Whltby Fee. Pres, Wet*iesday, Jurie 22, 1M,4 Page 5 Charges laid after truck rides car'9 s bu-mper A North York couple won't moon forget their drive thirough Whitby Sunday evening., Police say they were south- Theft at gsstation About $4 400 in cash was sto- len after a Lreak-in at the Cango Gao Bar, 1200 Rossland Rd.E. overnight Thursday. Police say the culprit(s) cut off a Iock and pried open the main door to get into the kiosk some- tijne between il p.m. Thur5day and 7 a.m. Fridav. About $78 in change and $50 ini DR. MICHAEL-I OREMNOLAU 220 Dundas St.* W* #102 (Dundas-Centre Medical Buildingi Whty -LUN2M 430-4822 Evenlngs & Saturdays Ernergencies & New Patients Welcome snmail bills were removed fromn the cash drawer and more, than $4 250 was taken fromn the floor 9 a'.. Police note the safe wasn't foroed open and were told only two people have the combination. Týhe .criminail investigation bureau is looking into the theft. TOOTH TALK *Flrst Visit To The Dentlst Y our chldrs firsi visit to the dentisi should be at 2 iI2to 3 i2 years of age. Don't wait for an emergency for the first visit - that might b. traumnafil. Rather, go in for a casual, friendly, get-acquainted visit checkup. Dont overprepare your chilcfren for dental visits. Rather, treat them fmatter-of-factly as you were going shopping or to visit friends. Dont use phrases like 'It woni hurt too muictV or *It wont be too bad.* Such phrases do flot soothe, they create anxiety. If your child is already anxious about t he vsit or has had an earlier bad experenoe, let the dentist know. Regardles of the chitds age, if you notice a cavity or if your childs tooth is bumped or injured in sorne way, seek dental car. immnediately. bounci on Highway 12, north of Whitby, around 8 pan. when a picîkup truck carne up behind themn and started ridng their bumper. Shaken, the driver called police on hi. cellular phone. The pickup driver continued riding the coupils bumper, driving erratically, runomig red lights and swearing at them as they headed down-Brock Street (High- way 12) to the 401. The couple went west, turning off at Harwood Avenue in ÀAjax and Police pulled the truck over at Harwood and Bayly Street. The driver, a 29-year-old Ajax man, was arrested and char gd with impaired driving, exceeding .080 milligramns of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood, dangerous driving and possession of a nar- cotie. Corne and Enjoy 10,000 Roses in B.lo at Cullen Gardens Cullen Gardens & Miniature Village ~ O' 300 Taunton Rd. W., Whitby, Ontario Mani seen "Smelling" Giant %'&rZVî ?-668-6606 s 1-800-461-1821RoeBsaiCleGrdn IZOID IIIRRtI 5 pc. Bedroom Suites from unly $4995 It's Harden's l5Oth and our 65th Anni- versary and to celebrate,, we've put together a special sale on Harden Solid Cherry Bedrooms. Featuring 22-step hand finishing and meticulous attention to detail, a Harden bedroom will be a beautiful addition to your home and becorne a treasured family heirloom for generations to corne. Harden quality has ne ver been this affordable! ~* ZU&S1AU .Mary St. Efs4ileHERFRAGE HOUSE iImitedN 216 MARY ST. E., WHITBY - 668-3483, a .. Toronto Une 686-0061 1-800-387-0242 Dundas Store Houre: Mon-Wed 100.600, Thurs-Fri iOW:00g00, SteRnckgAI>e Saturday 9130-5:30, Sunday ciosed. I-teFnnk vial ----------