentry, plumblng electrical, windows, energl conservation. Cali Jacques ofAi Trades, ASHRAE '#2053385 666-0993. ALTERATIONS BY MARY. Give iorol adrobe a new lift. No lob is too srall.Ladies'& men's taiionng at reasoniable prices. Cal from 3-Gpm 436-1448. VOU-R #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repaiks. All makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Complete tune-up f rom $29.95 + parts. Factory . trained technicians. For fiee pick-up & delivery caîl 432-7375. HENK KARELSEN PAINTING& HOME REPAIR. Quality woik, interior/exterior. Over 20 years experience. No job too small. Free estimates. 416-286-0269. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery of antiques. Al kinds of recovering. Your fabric or mine. Free estimates.* Over 40 y ears' experieiNce. 430-7568, Whitby. ROOFING - NgEED NEW shin les? Act before roof leaks. Cae $500-$600 with RM Roofing & 30% on heatin9 bis vwith automatic vents. Cali R M Roofing for estimate aW 668-4252. FUSSY DUSTER Housecleanlng will "fuss with your muss". BI-weekly plans availible. Spring cleaning every visit, satisfaction every lime. References provided. Reliablo honest. Gall after 7pmn 905-668-0323. TREE CUTTI1NG & TRIMMING. Fuily insured. Free estimates. 433-7140. Derek Dutkas Specializing ln tax and retirement planning slnoe 1986 CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. sý iaca B Sep F *ix SnqiCoprlio r u FOUR SEASONS LANDSCAPING & Master Carpentry. Qualified to fuit ilI your property needs. Fiom decks & fences to additions & partitions. One- stop prope.rty service. Free consultations. 905-428-1305. CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Aterations and repair on draperies. Affordlable prices. For your fréeeIn- home-shopping and estimate cal 432- 1714 afler 5. Customers fabnics are webome. DRYWALL &FRAMING. Complete residential & commercial renovations. Taping & textured ceilings. Cail Dieter for a free estimate, 430-1207.» DUTCH CLEAN, mature reliable lady will dlean y oui home. Reasonable rates. 668-7825. MARIGOLD WINISOW CLEANING. $25 for ail exterior windows. Book now for fali cleaning. For prompt, professional service cal Hay ai 668-0070. PAIINTING - professional painting & -walipapering. Interior/exterior. Power wash & swing stage. No job too small. For good puice & good work oeil George at 725-7870. Fiee estimate. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive quality portraits. Studio or in home. Babies, children, families. Packages from $29. Aiso: weddings from $469, christenings. 9roups, boudoir,coepy & restoration, anniversaries, promotional. No GSTI 427-9164. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS, 133 Byron St. N. - Poarson Lanes. Come see me for ail your sewing needs. Tues. - Fni. 10 - 5:30, Sat. 10 - 3. Cali 430-6550. F-in Wr 11 OMngM -* MOBiILE SFf0 ooe WInciWS & deOs FREE C CMENC OSURESTMTE 666-9690 S oTE O WERTNO 696MBINE Si W SANLESICE & Is & LAION O SAONAO 0 579- ii21 4 E OHS31190e lacOIm o~ PAINTING, WALLCOVERINGS & renovations. Business office, apts. & homes. Repints & new work. 30 years in the trade. Fast, dlean & guaranteed. Please oeil Tony 430-2011. LICENSED TECHNICIAN at Erro's Appliance. We repair major appliances. gas. We remove Freon from youî oldA appliances. Ail parts g uaranteed one year. Monday to Satuîday, 432-7734. PROFESSIONAL PAINTING & decoratIng. 10%X seniors' discount. One bedroomn apt. palnted for $450. give your house or apt a fresh coat of paint today. 728-2969. WOOD RENEWERS - Renew Works will remove ail weathering & ok] stains from wood. Make yfour old wood look lke new againi Sealer 9 uaranteed not to peel or chip SMALL WORLD - Good Friends Nursery School has a few morning spaces. du e to parents maklng aftemative arrangements. For information cail 668-5504. PEGGY'S TINY TOTS has spaces avaliable for 2 - 4 yr. oids in morning ýla,Mrous (9 -1 1am .Manning qualiied ECEIRN. EJucatioral actMvties & toys_group excursions, crafts & more. Receipts available. Cali 668-9083. EXPERIENCED & reliable mother Will provide daycare in my home. Any age welcome. Close to Anderson/Rossland. Cal Mary 430-0011. REUIABLE DAYCARE available In my home, Rossland/Thickson area. Mfother of 2. Infant preferred. Full-lime. 430-3059. MOTHERCRAFT MOM - fulIlime care available for 2, speciaflzing with Infants & preschoolers. Caîl Mary 430-8148. REUIABLE MOTHER 0F TWO willing to provide daycare for 2 pre-school children In my pet-free. smoke-free home. Lunch & snacks provided. Fenced yard, large in-door plaroo. utigstoplay groups & parks Cocrane Bonacord. 