Loca hero page3 Business news pages 8-10 LOSSA gold page 17 Student tops mnhîs field page 20 ICiTZENS' ÇOMMrITEE Two mnembers dismissed for speakingsout By Mike Kowalski Two members of a Town- apponted citizens' committee haebeen disniissed for publicly questioning the committee's value. Joseph Buteon and David Robns were relieved of their duties last month on -the five- person committee which advises 'Town council on economic deve- 'Thetworeceived letters from Mayor Tom Edwards notifying them of council's decision to go with a smaller group. The letters were delivered shortly after their commenta about the committee's role appeared in the March 23 edition of Te Fre. Press. The letter stated that due to 'a «restructuri.ng,» the committee would operate with just three inembers until its term expires in November. «No explanation was offered,3 said Butson, a financial securi- ties consultant. «The letter was magnanimous, and thanked us for our positive contribution, but no explanation was given,» he said. «Call me cynical, but after it (original story) appeared in the paper, this happened.» Fomed two years ago, the comxittee's creation was a major plank of Edwards' 1991 election ,ai p1atfor Menbes.of the voluntary com- inittee -- which reports to council through economic development director Peter Lebel -- were cho- sen alter respondinir te a news- papradvertisement. Inaddition te Butson and Robins, the comnmittee includes Whitby automobile dealer Anne Nurse, John Duffy and Lynn Woods, president of the Whitby Cha2rbe of Commerce. In separate interviews for the March 23 story, Robins and But- son both felt that the committee has not heen allowed te fulfilI its mandate of advising council on how te attract business te SUR PAGE 9 By Mke Kowalsld A Whitby nurse was instru- mental in helping save the life of an elderly Oshawa woman last Weak. MaZureen Riddell, a sBor at Para-Med Hea'lth Servces, had te perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on a woman who fainted outside Para-Med's King Street East office on Wed- nes day. Riddell and fellow supervisor Lisa Hass kept the womsn alive until an ambulance could take ber to Oshawa General Hospital. "We were in the office havig lunch when a woman ran in and said an elderly woman had fain- ted on the sidewalk," Riddell recalled. '«Tree of us (Hass and mana- ger Wendy McKay) ran out the door. «Lisa and I approached the lady-and Wendy ran back te, cal 911." The woman whom Riddell estimated te te in ber early seventies, had por colouring and difficulty breathing. There was also a pool of blood near the woman's head from having struck it on the sidewalk, Riddell said. «We were at ber side when she took ber last breath,» said Rid- del]. "We initiated OPR and got her breathing but she stopped again. «We were able te revive her a second time but ber breathing was slow ani laboured.» By 'this time the ambulance arrived and the attendants took over, Riddell said. At no time did the woman regain consciousness. «(But) from what we heard, she's managing aIl right at OGH,» Riddel said Friday. 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ Good formy JOHN HUNTER was one of many eager bowlers who tumed out for opening day at the Whitby Lawn Bowling Cliub last week. See page 16 for more photos. PhoK» by MarkReesor, WhIby Free Pres 5M 4 Phony fundraising complaint hi Whitby t By Mike Kowaloid A local charity is advisin Whitby residents te be careful when gi*ving money te 'fundrai- sers' who knock at thefr doors. The Ajax office of the Heart and Strolce Foundation of Ontario receîved a complaint last week of sommoe selhing candy bars in Whitby, supposedly on behalf of the founation. The complaint was lodged by a West Lynde homeowner after she questioned a, «youngý fellow» on ber doorstep and did not accept his explanation. After calling the foundation's office, the woman learned that it was not engaging in any fun- draising activity of this kind in s Whitby. "We want people te under- stand that if anyons is doing fundraisig for Heart and Stroke the would be clearly identifled,» said Christina Kaichos area co- ordinater for Durbam West. Legtinat fndrisrswould have printedumaterial embla- zoned with the foundatiwn's log and be wearing a volunteer pin, Kalchos said. Since moot of the foundatîon's fundraising efforts involve people participating in some formn of physical activity and seekcing pledges, they would be carrying a sponsorship form, Kaîchos explained. The only exception would be if a group of neighbours held a yard sale or children decided to canvass their neighbourhood, Kaîchos said. «If they are doing it on their own they sbou Id contact the charity. We would give them information and identification,» she uaid. Kaichos said no charity wants te deter people froin raising money - «we're alway looking for volunteers» - but that proper procedure be followed.' "If youlre soliciting from the public, you should contact the offiÎce te get information and cre- dibility,» sbe advised. Nurse helps to save lite GAIR