Whltby Froe Pmms, Wecineday, Jufle 8 190M, Pop. 25 Seniors have more depth, balance for 94 Whitby's senior basebali teamn recently began the season on a winning note, roiling over Little Britain 8-1. And it could be the start of what player-manager Dougç McCorkell expects to, ho a good season'for thîe team, attiredl in new uniforms and with new sponsor East Side Marion. Ramn has postponed or inter- rupted some eariy season games so a busy upcoming schedule wili test the team's pitching staff. But that's just one departmnent in which. the team has more depth than iast year's squad that went as far as the semi-finals --»that's where the pitching ran out," says McCorkol1 -- in last Under- lOs capture provincial lacrosse championship Oshawa Blue Knights won the under-lO field lacrosse provin- cials with a 9-8 win over Burlin- ton in the final over the week- end. Oshawa rolled over their oppo- siion to reach the final, includ- ing a 12-2 win over Burlington. But Burlington kept it close in the final. Oshawa defeated St. Cath- arines 20-2, Burlington 12-2, Hamilton 13-5 a d Toronto 13-5 and thon defeatY4 Hamilton 9-3 în the semi-finai. Jamie Barton had 14 goals for Oshawa in the tournamont and Jeremi Brimble had 13. Jimmy Mmford scored 10 goals, Androw- Glen and Nath- aniel Andres six each, Scott Mor- rison, Eric Howe, Coady Derks and Dean Retiefl'e five each, T'yler Harrison and Adam Death three each and Derek Wray one. Ricky Passfieid Kalley Greer and Kylo Schroe playod goal. Association holds dance Tho Whitby Minor Lacrosse Association wiil hold a fundrais- ing dance on Saturday, Juno 18, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., at Luther Vipond Memorial Arena in Brookiin. Music will be provided by dise jocky Rick Morgan. ickets, $2 p er couple, are available by cal- linq 668-2072 or at the door. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 10 1. Dundas Street became a provincial highway through Whitby in 1921. 2. The house at 110 Baldwin St. was the home of Brooklin's poet, David Graham Burns (1850-1922), from 1910 until his death in 1922. His book of local poetry, 'Random Writings,' was published in 1916. 3. The first Whitby Curling Club was established in November 1879 and lasted into the 1 890s. Its first rink was on the site of Pearson Lanes at Byron and Mary streets. 4. The Whitby, Port Perry and Lindsay Railway was called the "Nip and Tuckw because it was nip-and-tuck whether you got to your destination and nip-aqnd-tucrk whether it year's Ontario Basebaîl Associa-. tion B level playdowns over the Labour Day weekend. For example, Steve Dormer, Greg McIsaac and Gene Rainey ail pitched in the win over Little Britain. Scott Burnett, Jeremy Harnese and longtime veteran Ciare Osborne are aiso on the pitching staff, and Jeif Hardy, a consis- Whitby's minor midget team, sponoretd by Network Actecture , started the season with a 7-6 win over Oshawa, traditionally one of the top teams in the beague. Wbitby was not overly confident going into the game since they are the oniy team in the beague made up of only 16-year-olds. But Ton-y Ai-gos boosted the team by hitting a iead-off double, thon singles by Chris Going and Jamie Turner gave Wihitby a 2-0 lead. Darryl Jennings on the mound shut down the Oshawa teain in the second inning, and Whitby bats came alive when their turn camne. Mark Wriker and Arges walked and a single by Jennings scored both. Going ended the scoring in the inning with a triple te the fonce in the deepest part of the park to score Jennings. In the flfth Jamie Turner took over on the mound. Jennings got Novices upset in final Whitby Kinsmen lost 12-5 to Peterborough in the finals of a recont novice lacrosse tourna- ment in Peterborough. Whitby had defeated Peter- borough, Kitchener and St. Cath- arines te reach the final, but Peterborough turned the tables with a 12-5 win. Whitby defeated Brampton 14- 6 in an exhibition novice lacrosse game rocently. Jamie Barton scored four goals and Erie Howe three for Whitby. tentiy strong starter last season, will rejoin the team June 15 once ho has completed work in the ULsteyar's team didn~t hit a lot of home rune, either, says McCorkell. That could' also change this season, says McCor- kelI, noting there's the potential for more big blasts. Other team members. are Mike a walk in the fifth when Goring came to the plate and smacked a double off the fonce to bring in the seventh run for Whtb. Steady pitching by Jenînings and Turner was supported by the flelding of Jason Linden, Grog Pomroy, Jared MeCord, Dave Hough, Mat Bakker, Dave Stute and Wes Lloyd. Whîtby coaches are Jim Difore, Jim Jenninga and Rick Hubbard. Club members in top three at Challengea Shannon Galiogley of the Whitby Kiiehi-Sai Judo Club had a second-place finish at the Amn- Can Judo Challenge in Buffalo, N.Y. recently. She and sister, Aznber, four- time Ontario champion, each had three wins. But Amber, compet- ing in a higher division of girls aged 10 te 12, couldn't do botter than fourth in the field of 32 competitors. Competitors from Russia,. Puerto Rico, Californie. and Ire- land also took part in the tourna- ment. Danny OHara was third and hie brother Keyr, a 16-year-oid black boit, was fourth. Danny won four matches and lost one, Keyr won three. Nick Rybonko, a chronie asth- matic who trains five times a week overcame a loss in bis firet match te finish third in the g 13 te 16 division. Ho was te youngest in the division. Misty Rybenko won two and bast two te finish sixtb in ber division. 