666-4350. CARING MOTHER WIILL PRO VIDE a happy environment for your child. Nutritious lunches & snacks. Lots of BIEFORE & after school daycare ln my home in St. John's & Fairman sclool area. Snacks. 668-6951. CRAFTS PARKS, SNACKS & lunches, 'ItO & a fun environment for al vour dîildcare needs. Debby 430-9655 (Brock & Manning). MOTHER, 12 YEARS ECE expedenc, has loving home to offer 10 ail ages. Many afflites provided wlith nutritious lunches & snacks. Fenced- backyard. Non-smoker. Thickson Rdi/Manning aiea. 436-7857. REUABLE & expeienced claycare available ln my home. Nutitiaus lunch & snacks. Lots of TtC.. Fallngbrook & Dryden. Non-smoker. 430-3361. BUSINESS OPPORT.UNITIES Are you ready to own your own business? Are you ready for Watkins? For hassle-free informa- tion on the Watkins Business Plan, cail Independent Director, Claude Dalcourt 613-546-2550, 360 Arrow- head Place, Kingston, Ontario K7M 3L3. FAIBR'IC STORE FOR SALE by owner. Family operated in beautiful Parksville, Vancouver Island - 25 years. Reduced to seili@ $30.000 plus stock. Phone: 1(604) 248-2567, Fax: 1(604> 248-3297. BUSINE$SSERVICES EMPLOYERS - IS THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD: Pro- cessing ail your credits? Charging you penalties and surcharges? Not giving you a rebate? Cali today to be sure you are receiving ail that you deserve. (705> 436-4979. CAREERT7RAININ.G LEARN AUICTIONEERING at the Southwestemn Schooi of Auctioneer- ing. Next Class: Nov. 19.25. Infor- mation , contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. EARN MONEY Learti Floorlaying. Easy instructions by Professional Floor Mechanic. For information send S.A.S.E. to: Simndex, Site 538, C-38, RR#5, Comox, B.C. V9N 8B5. FOR SALE OVERSIZE CLOTHING. Oversize and Taîl Mens clothing. Sizes to 6XL. Phono- or Mailordors. Brochure available. .MANSOURS MENSWEAR LTD., 27,Church St., Amherst, N.S., B4H 3A7 or 1-902- 667-8577. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ make a lot of monoy selling chocolate bars in your erea in your spare lime. Nothing bo pay in advance, fast doiivery 1-a00-38-DELUX MISCELLANEOUS POETRY CONTEST $24.000 in prizec yearly. Possi:b!e pub!.Caticn. Send one original poem 20 linos or iess: National Library 0f Poetry, SHERRYS HOME DAYCARE, Brock/Rossland aiea We have lots of toys, story tUme, dress-up, free play & TLC. Snacks & meals provided. 430-6161. MOTHER 0F 1 mdll provide dayoere ln my home. FulVpart-time. Hot meals; & nutritious snacks. Please oeil 666-2257. DAVOARE AVAILABLE In my home. Bus service to St. Matthews walding distance to Palmerston. Cali 668-9610. REILIABLE, EXPERIENCED dlaycare avallable ln my home, any age. Walking distance to C.J. Faiuwell school Hot lunches, snacks, Queens Common aiea. Cail Marie 666-0620. Box 704-1364, Owings Milis, Md 21117. PAY TELEPHONE SERVICES *A cost will be incurred. RELATIONSHIPS, STRESS, Anxi- oty,, Depression, Disabilities, Heaith Concems. Pick up your phone and talk to a qualified therapist todayl (Nurse, Social Worker, Psycholo- gist). Start feeling betteri 1-900-451- 4090, $1.99/min. 18+. Madison Solutions Lino, 1-800-862-0930. PERSONALS GOO SEX for seniors. Overcome ail erection problemns caused by aging, medications, surgery, dia- betes etc. Get the tacts: Perfor- mance Medical, Box 418, Vale- mount, B.C., VOE 2Z0. 1-800-663- 0121. REAL ESTAE ..;.:. GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'II tako itl Amed- ca's Iargest,'oldest resale cieaiing- house. Resort Sales Intemationai 1- 800-423-5967. Timesharo rentais needed. Caîl 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS::, QUONSETS 25'x30' $5,462.00 , 30'x40' $6,593.00, S35'x5O' $8,478.00. S.SERIES STRAIGHT- WALL S25'x 32' $5922.00, S30'x40' $6,999.00, Endwalls and Sliding Doors included. Caîl Future Steel i1-800-668-.8653. "ROCK BOTTOM PRICESI" Quon- set buildings... High sidewalls. Final clearance. 25x34 $2.470., 30x4o $3,490., 35x52 $6,279., 42x60 $7,669., 47x80 $10,999., 52x104 $18.944... Ends optional. Pioneer 1- 800-668-5422. VACATIONITRAVEL THANKSGIVING GETAWAY: We at Hospitality Inn would like to wel- comne you and your family to spend the long weekend with us. Cali 1- 705-286-2361. MYRTLE BEACH RESORT VACA- TION RENTALS. Availability for Winter Rentais remains - From $400fmonth! Golf packages plus daily and weekly rates also avail- able. FHEE BFIOUHURE: 1-800- 448-5653. lt 's Affordable e It 's Fast e lt's Easy - One B11. Does t Ail - Northern Ontario $63- Ea.stern Ontario $91 Western On lario $162 - Central Oâtario $1 68 - Ail Ontario $380) *National Packaýcss Availahie Cali Ihis paper foir detaiMw CLASS'IFIED MARKETPLAC E "Advertise A cross Ontario or Across the Country" MM'e, PU~ise C A LL AI

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