Page 1», Wh-tby1Fro. Pros-,Wednosctay,-Augu.t-24, 199 Tenslernpoie work ini new scout program Seven Whitby teenagers attended an introductory meeting iast Thursday night ta learn about the new OPP Venturer eru being sponsored by the Whtby detavhment of the Ontario Provincial Police and Scouts Canada's Whitby district. The group, which is open to beth maies and femnales botween ages 14 and 17, is oniy the second te be spansored by the OPP se far. Constable Greg Shaw, one of the adul it advisors for the nE gRCP Vnurr gr a n Victoria, B.C., before ceming te, Ontario. Aong with another adviser, Paul Ferbes, Shaw wili help the young peopie.,plan and carry eut a wide variety of diffrent activities, including canoeing, hiking, camping and other social and recreatienai activities. .The first camp wiil probabiy bo in late September, when Whitby hasts Venturèrs from throughout 'York and Durham regions. Besides doing many of the more traditional. Venturer activities, the niembers of the OPP Service Venturer group wiii learn the' duties and responsibililties of a police officer. Venturers will travel. with police officers te learn'what police work is reaiiy like. Trips te the police coliege in Ayimer, Ont., and the OPP communicatiops centre in Aurora are other paSsibilities that the youth niay choose te do during the coming year. Lest year, Venturer section of scouting ceiebrated its 25th anniversary on the Canadian scene, but vocatienal' Venturing such as OPP Venturng has only been operating a few years. WMhy's Pire Venturer group, now in operation for over a year, is aiso a pioneering program of this type. Members ef that group are learning about firefighting as a career. No* previous scouting ex ~ence is necessary te join either the police of fire venturers or any of several other Venturer groups operating in Whitlby, Brooklin and Ashburn. Many of these groupa are co-ed. For more information on joining any Venturer group in the Town of Whtby, contact Jack Weish at 430-0641. The next meeting of 'the Police Service Venturers will be Sept. 7. DISCOUNT HOBBIES Planes - Trains - R.C. Cars Rockets - Plastic Models SRole Playing Games S214 Dundas St. E. F-z~ Whtby 430-2236 Evenings and weekend appointments available. Marjý'St. j_ Dundâs St.j I L 300 Bro>ck St-. , Wh Itby 430-8857 i3off o* *êteeM4,. i Owner Salon Hours. Tues. 9-7, Wed. -Thurs. 9-8, Fn. Hi6 Sat. 9-4. VIN IM N Dow liT wn BuimnIssea CILTREI C0T5 QUALITY AIR A e.RDBL R: E PERMS "OUR EXPERIENCED STYUIST *COLOURS RETOUCH USTEN TOYOU -SREAKS A4ND ONLy yoU sHI-LITES MO.OtO70FUN, FRIENDL YATOÀ HR SATURDAY O95 .6:00 2W UN S S. LE. jjY ýOUN ] (IN THE WITrBY CORPORATE CENTRE) The SStudio of Dance& IPerforming Ans wmc 6661521 307 Brock St. Nort, Whitby b ANNOUNCING A NEW Chiropody (Foot) Clinie for the Treatrient of Foot Piçorderg t NichOlas Durangd, D. Pod. M) PUJNP[jýAAEMPICAL CENME cuite 402 - 220 Dundaç igt.W., Whit±_y sLIN SM7 (905) 666-9571 IîL~ c. Ouu..$e6td .t amps "B" CI. i VU: là Home and emergency visits are available. .j REGISTER Noweloi 101, 1 ---------- 9«- 1 à ---"