Whîby Free pmss, Wednesday, June 15, 1994. PagO 3 Loud opposition to hospital change PROU PAGE 1 Whitby Council agenda(s) Recommenda- tions from the Planning and Development Committee That a bylaw b. brought forward authorlzlng a subdivision agreement between the Town and Erin Milîs Developrnent Ltd. for 147 slngle-famlly lots and 27 seml-detached lots on the northwest corner of Rossland Road anc Cochrane Street. Carried That a site plan application f rom John Alexandris for nine single llnk dwelllng units on the south side of Crawforth Street, west of Anderson Street, be approved. Carried That a site plan application f rom Cu lien Garde ns to ereot a corporate pionlo shelter as an accessory to the gardons be approved. Thi~ shelter, measurlng 50 fee by 150 feot, will be made available to groups or organizations who have toured the grounds and wish to haVe an Informai plcnic and actlvlty day. Carried Recommenda- tions from the Operations Committee That grants of up to $750 each be given to the Whitby Girls Softball Association for attendlng the Snyder-Ollver f ast pltch champlonshlp ln Châttanooga, Tenn., held f rom May 30 to June 6. and the International Tournament ln Longueuil, Que., Aug. 17-21. Carried That the Town accept the quotation of $1 0,867 f rom J.P Hammili & Son Ltd. for Town employees' work clothing, and the quotation of $438 That a no parking restriction be placed on both sides of Pitt Street f rom Henry Street to King Street f rom 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., Monday to Friday. Ca-rred pening down there." When y ou walk in the door of Whitby General, «you know it's Rquality,» said Paul Tilley of Ajax. e waterfront setting, the layont and the friendly, approivchable staff makes WGH far superior to, the Ai ax/Pieker- inghospita ,according ta TIily. * quakily of careo at Whitby Qeneral is a hundred times bet- ter than Ajax," said Tilley. "The whole place just exudes con- fidence in what they're doing... when you talk ta, a nurse y ou don't get snapped at, ther talk to ou on a very even ke, if you ?ave a question, ity s answeredl... «(the doctor) talked ta, me on a oneo-on-one, something that 1 could understand. You don't get that in mont hospitals.' With the h e population Krowh projectedfor- Whitby, Pickering and Ajax, it's lunacy to consider shutting down WGH,ý said IN1ly. «You don't expet these people ta gt sick?... 'm going tofight toM and nail ail you people who (want ta) shut any hospital for any ares, here where I liv.." "Idon't think there's one per- son in this audience or on the council that will disagree that a rehab centre is required but at what expense,» wondeec a Dur- hamn Region police officer who wouldn't Éve his naine. He said Whiitby General is likely the only Durham hospitai where 'Bandage 1," the air ambu- lance helicoter can land within several fleetof i the emergency entrance. WGH foundation chair Terry Bainbridge said Whitby resi- dents are ernotional about the hospital because they've suppor- ted itno stronl ,piedgng $5.2 million in the rse Clasa Camn- paign' alone. "I want to assure everybody in this community that ît's (the money) well-managed right now and that nobody's getting it. It will b. well-managed and kept until some very concrete deci- sions have been made.» TheWes about $3.9 million let saîd Bainbridge. «The' difference has either been used for equip- ment purchases and/or are out- standing pled,*s that stili haven't corne in. "I happen to believe that rehab and what it means represents a fantastic opportunity for our hou- pital,' said GH board of gover- nors chair Ed Buffett. . «(But) I would like to se some other services considered at Whitby General. 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