1 1 BUY 11/2LBS. WINGS OR MORE REG. FRIES & CAESAR SALAD I * & RECEIVE 1/2 LB. FREE W1TH PURCHASE 0F 2LB. W1NGS I 57 -9 .G4. * 5 1 -9 .G1 I Not valid In combination with any a Not vafid in combinatian wlth an * alier offrs/coupons or combos.tier ofterslcoupons or corns . . .-. Expires June 30. 1994. Expires June 30. 1994., -- --que-m am,-- J m que - - mon - ----- m m-u- Macapagal, who had three Yhits as leadof hitter in the season opener, John Heffer, Bob Lightle, Gar Shearer, Dale Johnson Darren Johnson, GodDani anc1 Mike Fulton. Tevor eggs, the team's usual leadof hitter, will play once bis work sehedule per- mits. .Not returning ta the team this year are Dave Imeson and Brian Gxh)ts. is one of il teams in the Eastern Ontario Basebal Association. This season the teams have been divided into two divisions, east and west, for lepsegla. division includes Markham and Yttle Britain.1e east division consists of Belle- ville, Peterborough, Port Hope, Kendai and Bowmanville. Each team plays a 27-game schedule, and classification -- the level at wbich teams wiIl com- pote in the playoffa -- wilI be heid in Juiy. Whitby, Ajax and Scarborougb were the only B teams after classification 'in the association last season. This year, those three may be joined by Port Hope andOrillia. «WWlooking forward toaa good year," says McCorkeil. «We haea good mix like we did two years ago.» Two years ago, WhitbyV won the Ontario B championship. Skater lOthin Germany Pia Schmidt-Hansen of the Whitby Bolier Skating Club was lOtb in freestyle and 12th in combined at a competition in' Frieburg, Germany recentjy. Shehad been attending an international training. camp in Garmish-Partenkirchen. The competition in %reburg was for the International Ger-, man Cup and Schauenberg Cup. Cycling passport available Passports are now available for the Tour de Durham cycling routes. The eight cyciing routes, each 10 te 15 kilometres, have been Sights o see on the Whitby route include the Whitby roc complex on Rossland Road East, Fawcett Motor Carniage Co., Cul- Ion Gardons, Williams Chocolate, Pearson Lanes, Rotary Centen- niai Park, the Whitby Informa- tion Contre and Trafalgar Castle School. The tour wil ho heid ail sum- mer. Passports, for $1, are available at any Canadian Tire store in Durham Region. Those completing jusi; one of the routes, with their passport stamped at the deà i gnated businesses along the way, are eligible to win a family set of bicvyclos on Sept. 10. For more information caîl 430- 1302. CyQ>'you have a goal that you Iwould like to see fulfilled, your i CIBC Personal Banker u would like to help. ePersonalvisionbanking- tW want to help you get from where you are oa towhere you want to be tomnorrow. Talk to us todav, I and tell us what your Personalision is. Complete the ballot below and you could I WN THE GRAND PRIZE 0F $19000 CIBC GIC* I S Simply bring this completed ballot into the CIBC ROSSLAND & GARDEN BANKING CENTRE. At CIBC, we're working riard to see what you see.I I CIBC PersonalVision" CONTESTI My ~Entering is Easy! No PurcIiase NJecesarv!I MyPersonalvision is:_______________ ________ NamneI StreetI I Apt. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CityI Prov. ___________P C ____________ IRes. Tel:()________ Bus. Tel: ( ________ 1 have read thle contest rules and agree ta be oound oy tiern. *Date ___________Signature_________________ Ari you a C BC Customr Yes NoJ I CIBC IVé Wse at wc. I KEY CONTEST FEATURES To enter, simply fNI out mis Ballot and bring ît inta the CIBC Rossland & Garden Banking Centre, 3050 Garden St., Whitby, Ont, 905-666-2146. Contest coses an June 30, 1994 Maximum one entry and prize per person. Open ta persans age 19 or Iver, resident in Canlada, except emplayees af CIBC graup, t companiies, The five prizes are - One Si,000 CIBC GIC * 1 vear term) . 4 Blue Javs tickets (Texas at Toronto, July 24. 1994, value $92), One annual family pass to the Metro 'Toronto Zoo (value S188)' One annuat tamity I Ipass to Cullen Gardens (value S60), Skill-testing question iequired Iomplete rules available at the Banksng Centre. 0Hered by CIBC Martgage Corpa 'atian a Subsdaiy of CIBC, and unconditionaiiy guaranleed by CIBCI L rd-mr of - - - - - - Good start for Whi*tby mdets WINGS -OÙ 1HE SUD! -RIBS 1/21b.-$3.94 Garlil Bread 1/21b.-$4.94 3/4 Ib.-$5.64 Chlcken Fîngers Ib$74 1 lb.$7.44 Caesar Salads 3/4 b-74 i I.-$.44 Veggle Sticks 1 Ib.-$9.64 i lI2Ibs.-$1O.94 Ppý u'C 12b .$ 44 3Ibs.-$1.44 2Ibs. $1 8.64 1 1